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#1 Posted : 9/1/2010 9:02:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 258
Joined: 01-Sep-2010
Last visit: 02-Apr-2015
Hey All,

I've been browsing this site for at least 5 months now trying to absorb a good amount of the information all of you excellent people have been providing for some time. It is truly a gift that there is such a great community. I finally decided to register and try and get bumped up to member status so that perhaps I can offer information as I learn new things as well.

A little about me. I'm in my 30's now. I'm sure like a lot of people that stumble upon the world of psychedelics I wasn't 100% sure what I was getting into when I first tried LSD when I was 18 or so. I didn't blindly take it for a good time, I had read some stuff and it sounded really interesting but of course it is hard to understand till you have been there. I remember one friend saying "You will never be the same", and I got the feeling that this was a bad thing. Of course he was right, but I am glad of the fact! After the initiation I was practically forced to continue on a path of intense information gathering (I mean how could I not!). I started reading voraciously anything I could get my hands on. The internet wasn't close to what it is today, but LSD being much more common than the tryptamine of this sites name sake I still could find the typical stuff like the Leary/Alpert/Metzner work. I continued to experiment in college and for a few years after college. My main allies where LSD and Mushroom's with the occasional odd thing like 2CB or peyote. I don't even think I heard about DMT till late and it wasn't exactly something that was readily available. It had a more mythic feel to me back then. Like many I started out in a kind of recreational way. Not that I would use and go to parties and what not, it was always with just a few friends or solo. Without even planning on it my use turned more into a ritual like setting. Of course there were good times and bad, but I always felt like I learned a lot from some of the really bad times. I definitely quickly got over the naive "let's get fucked up" attitude that can happen to people that are into "drugs".

A little after college I just stopped with any use of psychedelics for no real specific reason. I even had some available. Just less free time and what not made it more difficult to find an appropriate set and setting. I'd say it's coming on 8 years since I've experimented with anything serious.

Having said that. I never lost my interest in the experience and have continued to be obsessed and reading all the new literature I can get my hands on. I've continued my search for "what the hell is going on" while trying to be as happy as possible. I think I found Robert Anton Wilson and Terrence McKenna at the end of my college career and the 2 of them have been my close literary/audio companions off and on ever since. I love the humor and insight that they show. I've spent a lot of the time since my days with the allies exploring the RAW world and reading people he was into and doing exercises and what not. I feel somewhat that this time off has been one huge integration phase for me. I feel a lot wiser than the earlier versions of myself and have been feeling the call back to the psychedelic world pretty strongly lately.

I think my main interest in DMT related things is Ayahuasca. I just feel that a longer gradual build up is more my style and will be easier to work with. However I do want to experience the blunt world of smoked DMT and 5-Meo-DMT at least a few times. And as per anything in my life I reserve the right to change my mind at any given time Smile. I am pleased to find a wealth of information so that I don't have to buy any street DMT (not that I would even know where to look). It is making me really interested in learning chemisty to the point where I may take some college classes and possible do a career switch. If/When I do decide to visit my allies again it will probably be in the more once every 6 months type plan this time around.

In related stuff I have also been obsessed with Lucid dreaming since probably my 2nd or 3rd year of college when I found out you can actually do things to allow yourself to have lucid dreams in a less random fashion and the ability to gain better control over them. I slacked for a while cause my sleep schedule was not conducive to them, but for the last year or so I have been able to fix that problem and re-kindled my quest to improve them.

I love a good sci-fi novel/comic and enjoy the Author's I think you would expect from someone with a love for the mind fuck. Phillip K Dick, Robert Anton Wilson, Neal Stephenson, Grant Morrison etc etc.

I think that is it for now. Look forward to talking with you on the forums.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/1/2010 10:57:40 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Last visit: 08-Feb-2024
Location: Where I need to be
Welcome on board Pleased

I am also very much into lucid dreaming and I feel like I lack the (sleep)time to work seriously with it Smile But it fascinates me nevertheless, with occasional lucid dreams here and there, what makes me wanting to make some real work out of it Razz
I took the red pill.
#3 Posted : 9/2/2010 4:55:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 258
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AstraLex wrote:
Welcome on board Pleased

I am also very much into lucid dreaming and I feel like I lack the (sleep)time to work seriously with it Smile But it fascinates me nevertheless, with occasional lucid dreams here and there, what makes me wanting to make some real work out of it Razz

Good to be here.

Funny enough I was browsing a thread here about Lucid Dreaming the day before I posted my introduction essay and that night had a very nice lucid dream, probably my first in a few weeks.

It is amazing to me how that initial transition from normal dream to lucid is still such a wonderful feeling. Back when I started the shock was so big that I rarely could stay in the dream for more than a few seconds once the realization happened.

I think I read somewhere that to help your chances of having a lucid dream you need to have a good 8-9 hours of sleep. I suppose that makes sense since your REM cycles get longer and longer over the course of the night.

There are some more recent tricks that people have developed to wake up a few hours before your normal wake up time and staying up for a bit before going back to bed so you can trick your body to sleep while your mind is still active. I'm not sure if you still need a full on nights sleep with that method. I have had success with it, but I am a really heavy sleeper and can snooze for hours so I usually don't play with this technique much.
#4 Posted : 9/2/2010 11:48:35 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Last visit: 08-Feb-2024
Location: Where I need to be
I tell you what Malaclypse! A few hours after I posted my reply to your post, I went to bed. But I had to wake up very early, so I have had less than 3 hours of sleep. And guess what – I have had a very bizarre (normal) dream and then… I became lucid! I started to touch all things around me to stabilize myself in the dream state and then I went on exploring.

This was one of the longest lucid dreams I have had in my life (out of 20-25 total), with lots of interactions with dream-characters and with an excellent dream-recall afterwards. It seems as if I remembered every detail. And in the end I somehow felt that I would need to leave soon, so I told to all characters in my dream with whom I was happily interacting – see you next time when I have a lucid dream! Beep-beep-beep – my alarm clock woke me up!

Totally unexpected, but extremely amazing Smile
I took the red pill.
#5 Posted : 9/3/2010 12:05:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Welcome to the Nexus! Very nice intro essay! There's a lot to relate to. RAW and Mckenna are indeed awesome for opening one's mind to a whole sort of different subjects and possibilities of connecting and reflecting about them. As always, we must remain critical about the ideas that come up, as it seems some people fall too blindly and take literally everything those thinkers say.

I think a lot of us also went through the phases of not giving due respect for these substances we are interested in, and later having learned through the enlightening 'hard' trips, as well as through life in general. I also enjoy when people join the forum after having already absorbed a certain amount of knowledge and having understood the attitude prevalent here. You seem like someone that will get along very well in this community Smile
#6 Posted : 9/3/2010 3:20:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 258
Joined: 01-Sep-2010
Last visit: 02-Apr-2015
AstraLex, nice. I have had this happen to me several times where I may not have been thinking about lucid dreaming for a while and then listen/read something and then I have a lucid dream that night. Just the act of focusing some attention on it seems to be a key to becoming lucid for me.

Endlessness wrote:
Welcome to the Nexus! Very nice intro essay! There's a lot to relate to. RAW and Mckenna are indeed awesome for opening one's mind to a whole sort of different subjects and possibilities of connecting and reflecting about them. As always, we must remain critical about the ideas that come up, as it seems some people fall too blindly and take literally everything those thinkers say.

Definitely! In fact that is one of the things that I really enjoy about both of them. They did their best to avoid the guru model and I felt like they were just two very smart friends of mine sharing information with me. I can see it being easier to fall into taking Terence to literally, but I think if you fully explore RAW's works and then take any thing he says without critical thinking then you pretty much missed what he was sharing. I like that both of them were more interested in direct experience and wouldn't expect you to just take what they say as fact. Instead (especially on the RAW side) they say "hey try this and then have an experience so that you can think about it".


I think a lot of us also went through the phases of not giving due respect for these substances we are interested in, and later having learned through the enlightening 'hard' trips, as well as through life in general. I also enjoy when people join the forum after having already absorbed a certain amount of knowledge and having understood the attitude prevalent here. You seem like someone that will get along very well in this community Smile

I have a feeling I will get a long as well. I have already poked through a lot of threads and like what I see in the way that people have been interacting with each other. In general there aren't that many heated arguments, people seem to be able to discuss different points of view without turning into ass holes. Of course there is probably some of that, but considering virtually every where else on the internet has that in a high percentage of content in forums or comments on blogs/you tube there is bound to be some of that from time to time.

I look forward to more discussion/information absorbing/information sharing in the future.
Blues Traveler
#7 Posted : 9/3/2010 11:17:38 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 21
Joined: 29-Aug-2010
Last visit: 03-Oct-2010
Location: san Francisco
I am a fairly new member here malaclypse, and all the people in this community share love and encouragement. It is something truly special. I hope to hear your experiences soon, the spirit molecule is truly amazing, and teaches us many things about ourselves. Peace and love.
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