SWIM consumes 150g of Cielo Caapi, X3 boils for 3 hours each and an equal quantity of fresh Viridis.
(was stood in the fridge overnight and filtered)
There was no watch in the room so there was no way to gauge time.
Once the feeling started to wash over me, there was another vision of two suns,made of waveform fractals, then they collided and burst into immense beauty.
Then there was no I, only the one. Infinite knowledge and love.
My stomach started to heave really suddenly, and some vomit got spilt on the carpet. (lucky it smells like sweet caapi)
Then i felt the need to shower, it was sensational, i started to chant mantras in the shower, and found that i could hit this amazingly solid high note which i never thought i could, it took much much deeper along the serpents back.
I was kneeling down with my head to the bath flood, (kinda like muslims do) and felt a sudden potentiation of the aya. I suddenly realised everyone in my life who I would like to influence at this time.
I walked into my roomate's room (1am) and asked him to ask me questions for it was not SWIM present.
He asked me, "what does the Buddha mean by emptiness?"
I said the very first thing that came to mind. "Many things, however. Emptiness is the key to fulfilment. Once everything is lost, there is everything to gain."
This followed by a bunch of other questions (most of which i can't remember at this time, will ask tomorrow)
It was quite incredible, it was not like it was I talking, the words just flowed through my mouth.
Perhaps it was the teachings of the plant spirit? Perhaps it was the collective consciousness? Perhaps it was just me tripping balls, all valid possibilities.
All in all, it was an amazing trip, perhaps not as visual as I expected, but the teachings were very profound.
I will now attempt to prove the validity of the experience by living my life the way I know best.
Peace and Love
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.
"Under the skin of our lives; somewhere deep and early, forgotten, we all share the same dreams"