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#1 Posted : 8/31/2010 1:35:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I believe my wife did not get much of her hit and I likely received the majority of her 20mg’s and my 20mg’s...but that is still only 40mgs. I’ve done 30 several times, but this blew me away. Perhaps I missed hyperspace? There were no aliens or worlds or comforts. I was scared…seriously scared. About 10-15 minutes into it my body began to shake. I was being tickled by an insect like create that I couldn’t see. I could only perceive him. This was not hyperspace..but more like the visions from shrooms. I kept asking “WHAT AM I”, but the creature was only interested in sending these massive waves of intense pleasure through my body…causing erratic twitches in every limb. I eventually succeeded in leaving the creature. I was after the light. I do DMT in search of the clear white light. I once merged with this light on mushrooms and it was the most awesome experience I’ve had in my 37 years. There is a God of sorts. Nirvana what ever you want to call it. It’s not a debate with me. I’ve seen it, I’ve felt it, I’ve died, and I’ve become it. When that happens talk of God is no longer and abstract concept for you. Anyway I’ve never even come close to that experience on DMT. I still have more work to do with DMT, but for now I still believe mushrooms are my natural plant ally.

Hello Joe...The above paragraph rings true with several experiences that I have had. Almost every time it was because even though I was measuring doses I was not clearing/cleaning the pipe in between. This can be very frightening as momentarily one doesnt know what is happening. Once I sat bolt upright gasping like a fish out of water and twisting back and forth as the sensation of folding inwardly on myself was over powering. My brain screamed at me "YOU DID DMT" and I actually forced myself to stand and slowly gathered my marbles. Everything around me had a cartoon appearance and while I felt quite normal everything in this reality had changed and I wondered if people everwhere were walking outside wondering what was happening. Very powerful medicine indeed.

And yes, no debate , for me the perfect and only breakthru is Nirvana, Heaven, becoming one with all that is, was and ever will be. Self realization that we are G?D experiencing itself , we are in fact eternal.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order..Jung
All above writing with the exception of Dr. Jung's quote is pure mushroom encrusted cowpie!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/31/2010 4:02:30 PM

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joedirt. I think what you have gone through is pretty normal. It seems to be a mix of things. First of all, mixing with alcohol is not recommended, even if its not being drunk. A lot of people claim to either have bad experiences (hyperspacial lesson?), or affecting the clarity of the experience, or affecting recollection. So I would suggest not drinking before taking DMT, even if it helps with anxiety a bit. A small hit before taking the full launch might also help remembering the somatic effects and therefore calming anxiety before going for the full dose. A light-moderate dose mushrooms and smoking DMT post-peak can also be great both for diminishing anxiety, as well as for the recollection and integration aspect (not to mention its beautiful beyond words)

The other thing is regarding the dosage. If you at some point get a vaporgenie as your smoking tool, you will see that even 30mg can be plenty for a breakthrough. Smoking it effectively significantly diminishes the dosage needed for breakthrough. So if you did have 30-40mg in it, and for some reason you smoked it more effectively than other times (easier on the lighter, took a stronger puff, held it for longer, whatever), it can easily explain such a strong experience. Lastly about the dosage, there seems to be a 'random' factor regarding the relation with dosage and the strenght of the experience, so that, even though generally there is a dose-dependent relationship, there are also a few exceptions where even smaller or similar dosages as other times can suddenly bring very intense experiences. I think most people that have smoked DMT a few times will have this happen to them at one point or another, to get suddenly a very strong experience with a small dosage. It certainly happened to me, I remember once loading same dosage as always which I clear in 3 inhalations, but this time the first inhalation already sent me to an unexpected full force breakthrough.

As for why you had that 'blackout' and later not remembering who you are and that you smoked dmt, I would say that is a mixture of having a normal breakthrough (which indeed makes you forget about yourself and just experience whatever happens like a newborn child), and possibly the bad recolection due to alcohol.

Also, I think the fact that you didnt expect that whole thing to happen made you freak out and not 'let go'.. You were probably struggling for your sanity, for things to make sense, and this made you not pay attention to what was happening, but rather be in this freakout state. So once that passed, you started being able to appreciate the visuals and thoughts and meditative state. If you set your intentions straight and let go from the beginning, a breakthrough can be undescribably blissful.

Did you read the integration part on our health and safety section? Some things there might help a bit.

I think that the important thing is that you now take your time, dedicate to normal life, be healthy, and do by all means ponder on what happen with DMT but also know that there are no final conclusions, neither about psychedelic experiences and neither about life in general. It is what you make it. And only do it again once you feel comfortable, dont push yourself unnecessarily.

Good luck, all the best!
#3 Posted : 8/31/2010 4:41:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Hi Joe,

When I first started smoking DMT, I would either get stuck in the pre-breakthrough geometry lands or overshoot and black out completely. I blacked out and forgot everything so often that I was pretty frustrated.

For me, the solution has been to smoke changa slowly, so I can observe the subtle changes in my perception, and know when to stop after having just the perfect amount. It is quite possible you took too much for your own threshold.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#4 Posted : 8/31/2010 6:12:15 PM

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cool joedirt! I agree about the respect regarding these plants and I think this is one of the diferential aspects of this community, that people here feel exactly this way. Smile

Regarding spice purity, did you look into limonene-based extractions? I would suggest BLAB (or other limonene-based teks. For example one could do 69ron's mescaline tek but instead of cactus, using mimosa, and once the salting part comes, follow the salting part described in BLAB tek). If you do the fumarate conversion, you can get pure white crystals, and you will have used foodgrade solvents and products, so that might be of interest to you.

Good luck with your future journeys and all the best with integration and life in general!
#5 Posted : 8/31/2010 7:15:22 PM

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psilocin extraction is known to be a tricky extraction though, you cant really compare it. Limonene works perfectly for mimosa and the crystals wont be retrieved from it direclty, as you can see in BLAB, they will be salted out (and later freebased if you want to smoke them). In any case, by all means follow what you feel is best for your way.

I dont understand though what you described when talking about psilocin extraction, about redissolving in acidic water, pulling with naphtha and freeze precip?? So you're saying that psilocin in salt form will be soluble in naphtha and precipitates in the freezer?
#6 Posted : 8/31/2010 8:08:09 PM

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Well something still doesnt make any sense to me. If you redissolve your dmt in an acidic extraction, your dmt will be in salt form and wont be soluble in naphtha.. Unless you are just forgetting one important part in your explanation, which is basically that you re-basify your acidified solution before pulling with naphtha.

Did you look at BLAB? There is no need to recrystallize your limonene extracted DMT with naphtha, if you follow the steps 4a and 5a (and 6-fumarates conversion), you can get pure white crystals without having to touch the petrochemicals. But even if you want to use naphtha all the way, why going through all the trouble of re-dissolving it, isnt it much easier and effective to just recrystallize straight away?

(just to note, I am just presenting an alternative way of thinking here, but do whatever you feel is best for your way, I by no means think what I suggest is the absolute best way or that you have to follow it Smile )

By the way, I understand that you feel that white crystals are the way for you to go, but do note that color is not necessarily a good indication of purity. There is no indication that smoking yellow crystal is in any way more unhealthy (depending on what the yellow is, of course). I have argued in this thread regarding this purity issue, maybe its of interest to you.

As for psilocin/psilocybin extraction, maybe a defat and then boiling methanol soak + freeze precipitation (and storage in the freezer inside the methanol) would work well, though I say this purely theoretically because I didnt have the opportunity to try it yet.. I would like to hear if someone could try this and see if it works.

Oh and, feel free to start posting in the rest of the forum now Pleased
#7 Posted : 8/31/2010 9:47:48 PM

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and if you dont mind continuing a good discussion, here I go again. Smile Hope not to annoy you but there's several things I need to comment on what you said

joedirt wrote:

yes it's easier, but the problem is that you then compound the amount of fuel additive. After the initial extraction you are left with a little bit fuel additive..that is locked inside your crystals. each subsequent recrystilzation will continue to have more fuel additive locked in it. yes the crystals get prettier and yes they are more pure than before, but the amount of fuel additive being preciped out is also increasing. What I did was simply redisolve all the spice back into acid water..basify, and then pull back our with much less Naptha.

I dont find much sense with what you are saying. What do you mean with "fuel additives" ? Does your naphtha have additives appart from volatile aliphatic hydrocarbons? If so, there is your problem and you should change the solvent.. If not, then I dont understand.. Unless you are calling naphtha itself as a 'fuel additive', which is pretty peculiar and still I dont follow the reasoning. Each subsequent recrystalization does not leave more solvent in your crystals, that doesnt make sense, because each time you recrystalize, you are dissolving the crystals (therefore breaking crystal latices and therefore 'untrapping' anything that might have been inside of them), and you are only using a minimum amount of solvent anyways (30ml per g of solvent, I bet you use way more when pulling from that mix you re-acidified and re-based), and later you recrystalize them again by freezing. So I dont see a sense in your reasoning but maybe im missing something...

Also, if you're worried about solvent trapped inside crystal formation, I dont see how doing what youre doing is gonna make any difference. The way to 'cure' that is to dry your retrieved crystals as much as possible, then redissolve them in a non-toxic solvent (such as non-denatured ethanol or USP grade acetone or something). This way when its redissolved in that non-toxic solvent, any small amounts of trapped naphtha (or whatever volatile solvent you are using and worried about) will spread out and be given time to evaporate fully as the non-toxic one evaporates. Easy easy Smile

joedirt wrote:

..but I do still have some D-limonene around and about 0.5 lb's of bark...so in a few months when I need more maybe I will check out the BLAB method...BTW I don't want to vaporize D-limonen either. It may be food grade, but it's not something I want in my lungs...

You dont need to vaporize D-limonene, there wont be any of it in your final product. Just look at the BLAB method and you'll see. The limonene is removed when salting out the alkaloids, and later on when you freebase them, you recrystalize them out of water so the only traces that would be there is of water and maybe of tiny amounts of sodium carbonate, which is non-toxic and doesnt vaporize at lighter temperatures but even if you wanted to get rid of it a simple dilute sodium carb solution or plain cold water wash will get rid of them Pleased

joedirt wrote:

I don't fully agree with you here. Pure DMT is white. Anything outside that color is impurity. However...you can certainly, and most likely do, have other impurities that are also white. The fuel additive is freezing..into a goo...I'll check out your other thread on it and add further comments about this if necessary...but for now I stand by my this statement. For a given extraction tech color can be a useful measure of purity...

Pure DMT is transparent. But even if we say that it is white, anything outside of that is not necessarily an impurity. For example, yellow can be dmt n-oxide, which is perfectly active and there's no reason to be affraid of it. Also, even if you have plant oils, there's no indication that they are any harmful. Unless of course you have a bad method of vaporization and you're actually smoking your product, but smoking anything is bad, which is why its so much more recommended to get something like the VaporGenie, so you'll only be vaporizing the wanted actives. But of course, if you dont like yellow for some personal reason, its your decision, but know that it is a subjective idea and not an objective measure of something being more harmful or bad in any way (in fact, you may be losing perfectly fine actives such as dmt n-oxide, as mentioned).

joedirt wrote:
The biggest problem most in this community have is the freeze precip step. If this was done much slower it would actually have time to build an effective concentration gradient you would only get the most abundant species out....has to be done slow though. Fridge works well if the amount of Naptha is reduced significantly. With the freeze preceip anything that freezes is falling out.

This part I really cant make sense of.. "concentration gradient to get most abundant species" ? heh? Species? Most abundant? Let me make a wild guess here... Are you talking about how the more saturated the solvent is, the more of your alkaloids will precipitate? Yes but thats pretty obvious, though it is more related to amounts and not to spice purity. As for doing a slow precipitation, the difference it will make is in the size of your crystals, you may have read this term in the forum several times, 'crystal growing'...

and lastly...

joedirt wrote:

he fuel additive is freezing..into a goo.

What?! What are you talking about... Fuel additive? I first thought you were talking about pure naphtha (= aliphatic hydrocarbons), but naphtha definitely doesnt freeze at freezer temperatures. So if you have something becoming a goo in your freezer, you are using some impure solvent which you should definitely avoid. Specially you who seem to care so much about your health, this seems like a contradiction to use a solvent with additives like this.

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