Hi friends,
This isn't so much an extraction question as a reagent preparation question, but it's all good eh?
Here goes: how many distillations would it take if distilling store-bought vodka (simple distillation in glass, just like if one were recovering methanol from a solution) to get from
A) cheap skanky 80 proof stuff
B) Everclear 151
to a clean 95% EtOH?
My guess is two passes, but that's a guess. It would be nice if it were only one but LB doubts that.
Another: does it help to use vacuum? (LB would think not, for EtOH... that H2O azeotrope is gonna happen anyway, and the congeners are too high boiling to come with the alc, no?) It seems to him that the EtOH is the lowest boiling thing in there, so it should be easy to take it off.
Anyone done this as a way of getting fairly cheap OTC ethanol?
Your friend from Galaxy X-946!