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New here, general introduction and some questions Options
#1 Posted : 8/24/2010 1:43:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey im Dosage, im from the UK i live in watford
Im looking to break new grounds for electronic music, i belive its a really pure genre of music that is more visual than it is audio, ive gained lots of understanding to how music affects people and the intention of some really big artists, a short way to put it would be to comunicate the infinite through complex patterns and rythms and precision engineering, and since all matter is atoms( or particles, correct me if im wrong) held together by frequency, music to me plays an extremly important role of bringing people together, and maybe if a music could be created that reminds people of who they really are, just like how sand falls together in shapes when vibrated at certain frequencys, we could get somewhere. I could go on forever about the deeper meaning to rythm, but i would be here for days. All of this occured to me on several breakthrough trips on LSD.
i joined here because it looks like the only place where anyone is going to make sense to me. i want to aquire some of my own dmt for further experimentation of music, it think it is the next step for me after a couple of lucid dreams that really opened my eyes up to whats possible. i have read several dmt trip reports and it seems to me, its nessecary to have a really good idea of what your trying to comunicate so if i witness whats actualy going on in the deepest levels your mind i might have some better understanding to what rythm really is etc.
Anyway im going to be doing my first dmt extraction soon, il be using Nomans tek and 250g powdered MHRB to start with, rosonol lighter fluid and 99 percent pure sodium hydroxide (caustic soda). all of which il be getting through ebay. Now my question is, i have a crockpot, how can i involve it with nomans procedure, and how much more water might i need with it, and is there any real benefits of using a crockpot in this method?

any help is apreciated, and if theres any muso's on here who feel they might be on the same level as me to what music really is, im really interested to hearing more peoples views on this!
cheers guys,
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/24/2010 7:27:21 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello Dosage, I am also new here and in an effort to contribute to this community, I will try to help with your questions and share my knowledge with you.

First: the Ronsonol brand (and other lighter fluids) are less pure than solvent types and you will probably wind up with contaminants (rust inhibiting chemicals) by using it. Since you're buying online anyway, you should be looking for the "VM&P" type, which is a paint solvent rather than a lighter fluid.

Second: you should be able to find a source of %100 lye online, though I don't think that will make as much of a difference as the choice in naptha.

Third: there are a few teks that use a crockpot, usually to cook an acidified MHRB mixture, however that isn't one of them. I understand that you're asking because you want to know if there is a benefit to integrating one you already have into this tek, but the fact that you don't know which solvents to get (it even says IN THE TEK not to use lighter fluid) or what the purpose of the crockpot in the other teks is, shows that you need to do a little more research before you go through with this.

This can be done relatively safely and easily if you understand the risks and take appropriate precautions. If you do this, PLEASE do it safely and make sure you understand why each step is done before you start to buy things. This board and others can teach you all you need to know.

BTW, paragraphs help us read and understand what your saying...

#3 Posted : 8/24/2010 7:48:09 PM

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swim did a fair bit of reading, and lots of people where getting good results from Ronsonol with Nomans tek. Some people said using the evaporation technique the lighter fluid completely evapourated, and also VM+P is a bit hard for swim to get here in the UK. swim then found some pages about using hot water baths with the nomans and getting increased yield, so he thought maybe a crockpot could be better, but if it isnt apropriate then it will not be used.

swim bought 250g 100% lye today, and 250g MHRB, and some lovely mason jars with airtight lids. none where from ebay as he decided against it. Will be expecting those shortly, but if theres any real objections to the ronsol, swim doesnt know what to say because theres lots of evidence its ok.
everything is just, happening.
#4 Posted : 8/24/2010 9:51:50 PM

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Im glad you didnt get all those supplies from ebay, good move.

Marsofold's tek uses a crockpot. Acolon_5 has also improvised a tek using it.

Why not split the MHRB in 2 batches of 100gr, do one Marsofold and one nomans, or do just one of them with 100gr. The best way for you is to experiment.

Ronsonol, Swann and Newport are all fine to useSmile , but do an evap test first on any new solvents you will be using, always.

By the way, extracting from 100gr bark should yield you atleast a gram of spice.

Happy extractions.
#5 Posted : 8/24/2010 10:50:48 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Good move getting %100 lye and not from ebay. I didn't mean to sound rude or offend earlier, I just wasn't sure how much you already knew about and I want you to have a safe journey. Your first post kinda sketched me out, but I feel ya now.

I have seen posts of people using the Ronsonol brand with good results but I figured that if you're going to order it you might want to get the right kind. If your getting it locally, and naphtha is unavailable in your corner of the world, I understand the choice to use lighter fluid.

I'd still recommend following the teks pretty closely, maybe using one of the two that gammagore suggested.

Good luck!

#6 Posted : 8/25/2010 12:56:30 AM

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nah its all bless swim just didnt word it out properly, not good with grammar lol. yeh swim thought screw ebay, and good idea about splitting it into two 100g batches, was thinking that earlier, 3 batches, 2x100g and 1x50g with differnt teks could be really good. swim gets the stuff in around 8 days and will post pics etc Smile
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#7 Posted : 8/25/2010 3:15:05 AM

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Ok swim decided, with the first 100g, hes going to follow nomans tek, evap the first pull on an extremly ideal falt glass baking tray he found, after about 6 hours of letting it stand(swim is riciculosly eager to crack on and smoke up) and freeze percip the rest of the pulls over a period of aroud 12 hours. the freeze percip pulls will be in the freezer for about 48 hours with constant checking. this is so swim can get experience of both methods, but mainly because he wants it straight away Smile of course if anyone thinks its pointless doing an evap it will all end up in the freezer.

Drawing conclusion from the first results will dictate what is done with the next 150g.
Does anyone think its maybe good to start with 50g and then do two more 100g batches? or just straight away go for the 100g option? swim would at least like 2 very fine doses for 2 average males to end their hunger which as been building ASAP without the risk of fucking the whole lot of the mhrb up, can this be done with an evaporation method using 50g mhrb? if swim is being impatient please let him know, but he belives the evap method is possible with the nomans tek with good yield right?
everything is just, happening.
#8 Posted : 8/25/2010 6:56:13 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Lol, a FOAF had the same feeling and went with the evap method on his first couple pulls. The evaps should get you smoke-able spice within 24 hours and although it's not as pure, it should be enough to hold you over. Just remember that it will ALWAYS take longer than one thinks... FOAF's first pulls used more naphtha than necessary (about 200ml on the first and 150ml on the second for ~250g bark) and it ended up taking close to 12 hrs for the first pull and 10 hrs for the second. Keep in mind this was in a 9" square pan with a fan blowing across the top the entire time. Dry it till there is no naphtha smell and then a good bit longer just to make sure. Make sure you're adequately venting this stuff because he will tell you; about two evaps is all he could handle, even with this thing right next to the window and the fan blowing out.

Remember to pick up a pair of ladies hose or stockings (or whatever you call them where you're at) that will slip over the tray. My FOAF got tired of rigging up a cheese cloth screen and covering it every time he checked on them (which was often btw Pleased) and after a couple hours there was so much fuzz floating around he started picking it out with tweezers... An alternative if you're already got some cheesecloth is to tape together a few pieces of cardboard into a frame and tape the cheesecloth to that, so that you have a "lid" of sorts that is easily replaceable.

As far as 50g vs 100g batches, you'll find that with small batches the ratio of spice that sticks to things and gets lost in the process will be higher, all things being equal. You just have to be more careful about getting everything out. My friend hasn't done the tek you've posted, but if all goes well you should be able to get two doses evapped out of your first pull of 50g bark, though it might be close. 100g should yield 2 doses on the first pull no prob.

Best case scenario is a yield of %1-%2 depending on the bark, but you may get less since it's your first time. My friend got close to %1 I believe. From 50g bark, that's approx. 500mg of spice. Split that into 3 pulls and you may get 2-300 mg on the first. Take out a bit to account for loss and you should still have enough, though it may be close.

The way I see it there are two scenarios; if you're more about experimenting with techniques, unsure of your lab skillz, or are just interested in the science of it, then do the 50g and two 100g batches. If you just want to "git'er dun" and be on about it, or your confident in your techniques, then do 100g and 150g batches.

Hope I could help!
#9 Posted : 8/25/2010 2:50:26 PM
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dosage wrote:
Hey im Dosage, im from the UK i live in watford

rosonol lighter fluid

Poundstores do newport lighter fuel.. only £1 and better than ronsonol
#10 Posted : 8/25/2010 4:32:58 PM

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t0kin wrote:
First: the Ronsonol brand (and other lighter fluids) are less pure than solvent types and you will probably wind up with contaminants (rust inhibiting chemicals) by using it. Since you're buying online anyway, you should be looking for the "VM&P" type, which is a paint solvent rather than a lighter fluid.

? Read the MSDS of this (at least the UK version) product and you will see that it is naphtha.
limoseen wrote:
Poundstores do newport lighter fuel.. only £1 and better than ronsonol

Te$co do Ronsonol for £1.10 and it comes in 133mL tins rather than the 100mL Newport and the rest come in.
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#11 Posted : 8/25/2010 5:13:42 PM

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its alright he got 3 tins of ronsonol at 1 pound each Very happy
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#12 Posted : 8/25/2010 6:17:04 PM
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d*l*b wrote:
? Read the MSDS of this (at least the UK version) product and you will see that it is naphtha.

Yea, yours is a little cleaner than what we have here. Weird that they would have different versions.
#13 Posted : 8/25/2010 7:28:10 PM

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he's getting powdered bark btw, so anyone have any good experience to how extra water should be used? also he was thinking maybe to use a little less of the naptha since its a small quantity?
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