Hi everyone!
I am a bit curious, has anyone ever heard of something called "Black Mambo"? My dad said it was a legal marijuana alternative--damiana flowers. This immediately made me think of things like Spice Gold that were being sold as herbal blends, but in reality were herbal blends sprayed with RCs. He said it also costs around $300/ounce USD.
Can anyone elucidate? Do you think this might be flowers infused with RCs? It sounds a bit suspicious to me. I've taken Damiana as a supplement, and never felt much of a shift.
He said it got him really high, and that it was supposed to not show up in a drug test.
In light of some of the recent panic threads regarding JWH compounds, too, I just want to make sure that my dad knows exactly what he's getting. He said he doesn't want to experiment with RCs.
On another note, it is incredibly awesome to finally have this kind of openness with my dad and I am going send him some links to other nice herbs, like Blue Lotus!
Thanks, Nexians.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test