So SWIM tried a q21 extraction.
Materials were as follows: ~150 g MHRB, Vinegar, lime, limonene (95%) / pure orange oil from orange peels, Fumaric acid, IPA, sodium carbonate (washing soda)
Followed the tek as written, I think. Shredded bark, added vinegar, added hot water, added lime until consistency was like thick mud, pretty chunky, like in the pics.
Put the limo in, stirred, pulled after ~ 1h.
Limo was kind of opaque which SWIM didn't really notice at first. SWIM put in the FASI and nothing happened. At least SWIM couldn't see anything happening. SWIM added about 150ml of FASI to maybe 250ml of limo and let it sit for some 20 hours or so.
The limo cleared and there was a rather fluffy emulsion layer, but no crystals. SWIM took off most of the clear stuff and checked to see if anything would precipitate out of it if more FASI was added - nothing.
SWIM let the fluffy stuff sit for a while longer, tried freezing it, but nothing had any effect on it.
SWIM decided to filter it and got as a result what looked like brown mud in the filter and beautifully clear limo/FASI mix.
SWIM didn't think this looked anything like what it should look like. Rather it looked like lumps of MHRB powder stuck together. SWIM tried redissolving the stuff in water, but it would not dissolve. SWIM filtered the water off again, thinking if there were any fumarates in the mud, then they must have gone into solution, so SWIM tried to freebase them using sodium carbonate, but again there was no clouding, nothing precipitated.
Yield = 0...
So - where did SWIM go wrong?
Honestly, the quality of the bark is questionable, since SWIM got it from shayana, and has heard of no one ever buying it from them. Also at least 1/3rd of it couldn't be properly powdered because SWIM's blender died. SWIM cut it up by hand (resulting in many blisters) and tried grinding it with a mortar, but this didn't work very well, meaning the powder was fairly coarse.
Otherwise the chemicals are what they say they are, I would guess. SWIM even tried a second pull and tried filtering the opaque limo that came from the pull. No precipitation whatsoever. No clouding when FASI was added.
Can anything be done with the brown mud that SWIM still has lying around?
Would appreciate some insight so SWIM's next run won't go quite as south as this one...
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
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