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pharmahuasca/smoked dmt to defeat opiate addictions? Options
#1 Posted : 8/20/2010 5:36:30 PM
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Anyone have any success using oral or smoked dmt to combat opiate addictions?? I have a pretty bad chronic pain problem, and got myself hooked on poppy pod tea and oxycodone..(like 80mg a day if i can get it)..anyhoo, i've been using kratom to deal with the pain/wd's and that does help a lot, but I still have that niggling worm in my head telling me I MUST have some oxy or pod tea (which is basically morphine and codeine along with a lot of other shit)..I really want off the opiates. I would be happy if I could manage with just kratom. I smoked some DMT last night with the intentions of "help me with my opiate addiction" and didnt really get any assistance that im aware of.. Actually, when I think of DMT space I get a perspective on things and opiates take a side line, but not totally.

I have smoked salvia and had no desire to do opiates for 2 whole days, but salvia scares the shit out of me. Maybe if I try a tincture??

Any thoughts on my little problem??
FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/20/2010 7:09:48 PM


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Your addiction is a physical addiction, thus replacing it with anything else won't do.
The short answer is, there is no easy way out of physical addictions.
My best advice to you is to do what smokers do when quitting cigarettes.
Either cold turkey if you have the willpower to be able to sustain that, or keep lowering dosage to the point where it becomes null.
Also I highly advise against using Ruehuasca/DMT until you are mentally able to give it the undivided attention it requires.

Best regards.
The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
~H. P. Lovecraft~
#3 Posted : 8/20/2010 7:23:31 PM
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I'm not trying to replace It. I'm trying to use DMT to see what the underlying mechanism is that keeps me entangled with opiates. To try and understand and overwrite the coding in my brain that drives me to seek opiate highs. So what do u think of that?
FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.
#4 Posted : 8/20/2010 8:40:25 PM


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My thoughts are, if it can be done away as easily as overwriting a mental code with DMT, why don't we see multitudes of reports on the subject?
While DMT might help you find and get in touch with deep seeded issues you have shoved away into your inner psyche, it won't help you transcend the basic instinctual needs. Sometimes you just have set your eyes to it and see it for what it is, not what you/others think or would like to think of it as. You can run laps and laps in your head to try and figure out the issue at hand; but sometimes its just as effective to just stop, drop, and quit.

Best regards.
The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
~H. P. Lovecraft~
corpus callosum
#5 Posted : 8/20/2010 9:42:56 PM

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There are certainly some Nexians here who have at some point in the past had woes with opiates, me included.Unfortunately, DMT is not capable of freeing the poppy afficionado from their plight as that state is an intriguing but soul-destroying mix of the physical and psychological.Once you have overcome the physical addiction DMT can steel the ex-addicts mental state to stave off relapse but unfortunately the pain of withdrawal must be conquered first.

One bit of advice I would give is if you can possibly stick to oxycodone rather than the poppy tea you would be making the path a little easier.Poppy tea consists of many different alkaloids many of which give longer physical withdrawal than say just oxycodone (or heroin or morphine for that matter).

Im sure I could give the OP much advice with his/her battle but to just start a thread here on the Nexus re the 'cure' is perhaps not appropriate.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#6 Posted : 8/20/2010 9:43:58 PM

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Have you looked into Iboga?
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#7 Posted : 8/20/2010 11:51:07 PM

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Salvinorin has actaully shown to curb cocaine addiction in rats..they will self administer the cocaine, but only util they administer salvinorin 1 time..after that they dont self administer the cocaine any longer..I know some do claim that it works for opiates as well..but like you said it is freaky..

I would try out low dose salvia quids..it can be very very nice an medative, and euphoric without sending you on a wild salvinorin journey.

Sounds like salvia is already helping somewhat..so I would try quids and just take them every day if you need to..if it helps you get off opiates Id say its worth it and you wont become physically dependent on the saliva.
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 8/21/2010 12:01:53 AM


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Fiashly wrote:
The short answer is, there is no easy way out of physical addictions.

Well in this case that is not entirely true. Ibogaine can greatly alleviate the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. It can also help with the psychological issues which underlie addiction, if addiction it is. Just being opiate dependant is not synonymous with addiction however, at least I don’t think so. Addiction involves other compulsive and obsessive thoughts and behaviors. People who become opiate dependant because of pain medication do not always exhibit the same types of psychological and behavioral symptoms of a drug addict.

[quote=corpus callosum]

I had no idea about this.
I am proven wrong in the most positive way imaginable.
Also had no idea about the Salvia working like that either.

There is much to learn.
The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
~H. P. Lovecraft~
#9 Posted : 8/21/2010 5:57:53 PM
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I consider my self more as a dependent than an addict. Anyhow, thanks for the support and suggestions. I'm gonna try a mod dose of pharma Tuesday and ask it to find the root of my pain which I have a feeling is mostly in my head. I will also use saliva quids to help with the dependence. There's a lot of research out there trying to use DMT to deal w issues like this. I just want you folks to know I'm not some kind of raging addict. I just don't want to b dependent on narcs for the rest of my life you know?
FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.
#10 Posted : 9/2/2010 1:17:30 PM

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Found this paper about salvinorin and opiates in Sphere website:
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#11 Posted : 9/2/2010 4:47:34 PM

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I was a heroin addict for about 9 years, I am 100% free of it now & DMT did help, but not in any kind of direct way!!
It helped create a fresh mindset for me that allowed me to look at who I was & what I was doing, from outside of doing it.
I realized how I was being manipulated by a fucking chemical & how much money & more importantly how much love I threw away & spit at, just to make sure I didn't feel like shit!! How goddamn stupid is that!

But DMT nor Salvia solved anything!
All revelations about my condition where on me...usually days/weeks/months after have the actual experience.
You already seem to be aware of your problem enough to deal with it. Just don't let yourself think you don't have a problem, or that its not bigger than what you can handle...because that is a sure fire way to let it spiral out of control before you know it!

Caen is absolutely correct in his posts!!
There is no other substance, there is no other quick way out & there is surely no other person who is going to get you clean except you & your desire to not be caught under the thumb of that dirty, dirty shit!!!

There is really no difference between a hard core street junkie (I'm assuming that is what you meant by "raging addict" ) who shoots heroin a few times a day & someone who takes a few pills, or downs a few cups of poppy tea everyday...except maybe the fact that the street junkie has a much harder time convincing himself that he is not an addict.
But the two are filling the same need & both are in for the same physical & mental anguish when they run out.
Another difference is that most people taking opiate pills, have the money to continue taking more & more as the tolerance grows & destroys the person!
A street junkie can't do that, so although it may seem backwards, they usually do not have as large of a habit as the person getting prescriptions from a doctor. Although they have given into the addiction 100% and are usually prepared to just deal with it, till it kills them in one way or another.

Same addiction...just different clothes on the addict.

BTW, being a "dependent" of opiates is just another term for being an addict!!
And a rationalization!! (be careful of rationalizing this)
If you are experiencing pain & mental nagging from it when you don't have any in your system...
I'm here to inform you that yes, you are an addict.

But once you are aware of this & have come to terms with it, you are now able to begin digging your way out!!

Please remember though, that is no other substance out there that is going to fix you, there is no magic switch...not even Iboga...only you are going to fix you, nothing else!
Or your not....
Iboga might help out, for a moment, but this is something you are going to be dealing with for years to come, probably the rest of your life.
So to put your hopes in some other chemical substance showing you the reasons why you have addictive tendencies buried inside you & expecting that to magically turn off an addiction switch, is very naive!! And dangerous!
Fact is you already know what your doing is bad for you physically & mentally, & you apparently feel there are emotions/past experiences that you are attempting to dull with this, or you wouldn't have posted the things you did. You don't need any other drug to do this for you, it would only nudge you a bit anyway!
The work is on you alone so carry that!

There are a number of meds out there to help with the physical pain, methadone, Suboxone, but these only deal with the physical pain!! The deep seeded reason behind why you have these tendencies is gonna take time to sort out.
But first, you will need to get your head clear so you can actually think about these things & deal with them, without running to cover them back up with more opiates, once they begin to show themselves!

I say all of this with the hopes that you will get straight with yourself, this is not an easy thing, you have to steel yourself & just do it!!! And it may not work the first time...people have relapses 5-10 years after "defeating" an opiate addiction. Keep trying!
The physical pain is probably the most horrible thing I have ever experienced in my life, but it's that long lasting, nagging mental need that will cause you to forget all about the pain you suffered through & think "oh I haven't done any opiates in a few weeks, I can try just a little tonight....I'm not an addict, I'm not even "dependent" on it anymore." ...Just another rationalization!
It will keep coming back to see if you'll give in, for years to come....trust me on that one!

Opiates are a money making miracle product for those who sell them...nothing more!!!
poppy pods, Oxycontin, Oxycodone, Herion, Morphine, they are all the same thing...a dirty fucking opiate habit, bleeding money!

Good luck to you Praline, if you have any questions, if you want any advice, or just need a cheering section feel free to PM me...don't do this alone! Trust me, it only makes it harder!
Each time you do more opiates, your just starting over again!! Don't let that keep happening.
Get started today!!


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#12 Posted : 9/2/2010 8:12:18 PM

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Fiashly wrote:
You are wrong about ibogaine WSaged, clearly you never took it to get off of opiates. You can get upwards of 90% reduction in withdrawal symptoms often including relief from cravings and obsessive thinking, but perhaps most importantly also from the horrendous depression that accompanies opiate withdrawal. But you are correct in that it does not "fix" the problem of addiction....

Sounds to me like we agree completely then...

I have used Ibogain.
It can help spur on the change, but anyone planning to use DMT, Salvia, or even Ibogain to "defeat" an opiate addiction is not seeing the whole picture.
It really bothers me when I see posts about "using" any psychedelic to try & "cure" a narcotics addiction, when they make it seem like the drug is actually doing the work....instead of the person working through it.
That kind of thinking keeps a person waiting on something other than their own will power to release them.
And it just does not happen that way!
This shit is hard for most people...in fact most opiate addicts never get completely away from them.

And a person who is saying things like:
"I consider my self more as a dependent than an addict."
Needs a stark dose of reality in this situation!!! Because the self-rationalizing has set in!

Opiates make dependent addicts...that's what they do!
Playing with them, with the idea that the addiction can be shut off with some other drug, or 12-stepped away once you think you've had enough, is a direct path to a long hard life as an addict!

BTW I did not mean to sound like I was suggesting Methadone or Suboxin as a cure either, those things are even worse!!
And Fucking expensive!! ...Thanks DocConfused
Goddamn opiates suck!!!

sorry for the rant....Embarrased
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
corpus callosum
#13 Posted : 9/2/2010 8:58:15 PM

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I agree totally with those who say that having to quit methadone is a whole lot more unpleasant than say a heroin/oxycodone habit but I think buprenorphine (ingredient in subutex/suboxone) is not as bad as methadone despite it also being a long acting compound.Its not as bad as methadone as it has only a partial agonist effect on the mu receptor and from my chats with alot of people who have been maintained on this before quitting, they say the 'rattle' from it is not as unpleasant as methadone.

Its also generally true that the shorter-acting opioids have a shorter acute withdrawal period than the longer acting preps but with the advent of super-potent opiods such as fentanyl, we now have short-acting compounds with a withdrawal period longer than one would expect from its duration of action.

There is no easy way out of an opiate habit but ibogaine can help immensely; speaking from personal experience doing a straight cold turkey seems to teach a lesson which sticks and lingers hence giving you a better chance of not screwing up again, simply to never have to experience such physical and psychological anguish ever again.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#14 Posted : 9/3/2010 6:34:29 PM
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Hello People! I am doing quite good over here. Almost 2 weeks of being clean. The worst is the depression and boredom.

I want to emphasize that I didn't want to use DMT as a cure all or replacement for opiate addiction. And yes, I will admit, I am (was) addicted and still have a ways to go. The thing is, whenever I feel down about anything, when I think of DMT space and the elves, it gives me the strength to carry on sober. The elves have told me many times everything is ok and to trust them and they will help me. On my pharma trip, right at the end, I asked about my pain and addiction and they replied "Now for our last trick!!" in this happy way of theirs and this big tower spitting out blobs of energy appeared. IDK, but I though they were messing around, but here it is 2 weeks later, and I feel a lot better. The DMT is not a cure, the DMT gives me the power for my self and my spirit to kick the negativity from my life. I am willing to do the work, but sometimes, a little help from the "other side" is necessary. The spice helps me visualize the changes I want to make in my life. Please understand Im not looking for an easy way out. I know I have to pay the piper and thats ok. I almost went to a suboxone doc, and the night before I smoked a tiny bit of spice and the first thing it said was "You don't need that" and sure enough, everything seems to be working out. Difficult, yes, but not impossible.

Now I am having problems in my relationship of almost a year. But thats another story. That's life.

Thank you people so much for helping me out. I actually had a dream last night that I met some of you in real life and we were hanging out playing cards in a backyard! It seriously means a lot to me.

FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.
corpus callosum
#15 Posted : 9/3/2010 8:20:18 PM

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Keep on marching Praline-sounds like you're doing well.

You should by now be feeling quite alot better-boredom/depression/torpor aside!; next thing to hit you may well be some emotional lability with little insignificant things making you tearful etc.Console yourself with the fact that all this will pass- it took me pretty much exactly 6 weeks from the last hit to be over 95% better.Keep up the good workSmile
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

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