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Possibly taking a small dose of DMT daily? Options
#1 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:08:16 AM

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Sounds like an odd topic but, SWIM smoked DMT about 10 times last month out of the bowl (he didn't have anything else to smoke out of) that he uses to smoke weed in. He ran out of weed for a bit and was taking resin hits for s couple days. Appearently all the resin had been saturated with DMT. Everytime he smoked some of the resin he got a small dose of DMT with it. The dose wasn't enough to take him to another dimension or anything like that but it was enough to know what you had just taken and have a small effect. SWIM felt really good for the rest of the day on those days and also got weird but cool like almost realizations throughout the day that this world isn't real, just from a certain sound you hear or something you see, hard to explain it really. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts to taking possibly a very very small dose of it daily? Or if anyone has any experiences of doing it for a long time daily? Any side effects or anything you noticed different.
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

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#2 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:19:07 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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No point in doing this.
You will find yourself creating a "habit".
DMT is to be respected.
If you want to respect DMT you have to use it, when you are in resonance with it.

Please do DMT when it "calls" you.

Think of it like this: You want to use this substance as a learning tool, not as a moodlifter
elusive illusion
#3 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:39:32 AM

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I believe Mr. DMT is correct.
I have felt the call many times and let myself down as I have had some apprehension w/ the Spirit Molecule in the past.
Then I started to answer the call and was amazed every time and felt like I had bettered myself.
When I have gone at it in an offhand way or hit it because I thought it was just my fear saying no and kinda thought I should force myself and those times have felt icky and I have felt that I had come w/ the wrong mindset and intention and that I was being told that I was wrong.
Luckily those times the feeling of wrongness came on so quickly that I didn't smoke much as I dread what a larger dosed sour trip might be like.

Some people have felt that taking small doses of mushrooms regularly has helped them with things or w/ cluster headaches but DMT seems to have a very strong personality to it ( not that the other teachers don't ) and reacts harshly/poorly to those that have no respect or take it lightly.
#4 Posted : 8/15/2010 6:36:16 AM

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For a two week period this summer I took a single weak hit of changa every night after yoga and meditation....just enough for extremely minor CEVs while falling asleep.
All dreams were enhanced and seemed to carry greater meaning. I would wake after 4 hours of sleep, feeling like I had 8, and enjoy extremely peaceful mornings of mental calm.

It wasn't so much of a calling as an it was exercise of continual integration. I found this two weeks to be extremely beneficial and the effects of this use have carried past the experience itself. Any longer than two weeks may have been detrimental, but the spirit was very supportive during this whole experiment.

I think DMT should definitely be respected, but too often it seems to be idolized. Spice is the tool, not the destination...and dosage and intention matters. The molecule is ever present in our bodies...it is part of us, an enabler, not an external source.

DMT is the key to the our innate door...what is behind the door is what deserves the greatest respect, and you can choose how far to open that door.
#5 Posted : 8/15/2010 6:58:29 AM

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I have to agree with Eden. "Respecting DMT" is important indeed, but it is a metaphor for respecting the experience, respecting yourself, respecting life. No other rule exists on how you should use this substance. I was surprised to find out that some people here trip on a daily basis. They seem fine in writing. I say try it out for yourself, and if it feels wrong, stop.
SWIM is Spartacus!

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#6 Posted : 8/15/2010 7:35:42 AM

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For all I know, what I'm about to say has no validity at all, but it seems to me if you were to consume DMT everyday, it might lead to a type of "auto-suggestion" response in the pineal gland out of the habitual nature of use. So in other words, I think it might lead to over-stimulation of the pineal to the point where you may be going about your day and have unwelcome, schizophrenic-like reactions, even on days when you didn't take any DMT.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#7 Posted : 8/15/2010 7:49:14 AM

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gobalswg wrote:
For all I know, what I'm about to say has no validity at all, but it seems to me if you were to consume DMT everyday, it might lead to a type of "auto-suggestion" response in the pineal gland out of the habitual nature of use. So in other words, I think it might lead to over-stimulation of the pineal to the point where you may be going about your day and have unwelcome, schizophrenic-like reactions, even on days when you didn't take any DMT.

That is just theory or partly experience?
elusive illusion
#8 Posted : 8/15/2010 8:04:15 AM

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It's not so much that taking everyday is disrespectful. I have smoked some 4 out of the last 6 days. After months of not touching it.
I just don't think that the benefits of DMT can be added like a vitamin supplement.
I mean if you feel like smoking it everynight and all keeps going swimmingly then great. I took tonight off as last night it seemed the visions were reluctant to come and I wondered if I should have taken a pass. But then at the end as I as laying down I felt the need to see what was left in the pipe and lay on my back and while had no real visuals, felt as if I had made some sort of personal progress.
Tonight I just don't have it in me to attempt it even though reading of others amazing, and much further along, experiences had made me think about it for a bit just realized that tonight I don't feel called am going to go w/ my gut and take a night off.
I do hope that I feel like it tomorrow tho. SOme reading in the lexicon has given me insight into that which I might encounter and am stoked. Sub breakthrough CEVs are so intensely amazing that there is a lot more to experience is something to wrap ones head around.
#9 Posted : 8/15/2010 12:49:49 PM

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Mr_DMT wrote:
gobalswg wrote:
For all I know, what I'm about to say has no validity at all, but it seems to me if you were to consume DMT everyday, it might lead to a type of "auto-suggestion" response in the pineal gland out of the habitual nature of use. So in other words, I think it might lead to over-stimulation of the pineal to the point where you may be going about your day and have unwelcome, schizophrenic-like reactions, even on days when you didn't take any DMT.

That is just theory or partly experience?

It's probably just out of paranoia from when I heard the cuckoo voices last time I took aya. Wouldn't want that aspect of the trip in my every day life, but no, it's mostly just theory. I mean if you can entrain your brain with light and sound with mind-machines and the like, it doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to entrain it to release (or metabolize, or whatever it actually does) a little more DMT during the day when it's not supposed to be.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#10 Posted : 8/15/2010 12:54:24 PM
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Mr_DMT wrote:
gobalswg wrote:
For all I know, what I'm about to say has no validity at all, but it seems to me if you were to consume DMT everyday, it might lead to a type of "auto-suggestion" response in the pineal gland out of the habitual nature of use. So in other words, I think it might lead to over-stimulation of the pineal to the point where you may be going about your day and have unwelcome, schizophrenic-like reactions, even on days when you didn't take any DMT.

That is just theory or partly experience?

I also have this same question. How do you incorporate the pineal gland into this statement?

Mr_DMT wrote:
No point in doing this.
You will find yourself creating a "habit".
DMT is to be respected.
If you want to respect DMT you have to use it, when you are in resonance with it.

Please do DMT when it "calls" you.

Think of it like this: You want to use this substance as a learning tool, not as a moodlifter

I couldn't have said it better myself. Get a pipe used solely for DMT and nothing else. To answer the question, I can't really see any long term effects either positive or negative from daily use in small doses. However, spice should not be used as a nootropic.
Anything stated above is a work of pure fiction. The delusional author is writing a story about his imaginary friends. The author does not condone nor participate in any illegal activities. Anything said by the author should not be attempted, taken seriously, or believed. Enjoy the story.

It seems like everyone is sleep-walking through their waking state or wake-walking through their dreams. -Waking Life
#11 Posted : 8/15/2010 1:28:02 PM

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x1balba wrote:
However, spice should not be used as a nootropic.

Why not? If you get some positive results out of microdosing with DMT, why not do it?

I've read so many threads about people microdosing with caapi with really positive results and no one accused them of disrespect. I don't see how DMT is different.

Also I don't think 1 small dose a day constitutes a habit worth worrying about. If you were smoking it every hour of every day, then I may start to worry.
#12 Posted : 8/15/2010 2:04:57 PM
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soulfood wrote:
x1balba wrote:
However, spice should not be used as a nootropic.

Why not? If you get some positive results out of microdosing with DMT, why not do it?

I've read so many threads about people microdosing with caapi with really positive results and no one accused them of disrespect. I don't see how DMT is different.

I agree with what Mr_DMT said, it should be used as a learning tool, not a moodlifter. I don't believe there's any worry regarding physical dependence, but with the wrong person the effects over time could be problematic. I'm not aware of any evidence supporting this, and I may be totally wrong. I personally wouldn't use any psychedelic as a nootropic for an extended period of time.
Anything stated above is a work of pure fiction. The delusional author is writing a story about his imaginary friends. The author does not condone nor participate in any illegal activities. Anything said by the author should not be attempted, taken seriously, or believed. Enjoy the story.

It seems like everyone is sleep-walking through their waking state or wake-walking through their dreams. -Waking Life
#13 Posted : 8/15/2010 3:36:04 PM

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x1balba wrote:

I agree with what Mr_DMT said, it should be used as a learning tool, not a moodlifter. I don't believe there's any worry regarding physical dependence, but with the wrong person the effects over time could be problematic. I'm not aware of any evidence supporting this, and I may be totally wrong. I personally wouldn't use any psychedelic as a nootropic for an extended period of time.

You really think one small dose of DMT a day is going to be problematic? We're talking a very short duration at a tiny dose here where it's mainly a very small afterglow that integrates into the rest of the day rather than a full blown psychedelic experience. I think there's going to be way less negative effect than for example, daily cannabis use.

Also all this "with the wrong person" stuff is just an easy shortcut avoiding the question. How many of us are actually that wrong person? I'd guess at a very small percentage and I'd also guess that that wrong person would be at far greater risk blasting off with 50-60mg once, than having small 10mg doses daily.
#14 Posted : 8/15/2010 4:36:46 PM

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Well.. I certainly plan on it. I plan on drinking ayahuasca every day for a month..starting with a full dose I drank last night, followed by mini doses of caapi and mimosa every night, and one full dose once a week..along with a very strict, very limited diet. Im sure I will be just fine.

My only concern is that I need to work 5 days a week as well..but I dont think the low doses durring the week will effect that..maybe I will have more energy.
Long live the unwoke.
#15 Posted : 8/15/2010 4:38:15 PM

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Although physically a small dose like that daily probably won't have any negative effects, you have to wonder what your motivations for making this into a daily routine really are. Most likely, any mood uplift / difference in sleep quality is simply placebo effect.

We only meet so many psychoactive compounds in our life... do you really want to reduce DMT to the level of a caffeine, pick-me-up type of relationship?
#16 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:21:34 PM

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Do you think if you did take a small dose everyday that maybe your body would quit producing it naturally though? Like if someone takes steroids or something, their body produces less testosterone or some of the other things that if you take something your body produces too much, the body cuts down how much it produces on it's own?
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." Oscar Wilde
#17 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:33:30 PM

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Not really, we're talking about two different classes of chemicals here. Although it's clear that DMT is present in the human brain, it's not really known when it's produced, how frequently, and what triggers production. It's likely that endrogenous DMT production is not a regular event, but triggered by certain physiological conditions.
#18 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:42:55 PM

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Pesma wrote:

We only meet so many psychoactive compounds in our life... do you really want to reduce DMT to the level of a caffeine, pick-me-up type of relationship?

You can't dictate other folk relationships with substances based on your own values also. At the end of that day that's all it is. Just another substance.
#19 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:43:49 PM

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"Not really, we're talking about two different classes of chemicals here. Although it's clear that DMT is present in the human brain, it's not really known when it's produced, how frequently, and what triggers production. It's likely that endrogenous DMT production is not a regular event, but triggered by certain physiological conditions."

In fact it's not clear that it IS produced in the human body. It can be found there, but that doesn't mean it is produced there. Apparently one of the building blocks is still missing to even suggest that with confidence.
SWIM is Spartacus!

The things posted on DMT-Nexus by Shayku are generally false. They are for entertainment purposes only.
#20 Posted : 8/15/2010 5:48:16 PM

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Pesma wrote:
Although physically a small dose like that daily probably won't have any negative effects, you have to wonder what your motivations for making this into a daily routine really are. Most likely, any mood uplift / difference in sleep quality is simply placebo effect.

We only meet so many psychoactive compounds in our life... do you really want to reduce DMT to the level of a caffeine, pick-me-up type of relationship?

I have to agree.
Aya, Santo D'aime or smoked DMT can be used often if needed but I don't think it is something to taken like a supplement or as a morning coffee. Just don't think the healing is in that kind of administration.
especially a substance that can sometimes be more beautiful than words can describe and others be dark and scary.

But I am interested to hear how it works for those that try it. I had similar thoughts about just taking small doses to try and help me get into DMT and lose my trepidation. It did not work. I had to answer the call w/ a real attempt and then I got results.

BUt this is all just my random thoughts on the subject. I am no expert in any way. Laughing
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