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What to do with my teen? Options
#61 Posted : 8/14/2010 1:43:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
Obviously you druggies are going to point towards this stuff being safe, could you back that up with clinical studies or trials? I just want to know whats best for her and for her to be safe.

You say obviously us "druggies" are going to say dmt is safe, and you want clinical studies or trials. All clinical studies and trials do is collect data from people who use the drug. The people here are the ones who use the drug. You're getting a direct source here, so I don't know why you would immediately discount "druggies" as a source of information, when it comes to the effect that a particular substance has on THEM personally. The thing about reading from a community board such as this, is you get the FULL story on these substances. You don't just get statistics compiled that answer a few select questions. You get the full picture here. You can read peoples followups to their experiences. If you have specific questions, you can ask people yourself. You can do your own study if you want. If you have a particular question, you can make a poll here and get your own stats. What specific questions do you have? You can read peoples experiences in the experience section, and then ask them a question yourself.

You can browse through the dmt nexus and easily come to a fairly reasonable conclusion.

You will see most people claim dmt has had a positive effect on them, is an incredible experience unlike anything they've ever felt before.

You will see some people complain of temporary side effects like nausea, drymouth, trouble sleeping, easily sleeping, diarhea. Basically, side effects that are common with everything.

Some people will say that they had a bad trip on dmt and it affected them psycholoigcally. These people don't want to do dmt again. Some people.

What you won't see very much of is people saying they took so much dmt that it permanently physically damaged them. You won't see many people talking about hospital visits they have had to take after using dmt. You won't see many people making posts of dmt related deaths. You will see these kinds of things for alcohol use. Liver damage, brain damage, memory damage, death, etc. I'm not making the point that dmt is superior to alcohol. I'm making the point that everything has inherent risks, and any intelligent person, if they read enough about dmt, and psychedelics in general, can figure out that these substances are not particularly physically harmful. But, go ahead and read about it for yourself. If you can find lots of accounts out there of people who are taking dmt and developing some kind of physical trauma, I'd like to see them.

On the other hand, who knows how a person will be affected psychologically after taking dmt. It has a powerful psychological effect. It's up to a person to decide whether or not they want to expose themselves to such a thing.

Also, if your kid really is 17, they are underage, and no one here can support their taking of dmt.

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#62 Posted : 8/14/2010 1:45:02 AM

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Welcome to the Nexus, StatueCryBleedingSmile !

Interesting OP which raises a myriad of issues.

First of all, you state your daughter has been visiting this site and wishes to try DMT.Did she draw your attention to this sites' existence after you had caught her ordering bark, or had you discussed this before?

Her reason for wishing to try DMT is because it is a unique experience and she wishes to open and explore her mind; she also maintains that she doesnt smoke pot or drink alcohol , and hence this 'justifies' the use of this drug.This seems like the stance of someone who may well have considered using (or actually used) some other substances.This doesnt strike me as a position which has much credibility.

Your reference to us Nexians as druggies prefixed with the word 'obviously' does imply that in some respects you have reached a conclusion on the nature of our stance on this substance, and perhaps our characters too.I hope, having perused the replies you have received, that you have reconsidered your opinion.'Druggies', when used in common parlance is a term loaded with negative connotations and if your usage of this term is in this regard then i would suggest you are mistaken.

The lumping together of all ilicit drugs together as wholly negative and the remit of those prone to self-indulgence is the conventional view which is wholly propogated by the powers that be and is responsible for this misapprehension.The people who have tried the various ilicit substances will attest to the fact that there is a world of differenece between these various drugs, and clearly some are more worthy of this description than others.

Psychedelics, and DMT in particular, are in my opinion not deserving of such a characterisation.This is not to say that they dont have the capacity to have negative effects on some users because they certainly do.Part of the attraction of DMT is how it defies accurate description in words and the trip reports (especially the positive ones) do make them seem attractive and alluring but the effects it imparts are such that only after having tried them can one begin to relate to the descriptions offered.

They can shake the foundations of all that makes up ones internal framework and beliefs and this can be a positive or a negative thing."Shake the foundations.....internal framework" is a good example of this as it sounds profound and worth checking out;nebulous words for the uninitiated. But truly, many people alot older and more experienced than your daughter will never be ready to undergo this.again, sounds alluring does it not?

If your daughter is ordering bark at the age of 17 then I suspect her intent is serious and she will end up trying it at some point with or without your blessing.

I think using DMT demands a level of maturity which you will generally not find in teenagers.One may be more mature than others of the same age but maturity is not an all or nothing affair; it is just one of the facts of life that she will be more mature a few years down the line.Im talking about a more 'holistic' kind of maturity which comes (to most people) as they get older and have more life experience.

If someone were to 'peer review' the issue of using DMT in a positive fashion than the best conclusion (to my way of thinking) is to affirm that being in a rush to sample this unique experience is not the best way to go.

If you truly want to know what your daughter wishes to experience then perhaps you should try it yourself first and maybe then you will have a better idea of whether or not somebody aged 17 should be going through something like this.I believe she is too young for this at the age of 17.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#63 Posted : 8/14/2010 1:50:38 AM


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That was just your dad relating your words to the forum that is all!. Also um you may want to refrain from using proper given names when discussing this any substances.

Also, do you REALLY know what your are getting into? Do you know anyone who has done this? Do you have any chemistry experience at all? Have you looked over extraction texts? I REALLY don't want to see anyone hurt by this substance. It is an amazingly strong one. I'm glad to see you've acquiesced to your fathers wishes though. Safe travels.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#64 Posted : 8/14/2010 2:12:14 AM


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To be honest, i still really want to try it. ive been reading extraction teks, listening to timmothy leary and terrence mckenna, ive read pihkal and plenty of trip reports. i think at one point i had the nexus as one of my homepages XD

But, im realising that the inherent risks may not be worth it and that maybe i should wait. it's a shame, i was almost like 100% sure i was ready.

i really wanted to expereince hyperspace because i want to learn. i want to learn more about the world and about myself. to me my brain is a hgiant mystery waiting to be unlocked. Hell i am me and i still dont know that much about myself. i was hoping an experience could teach me about my mind so i can apply what ive learned and apply it in real life. im aware of the possible terror and horror but in some ways im looking forward to it. it seems like most people agree, bad trips teach you alot about your inner demonds and are the best teachers.

i dunno if i want to try other phycedelics because first because that would require me to deal with drug dealers and thats something id rather avoid. I dont smoke cannabis or drink alcohol because i dont see the point. There is nothing to gain in them. Nothing longterm to gain.

Penguin <3 Panda
#65 Posted : 8/14/2010 2:19:22 AM


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You can definitely find legal ways to order things off the internet that will eventually give you psilocin and mescaline (Not that I condone that!). Again, glad to see your waiting till you are 18. Best of luck on your journey and by all means come back when you are an adult!

StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
to me my brain is a giant mystery waiting to be unlocked. Hell i am me and i still dont know that much about myself.

This is because you are still a child. This is why we don't think you should do this. (I don't mean to be condescending, and while I'm not a minor (or even a teen) I still most definitely think I am more of a child than an adult)
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#66 Posted : 8/14/2010 2:54:57 AM


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Good to hear your thoughts on the subject miss M. I'm glad you decided to wait till your of age and the choice really is yours to make, we definitely look forward to having you as a member of this community in a few months. Very happy
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#67 Posted : 8/14/2010 3:06:23 AM

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If you can't stop yourself: Read this Very happy

PLEASE follow the guides!
Don't use anything possible dangerous. Look exactly which chems you are using for the extraction process! If you are not sure, ASK!

Keep your use responsible:

Don't overdo it
dosage should be low and should be maintained low. Don't think MORE will do more. I made this "mistake" and got greedy. DMT is not something to play with, it's the MOST powerful substance on this planet.

DON'T ever try this game "what happens if i take like 180 mg" or such silly games.

Stay low in dosage, learn from it, integrate the experiences. Keep your NORMAL life, keep your friends which are not interested in such experiences. Keep your social network alive. It is much more important than insights gained by psychedelics! Don't talk with people about these experiences: They will think you are mentally ill !!!!!

And the most important thing is: Keep your feet on the ground! Follow your own intuition!
Transformation means letting your old image of yourself go.

I'm happy you have such incredible parents who actually inform themselves independantly!

Please keep in touch!

elusive illusion
#68 Posted : 8/14/2010 3:38:58 AM

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
im aware of the possible terror and horror but in some ways im looking forward to it. it seems like most people agree, bad trips teach you alot about your inner demonds and are the best teachers.

The thing is, terror and horror go nowhere near describing what happens. And you can never go back.

I would never say that a bad trip was my best teacher.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#69 Posted : 8/14/2010 3:51:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
Hey guys, this is Melanie im OP's daughter. im not sure if its against forum rules for me to be posting this but here it goes.

Me and my dad have have been discussing this alot the past two days and i agreed to refrain from use until i am atleast 18. My dad is worried about the legal issue about dmt and does not want to get in any trouble. i love him so i guess i can wait until im legally an adult. thanks everyone for the reading material, im going to look through everything i can get my hands on it is all so fascinating!

Though many of the arguments conflicted i realised that by doing it before im fully developed mentally is not worth the possible risks. im almost certain im ready but i guess if you were to ask a 14 year old they would say the same thing.

Thanks everyone, love the community. You can bet your ass in three months ill be a part of it. Cant wait! <3 <3 <3

As far as the legal issue goes, this isn't like DMT has a consumption age like alcohol; it's not like you turn 18 and the legal issues of DMT magically disintegrate. When you're legally an adult, all that will mean will be that in a court of law, you'll be held fully responsible for the possession of a schedule I substance. Just to point that out.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#70 Posted : 8/14/2010 6:32:18 AM

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i really wanted to expereince hyperspace because i want to learn. i want to learn more about the world and about myself. to me my brain is a hgiant mystery waiting to be unlocked. Hell i am me and i still dont know that much about myself. i was hoping an experience could teach me about my mind so i can apply what ive learned and apply it in real life.

Hey M

Pls don´t take this the wrong way, not attacking and not being condescendent here but sounds to me you might consider first discovering the person you are, before starting to tear structures down. This for me is a big black and white sign that in fact you are not ready.
If you do wanna start exploring consciousness might i suggest that, in a while, when you´ve found out who you are, you give mushrooms a try. They are much more delicate then DMT and you can also learn a lot from them Smile
Best wishes for your journey
It is no measure of health to be adjusted to a profundly sick society
Learning how to walk the earth respectfully
#71 Posted : 8/14/2010 8:37:22 AM
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Props to dad for wanting to learn more. Once you get past the "druggies" idea, I think you'll see that most here are very well educated, well spoken, and mostly normal everyday people. I agree with the notion that dad try it out as well. I can sense the curiosity stirring in him, and I think he might be surprised.

Miss M, you might THINK you're ready, but anyone with any amount of determination will say they're "ready" for whatever it is they may be trying to do. This IS absolutely the most powerful known substance in the world, hands down. I'm 28, and I'm still nervous about taking that leap into hyperspace, because I realize that even after years of learning and years of using psychedelics, DMT is one thing that you can never really prepare for. You have to make sure you are mentally strong and of a sound mind, and be prepared for anything, as DMT has the potential to shatter everything you know and believe in.

I don't know you personally, so I can't really say you're ready one way or the other. I know when I was 17, I wouldn't have been ready. On the other hand, I've met some 17 year olds with a very mature mindset. Part of me thinks that some low doses of mushrooms or mescaline would be a better first route, then when you've familiarized yourself a bit more with the various paths to exploration, you may be a bit more ready for DMT. On the other hand, there might be some advantages to having the first self-exploration adventure on DMT. Just remember, regardless of what you read or think, nothing can fully prepare you for the experience. And as someone mentioned earlier, don't try to be a hero and take a massive dose, as that's just asking for trouble.
I'm glad you decided to respect your dad, and wait. The Nexus doesn't condone or support substance use for those under 18, but hopefully we see you around here in the future.
Anything stated above is a work of pure fiction. The delusional author is writing a story about his imaginary friends. The author does not condone nor participate in any illegal activities. Anything said by the author should not be attempted, taken seriously, or believed. Enjoy the story.

It seems like everyone is sleep-walking through their waking state or wake-walking through their dreams. -Waking Life
#72 Posted : 8/14/2010 9:07:12 AM

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
Hey guys, this is Melanie im OP's daughter. im not sure if its against forum rules for me to be posting this but here it goes.

Me and my dad have have been discussing this alot the past two days and i agreed to refrain from use until i am atleast 18. My dad is worried about the legal issue about dmt and does not want to get in any trouble. i love him so i guess i can wait until im legally an adult. thanks everyone for the reading material, im going to look through everything i can get my hands on it is all so fascinating!

Though many of the arguments conflicted i realised that by doing it before im fully developed mentally is not worth the possible risks. im almost certain im ready but i guess if you were to ask a 14 year old they would say the same thing.

Thanks everyone, love the community. You can bet your ass in three months ill be a part of it. Cant wait! <3 <3 <3

We have very few "rules" here at the Nexus, one of them being that all members need to be atleast 18 years of age.

Il ask that you dont post on this forum again till you have turned 18, lurk about, read posts and reports and when you turn 18 open an account of your own and this community will welcome you with open arms, till then please dont be using your fathers account to post here.

See you in 3 months timeSmile
#73 Posted : 8/14/2010 10:45:59 AM


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hi there,
whoever you are, i suggest you wait. i know you don't want to hear that. let me tell you why.
in my personal opinion, if someone wants to experience what is on the other side, I highly advise that this individual lives a stable life.
I have seen some people react so dramatically to it, taking it too seriously, and losing a lot of grip they had on reality.
Wanting to know is one of the most prevalent themes among our species, and this urge to change the channel commonly occurs even at a young age.
the advice I would give you is start off slow, now with meditation.
yoga, as well as martial arts, are other great places to start.
practices like these help strengthen your body and consciousness, which helps when you're up against what seems like the entirety of the universe. there is absolutely nothing as intense. maybe dying by lightning bolt??? not sure
there are plenty of other drugs that allow the individual to explore our capabilities. n,n-dmt (as well as 5-meo-dmt) just happen to be some of the most insanely powerful ones that we know of.
you can pick mushrooms in your fields and forests and imbibe them in beautiful spaces (4-ho-dmt, 4-po-dmt)
you can practice trying to allow yourself to let go during sleep paralysis, which is a great way to explore your consciousness randomized like that of the dmt experience.
I think its really important you practice this before you ever smoke dmt, because it naturally gives you a way to train for letting go when you are faced with no choice.
there are methods on how to induce such a state of consciousness with a quick google search, find what works for you.

buy some bark and store it for the many years to come of your growing exploration of our strange and fascinating physical world.
when you have come to a strong and stable point on your path, extract the spice.
for now you probably have other work to do.

i have seen equally as good as i have bad from peoples' interactions with the spice. careful what you wish for.
in the end you will do what you want and what you think is right
and all of these posts are just what people would say to someone who was going to go where we had gone before and will never forget.

#74 Posted : 8/14/2010 8:42:07 PM

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Although I have views similar to many of those posted here, I would like to speak from the other side of the fence for a moment.

I discovered psychedelics when I was just over 18, and made my account on the Nexus 2-3 months after my 18th birthday. I took DMT for the first time in the form of ayahaoma when I was about 18 and a half.

I had also been reading and researching for the half-year before I finally made the plunge. I also hadn't even really done much cannabis beforehand, and nothing other than that.

A lot of people have mentioned that they don't know how DMT would have affected them at my age, but it probably would have been for the worse. I experienced quite the opposite; the use of psychedelics really took me back from a psychological brink I had been hovering over for some time beforehand. I do (and did) consider myself more mature than a lot of other kids my age, as I'd spent a year abroad, spent some time working as an important member of an archaeological project, and worked almost full time as a chef while finishing both my high school diploma and my AA degree simultaneously.

I was having a lot of trouble, spiritually, before I discovered DMT. I'd been frustrated and tantalised by glimpses of the other side of reality (via philosophical, theosophical, and religious texts) for some time and this knowledge/lack of knowledge had been affecting my mental health. Working with DMT allowed me to overcome that, providing an outlet, and allowing me (eventually) to stabilise and resume normal life.

I'm just pointing out that it can certainly have a positive impact on someone as young as 18!


#75 Posted : 8/15/2010 7:12:05 AM

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Location: im still trying to figure that out
im quite conflicted about what age could be considered appropriate for dmt. im of the notion that you are ready when you expirience it only because it require you to be. there certainly is no way out once your in it, you cant go back the way you came... we survive. Wink

i was indroduced to the world of psychedelics at a very early age and have always felt positively shaped by these expiriences. but in gerneral i dont think its a good idea for someone who hasnt reached their 20's.
#76 Posted : 8/17/2010 1:42:25 AM
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This might be a bit off topic, but just my two cents:

Around psychedelics I am used to people being more open-minded and you should learn with people, there are no set rules. People saying that "no way 17 is too young", why? Just because at 17 you were not ready? How can you tell another human whether they are ready or not? I think everyone is unique individual and it would be different for everyone, whenever someone decides that they wanna do it, that is when they are ready. As long as the experience is not forced onto them, then how can you tell someone they shouldn't do it or are too young?

Every generation changes, I personally did DMT for the first time at 16(?) I believe after months and months of researching it. At this point I don't think I had done any other psychedelic (maybe mushrooms once or twice, not really sure) and I can say the experience was not overwhelming at all. It was amazing from the first time, and had taught me many things. I have since used multiple psychedelics and can say I have learned more in hours than I have in years.

Not saying she is ready, but just saying don't assume because you were not ready at a certain age or point, someone else isn't.

"The consequences for taking a drug should not be more than the consequences of the drug itself."
(not really sure where this is from or even if this is it exactly, but I know I read something similar somewhere.)
#77 Posted : 8/17/2010 2:05:51 AM

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alleyezonme wrote:
Around psychedelics I am used to people being more open-minded and you should learn with people, there are no set rules. People saying that "no way 17 is too young", why? Just because at 17 you were not ready? How can you tell another human whether they are ready or not? I think everyone is unique individual and it would be different for everyone, whenever someone decides that they wanna do it, that is when they are ready. As long as the experience is not forced onto them, then how can you tell someone they shouldn't do it or are too young?

Nice one. It could be very nicely adapted by a NAMBLA member, just change it a bit so as to mean "8 year old boy" instead of "17 year old girl" and "bum love" instead of "dmt"

I am not trying at all to compare a supposed age limit for dmt trying to the delusions of a bunch of middle-aged men, but for the sake of reason, there are set rules. Not for everything, but for some things.

Am I right to assume that you're against young boys receiving it in the butt (even in the supposed case where "it is not forced in them" ) or you're in favour of NAMBLA-like ideas because you're a very very very open-minded person?

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#78 Posted : 8/17/2010 2:28:11 AM

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lol Infund!Very happy Very happy Very happy

Alleyezonme..do you really think its a good idea for this website to promote underage use of something concidered to be a drug?..imagine how that would make us look?..how could we expect to be taken seriousily??..not to mention the ideas that might actually give others..we dont need that. You must understand why we have strict 18 and over rules etc, right?
Long live the unwoke.
#79 Posted : 8/17/2010 3:05:40 AM

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"I am not trying at all to compare a supposed age limit for dmt trying to the delusions of a bunch of middle-aged men"

Oh. In that case I fail to see the point of your post. Sorry to flame, but alleyezonme was bringing forth a valid perspective supported by personal experience. There's no need to ridicule that with petty demagogy. Of course we should not promote "minors taking drugs" in general, but there's more to this than "how it might look" - it's about answering a very interesting and pertinent question in a real context. You say there are set rules. Do you mean laws? Or do you mean that your opinion rules?
SWIM is Spartacus!

The things posted on DMT-Nexus by Shayku are generally false. They are for entertainment purposes only.
#80 Posted : 8/17/2010 3:08:19 AM

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My opinion rules, of course.
Long live the unwoke.
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