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What to do with my teen? Options
#21 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:52:05 AM

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the last few years we've seen mainstream media reports...I think even Nat Geo! and certainly cable TV...of going into the Amazon for ayahuasca tourism. This is a happening thing, regardless of what we write about here. So what's the age limit down there for these sessions? And we have the SD Church...what's their age limit? What's the age limit for a participant in the Native American Church's peyote button ceremonies?

The govenment has limits of 18 for drinking and cigarettes, yet kids regularly figure out how to use those things well before then, not to mention LSD, and other stuff. Most parents don't like it, but there are also plenty of parents who don't care that much. 18 does seem to be a kind of magic number, even if it's an arbitrary magic number.

I guess if this happened in my family, and we could openly talk about it as you seem to do, I might try it myself first without letting my kid know (would probably say "I'll research it and look into it"Pleased, and if I felt OK about the results, I'd sit down with my kid and say "I can't stop you from doing this, but by age 18 you'd be legally OK to fly down to the Amazon on your own and try this stuff, so I'm asking you to please wait until then. After that we can have a family "don't ask don't tell policy" on the matter, but regardless you're always welcome to come to me about it for a supportive discussion."

At some point you have to trust your kids: take driving, for example. And, the risk of your child becoming an ayaholic is probably zero. There is a chance the the benefits from your and your kid's experiences would far outweigh the negatives...if any. That's what this forum is about.


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#22 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:54:45 AM

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"Why do you guys do dmt?"

I live to experience. My mom would not approve. She has a safe and boring job and lives in a safe and boring house in a safe and boring town. She's often miserable and will never come to realize she could do whatever she wants with her life. She lives to be safe.
SWIM is Spartacus!

The things posted on DMT-Nexus by Shayku are generally false. They are for entertainment purposes only.
#23 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:56:42 AM

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"Also it helps me integrate my life experiences. It helps me be a better human being essentially. It also help me overcome challenges. I don't think I would have gotten through calculus if it wasn't for dmt and the lessons and motivation it provided me with. It has allowed me to grow as a human. I am a much calmer person due to my psychedelic use and apply the trips in my sober world time."

Oh that too Smile
SWIM is Spartacus!

The things posted on DMT-Nexus by Shayku are generally false. They are for entertainment purposes only.
#24 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:58:59 AM

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To explore the outer boundaries of the human experience. I think that essentially, if you don't do this you are missing out on something truly incredible. Many say it's "the most interesting experience this side of the yawning grave". The mind is a wonderful thing, and this is an extremely powerful tool which can be used to explore it.
What does it mean to exist?
#25 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:59:39 AM

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
Thank-you everyone, looks like i have alot of reading to do. Ill make sure to show hew your responses and hope that she changes her mind. I was raised christian with very firm anti-drug values, however recently, my attitude has started to change. I dunno if I want to let my daughter try cannabis seeing as it is illegal, however I no longer have anything against the people who chose to indulge in it.

The trip reports seem down right terrifying, I don't know why anyone would want to experience ''it was the feeling of having every atom ripped apart in intense torture that seemed to have lasted eternity''

Why do you guys do dmt?

i think people will agree that most at some point in their life had "anti-drug values." i know i did. DON'T FALL FOR THE BULLSHIT GOVERNMENTAL PROPAGANDA. One shouldn't compare psychedelics to cigs, alchol, cocaine, heroin, and all the rest of the poisons. Research has consistently shown that people who have done psychs are more healthier, happier, and open-minded.
If you want to experience true divinity (not of the abstract textual bible), i suggest you too give it at least ONE try. what do you have to lose? Nothing at all, but everything to gain. Perhaps this isn't a coincidence..perhaps it is your "destiny" to also try psychsWink Like a few others have mentioned above, Ayahuasca at low doses would be a good start. But i would start out with Mescaline first. Its very gentle and healing also. If you were to do this, i can totally see you and your daughter both tripping together on psychs often in the future

PS: you daughter is helping the collective unconscious by going through something called the "Archaic Revival"Wink
#26 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:03:37 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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great thread- others have made some good comments, i hope she reads this.

hopefully my kiddo comes to me about experimenting vs just doing it with his dumbshit friends

sounds like a pretty mature 17yr old, and bravo for getting involved
#27 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:07:55 AM

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it's human nature:
to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.
We just don't have to wait until the 25th century, and we will very likely end up the better for it.
#28 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:16:13 AM


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Following the suggestions of my daughter and two of the members here, I started listening to Terrence Mckenna and I am fascinated with what I've heard so far. Actually, I'm rather surprised that so many intellectuals have tried that stuff. Hack, from what I'm reading, most of the people on this forum are smarter than your average answers site.

I'm started to think I should let her try it in low doses with my supervision. I feel I have alot more reading to do before I can judge whether I'm ready or willing. Thank you everyone, me and my daughter appreciate every answer.
Penguin <3 Panda
#29 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:18:46 AM


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If you do decide to let her go through with this PLEASE report back!
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#30 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:20:37 AM

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Sounds like the right choice. McKenna is a good start, but always remember that there's plenty of literature out there. Good luck in your endeavors and I wish your daughter an enlightening journey.
"It made me do it."

I am not real.

#31 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:21:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, I'm simply worried. My daughter says she has been researching this stuff for months now and she's insisting she is ready. Is the experience really that heavy? I'm reading some ''trip reports'' at the moment. She said to look it up on eroid. Is it a good source of information? Thanks.

You cannot be ready for something like this..DMT is beyond anything you can possibly imagine..there is no "ready"..

I never took my first psychedelic until I was 19. I wasnt ito drugs at all before that. I went to some parties and whatnot and drank alcohol after I graduated from high school, but soon got over that-was never my thing.

When I found psychedelics I was very anti-drugs. I began to read about the traditional use of psychedelic plants like mushrooms and ayahasca and became more and more interested until I finally went out and tried them. Mushrooms changed my life, very literally and for the better. I had no ambition to go back to school or do much of anything related to academics, but after haveing what I concider some of the most amazing experience of my entire life, I became facinated with all sorts of things. I went back to school to study anthropology and philosophy and began to read everything I could..I just wanted to learn and I saw the value in intelligence.

If she really has her mind set on having this experience the way I did, there is not a thing you can do. You can stop her from ordering bark etc but it will only be a matter of time. People should have the right to explore they're minds in a safe supportive environment. It is they're life, they have to deal with it and have the right to explore and have new experiences. There are no recorded deaths due to DMT. DMT is not physically addictive. DMT is a very powerful psychedelic and can submerge one farther than they could ever imagine into the depths of the psycheand possibly beyond, so like anything it is not without it's dangers, and like anything so powerful, it demands great responcibility.

All that said...your daughter is still a minor. Members here are required to be 18 or older so while anyone can browse the forum she really cant have an account here and we dont promote the use of DMT by people under the age of 18, for obvious reasons.

Ayahuasca has a long long history of traditional use. It is not concidered a drug to the people who's culture spawned it..it is a medicine and rightly so. Ayahuasca contains DMT, as well was harmalas alkaloids known as beta-carbolines..these allow the DMT to become active when ingested in a brew. There has been lots of research recently into the health benifts of ayahuasca, and there is much pointing towards the long accepted idea that ayahuasca is indeed a health promoting tonic that is good for the brain.

Here is a link to a study at MAPS(Multi Disiplinary Association for Psychedelic studies) with links reguarding ayahuasca research..


Maps in general is a good resource for non-biased information reguarding psychedelics. You might also want to look into the work of Rick Strassman.

Here is a quote from the work of Dennis Mckenna and JC. Calloway in rguards to they'e work on ayahuasca's biomedical effects..

"The individuals who are attracted to the UDV seem to belong to a slightly more professional socio-economic class than those who join the Santo Daime. Of the approximately 7000 members of the UDV in Brasil, perhaps 5 - 10 % are medical professionals, among them physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, chiropracters, and homeopathic physicians. Most of these individuals are fully aware of the psychologically beneficial aspects of the practice, and evince a great interest in the scientific study of hoasca , including its botany, chemistry, and pharmacology. The medically educated members can discuss all of these aspects with a sophistication equal to that of any U.S.-trained physician, or other medical professional. At the same time they do have a genuine spiritual reverence for the hoasca tea and the experiences it evokes. The UDV places a high value on the search for scientific truth, and sees no conflict between science and religion; most members of the UDV express a strong interest in learning as much as possible about how the tea acts on the body and brain. As a result of this unique circumstance, the UDV presents an ideal context in which to conduct a biomedical investigation of the acute and long-term effects of hoasca /ayahuasca.

Due to a fortunate combination of circumstances, we were invited to conduct such a biomedical investigation of long-term hoasca drinkers by the Medical Studies section of the UDV (Centro de Estudos Medicos). This study, which was conducted by an international consortium of scientists from Brasil, the United States, and Finland, was financed through private donations to various non-profit sponsoring groups, notably Botanical Dimensions, which provided major funding, the Heffter Research Institute, and MAPS, (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies). Botanical Dimensions is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and preservation of ethnomedically significant plants, and MAPS and the Heffter Research Institute are non-profit organizations dedicated to the investigation of the medical and therapeutic uses of psychedelic agents. The field phase of the study was conducted during the summer of 1993 at one of the oldest UDV temples, the Nucleo Caupari located in the Amazonian city of Manaus, Brasil. Subsequent laboratory investigations took place at the respective academic institutions of some of the principle investigators, including the Department of Psychiatry, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, the Department of Neurology, University of Miami School of Medicine, the Department of Psychiatry, University of Rio de Janeiro, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Amazonas Medical School, Manaus, and the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kuopio, Finland.

Since this study was the first of its kind, there was virtually no pre-existing data on the objective measurement of the physical and psychological effects of ayahuasca in human subjects. As a result, this study was in some respects a pilot study; its primary objectives were modest, representing an effort to collect a basic body of data, without attempting to relate the findings to either possible detrimental effects of ayahuasca, or to possible therapeutic effects. The study had four major objectives:

- Assessment of Acute Psychological and Physiological Effects of Hoasca in Human Subjects
- Assessment of Serotonergic Functions in Long-term Users of Hoasca Tea
- Quantitative Determination of Active Constituents of Hoasca Teas in Plasma
- Quantitative Determination of Active Constituents of Hoasca Teas

Most of these objectives were achieved, and the results have been published in various peer-reviewed scientific journals (Grob, et al., 1996; Callaway, et al., 1994; Callaway, et al., 1996;. Callaway, et al., 1997) Some key findings are summarized briefly below.

Assessment of Acute and Long-term Psychological Effects of Hoasca Teas (Grob, et al., 1996)
The subjects in all of the studies consisted of a group of fifteen healthy, male volunteers, all of whom had belonged to the UDV for a minimum of ten years, and who ingested hoasca on average of once every two weeks, in the context of the UDV ritual. None of the subjects actively used tobacco, alcohol, or any drugs other than hoasca. For some comparative aspects of the study, a control group of fifteen age-matched males was also used; these individuals were recruited from among the friends and siblings of the volunteer subjects, and like them were local residents of Manaus having similar diets and socio-economic status. None of the control subjects were members of the UDV, and none had ever ingested hoasca tea.

The psychological assessments, administered to both groups, consisted of structured psychiatric diagnostic interviews, personality testing, and neuropsychological reviewuations. Measures administered to the UDV hoasca drinkers, but not to the hoasca-niave group, included semistructured and open-ended life story interviews, and a phenomenological assessment of the altered state elicited by hoasca, was quantified using the Hallucinogen Rating Scale developed by Dr. Rick Strassman in his work with DMT and psilocybin in human subjects (Strassman, et al., 1994).

The UDV volunteers showed significant differences from the hoasca-naive subjects in the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) and the WHO-UCLA Auditory Verbal Learning Test. The TPQ assesses three general areas of behavior, viz., novelty-seeking, harm avoidance, and reward dependence. With respect to novelty-seeking behaviors, UDV members were found to have greater stoic rigidity vs exploratory excitability, greater regimentation vs disorderliness, and a trend toward greater reflection vs impulsivity; but there was no difference between the groups on the spectrum between reserve and extravagance. On the harm reduction scale, UDV subjects had significantly greater confidence vs fear of uncertainty, and trends toward greater gregariousness vs shyness, and greater optimism vs anticipatory worry. No significant differences were found between the two groups in criteria related to reward-dependence.

The fifteen UDV volunteers and the control subjects were also given the WHO-UCLA Auditory Learning Verbal Memory Test. Experimental subjects performed significantly better than controls on word recall tests. There was also a trend, though not statistically significant, for the UDV subjects to perform better than controls on number of words recalled, delayed recall, and words recalled after interference.

The Hallucinogen Rating Scale, developed by Strassman et. al (1994) for the phenomenological assessment of subjects given intravenous doses of DMT, was administered to the UDV volunteers only (since control subjects did not receive the drug). All of the clinical clusters on the HRS were in the mild end of the spectrum compared to intravenous DMT. The clusters for affect, intensity, cognition, and volition, were comparable to an intravenous DMT dose of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg, and the cluster for perception was comparable to 0.1 mg/kg intravenous DMT; the cluster for somatesthesia was less than the lowest dose of DMT measured by the scale, 0.05 mg/kg.

The most striking findings of the psychological assessment came from the structured diagnostic interviews, and the semi-structured open-ended life story interviews. The Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) was used for the structured diagnostic interview. None of the UDV subjects had a current psychiatric diagnosis, whereas two of the control subjects had an active diagnosis of alcohol misuse and hypochondriasis. Only one subject among the controls had a past psychiatric disorder that was no longer present; an alcohol misuse disorder that had remitted two years previously. However, prior to membership in the UDV, eleven of the UDV subjects had diagnoses of alcohol misuse disorders, two had had past major depressive disorders, four had past histories of drug misuse (cocaine and amphetamines), eleven were addicted to tobacco, and three had past phobic anxiety disorders. Five of the subjects with a history of alcoholism also had histories of violent behavior associated with binge drinking. All of these pathological diagnoses had remitted following entry into the UDV. All of the UDV subjects interviewed reported the subjective impression that their use of hoasca tea within the context of the UDV had led to improved mental and physical health, and significant improvements in interpersonal, work, and family interactions.

Assessment of Serotonergic Functions in Long-term Users of Hoasca (Callaway, et al., 1994)

Another objective of the study was to investigate whether long-term use of hoasca resulted in any identifiable "biochemical marker" that was correlated with hoasca consumption, particularly with respect to serotonergic functions, since the hoasca alkaloids primarily affect functions mediated by this neurotransmitter. Ideally, such a study could be carried out on post-mortem brains; since this was not possible, we settled on looking at serotonin transporter receptors in blood platelets, using [3H]-citalopram to label the receptors in binding assays. The up-or down regulation of peripheral platelet receptors is considered indicative of similar biochemical events occuring in the brain, although there is some controversy about the correlation between platelet receptor changes and changes in CNS receptors in patients receiving antidepressant medications (Stahl, 1977; Pletscher and Laubscher, 1980; Rotman, 1980);. However, platelet receptors were deemed suitable for the purposes of our study, as our objective was not to resolve this controversy but simply to determine if some kind of long-term biochemical marker could be identified. Neither did we postulate any conclusions about the possible "adverse" or "beneficial" implications of such a marker, if detected. We conducted the assays on platelets collected from the same group of 15 volunteers after they had abstained from consuming the tea for a period of one week. We also collected platelet specimens from the age-matched controls who were not hoasca drinkers. We were surprised to find a significant up-regulation in the density of the citalopram binding sites in the hoasca drinkers compared to control subjects. While the hoasca drinkers had a higher density of receptors, there was no change in the affinity of the receptors for the labelled citalopram. The significance of this finding, if any, is unclear. There is no other pharmacological agent which is known to cause a similar upregulation, although chronic administration of 5-HT uptake inhibitors has been reported to decrease both Bmax (the density of binding sites) and 5-HT transporter RNA in rats (Hrinda 1987; Lesch et al., 1993). Increases in Bmax for the uptake site in human platelets have been correlated with old age (Marazziti et al, 1989) and also to the dark phase of the circadian cycle in rabbits (Rocca et al., 1989). It has been speculated (Marazziti et al, 1989) that upregulation of 5-HT uptake sites in the aged may be related to the natural course of neuronal decline. Although our sample size was limited, we found no correlation with age, and the mean age of the sample was 38 years. Also, none of our subjects showed evidence of any neurological or psychiatric deficit. In fact, in view of their exceptionally healthy psychological profiles, one of the investigators speculated that perhaps the serotonergic upregulation is associated, not simply with age, but with "wisdom" -- a characteristic often found in the aged, and in many hoasca drinkers.

Another interesting self-experiment related to this finding was carried out by one of the investigators, Jace Callaway, following his return to Finland after the field phase of the study was completed. Dr. Callaway has access to Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) scanning facilities in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Kuopio. Suspecting that the causative agent of the unexpected upregulation might be tetrahydroharmine (THH), Dr. Callaway took SPECT scans of his own brain 5-HT uptake receptors prior to beginning a six week course of daily dosing with tetrahydroharmine, repeating the scan after the treatment period. He did indeed find that the density of central 5-HT receptors in the prefrontal cortex had increased; when he discontinued THH, their density gradually returned to previous levels over the course of several weeks. While this experiment only had one subject, if it is indicative of a general effect of THH that can be replicated and confirmed, the implications are potentially significant. A severe deficit of 5-HT uptake sites in the frontal cortex has been found to be correlated with aggressive disorders in violent alcoholics; if THH is able to specifically reverse this deficit, it may have applications in the treatment of this syndrome. These findings are especially interesting when viewed in the context of the psychological data collected in the hoasca study (Grob, et al., 1996). The majority of the subjects had had a previous history of alcoholism, and many had displayed violent behavior in the years prior to joining the UDV; virtually all attributed their recovery and change in behavior to their use of hoasca tea in the UDV rituals. While it can be argued that their reformation was due to the supportive social and psychological environment found within the UDV, the finding of this long-term change in precisely the serotonin system that is deficient in violent alcoholism, argues that biochemical factors may also play a role"

Hope this is of some help..you also might want to go check out the ayhausca.com boards..they usually have lots of ayhuasca related links and such reguarding these types of studies.
Long live the unwoke.
#32 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:43:56 AM


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The "why' is a good question. A great one to start to understand where we come from.
Why do we take the risks to venture to see what's not there in physical reality?
Why do we par take in going against set authority to delve in medicine outlawed by law?
Why are we so curious to just simply know?

As you can see, we par take in this type of experiencing of the world because this is one way we know how to get to where we want mentally.
The common factors underlying the psychedelic experience is a universally shared moment with all of humanity to say the least.
The entities we encounter, the patterns that we perceive vividly, the music that drastically changes, those characteristics have always been there.
It originates from ones thought process, yet why does it originate in such characteristics?
Isn't it the strangest thing you ever heard of?
It's not like we were taught to perceive in that manner through school education.
There are different methods of getting to that level of perception.
Meditation, Sensory Deprivation, then Psychedelic Experimentation.
The substance in question resides in our brain, and at the moment of death it releases.
For what purpose?

"Why" is a tough question to answer, but I hope maybe some of it conveyed as to why people experiment with it.
Just remember though, the substance in question can bite back if not treated with utmost respect!
It takes a mature fully grown mindset to take in what it shows, there's little to no point in rushing it what so ever.
The experience comes when it chooses you.
Not when you choose it to happen.

Best regards.

The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
~H. P. Lovecraft~
Bill Cipher
#33 Posted : 8/13/2010 6:02:04 AM

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1) Understand that your casual use of the "druggie" label is patently offensive. You come here seeking parenting help, but you begin your plea with an insulting barb that is largely based in ignorance. I am as close to a typical Nexus member as is anyone, I'd suppose. I'm a suit and tie wearing business man, a dad, a husband, an active philanthropist and a user of DMT. We are students and scientists, film makers, writers, business people and parents. We do what we do and we make no apologies. Exploring our consciousness may be illegal, but the law is wrong; it's our birth right.

2) We do not condone the use of drugs for minors, plain and simple. Personally, I think there is NO WAY IN HELL a 17 year old is ready. You (and she) have NO IDEA how powerful this experience is; and while I don't believe (although what do I or anyone else here really know?) that DMT is physiologically harmful, the difficulty in integrating the experience into daily consensus reality can be very, very real. Throw into the mix that her teenage brain is still in the process of developing, that she's approaching the age where psychotic breaks usually first occur in women, and that the manufacture and possession of DMT is a serious felony, and I'd say that you are out of your mind to even consider allowing this to occur under your roof. Please read through our Health and Safety page and take its contents to heart.

3) So, then why do we do it? I can only speak for myself:

I get to have a direct, first hand experience of true divinity. I roll the dice, cast my eyes to the aether and merge with the All That Is. I return to the place from which I came and to which we are all of us headed - an infinitely flowing ocean of energy which connects every atom in the universe. I am both the architect of this space and its trembling infant passenger. It is pure creation, and I am privileged to experience first hand the deepest fundamental truth any living person can fathom - that I am God (as you are God, as your daughter is God...) - and that our physical world and ALL that we know are just the tiniest pieces of the puzzle.
#34 Posted : 8/13/2010 6:05:59 AM

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
Following the suggestions of my daughter and two of the members here, I started listening to Terrence Mckenna and I am fascinated with what I've heard so far. Actually, I'm rather surprised that so many intellectuals have tried that stuff. Hack, from what I'm reading, most of the people on this forum are smarter than your average answers site.

I'm started to think I should let her try it in low doses with my supervision. I feel I have alot more reading to do before I can judge whether I'm ready or willing. Thank you everyone, me and my daughter appreciate every answer.

excellent choice Statues. Keep listening and reading his work. I'm sure McKenna will blow your mind like he has mine, and almost everyone here. Yes indeed many intellectuals have tried psychedelics, starting with my favorite- Terence McKenna. Others to name a few: Beatles, Discoverers of the Human DNA structure (Watson and Crick), Carl Sagan, Bill Gates, Shakespear, Socrates, Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle...only to name a few..
i'm very glad that you have opened up more now to the possibility of psychedelics serving as a bridge for the transcendence of the collective human consciousness. Stick around, and you will find that there is literally no end to this magical realm of psychedelicsVery happy
#35 Posted : 8/13/2010 6:07:21 AM

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I think 17 is too young for this stuff. In my opinion DMT is way too powerful . Where is she going to go from there?

I am 45 years old and still have a hard time managing some of these experiences.

Terrence Mckenna is endlessly fascinating in his lectures.
On the other side of things it he says psychedelics are everyones birthright.

I would say that mushrooms would be a better choice than DMT.

If the kid is absolutely determined to do this stuff you might as well be there with her.

DMT has altered the course of my life permanently . Do you think your daughter is ready for that?
I have stated many times before there are moments when i wish i never found the stuff.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#36 Posted : 8/13/2010 6:33:52 AM


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The Grey family (if you've already had a chance to look into Dr. Strassman's book "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" that was Alex Grey's artwork on the cover) gave an amazing lecture at the Burning Man festival back in 2003 about psychedelics and parenting entitled Art, Love, Family, and Psychedelics. It might be something interesting for you to listen to with your daughter and help to open a dialogue about these experiences.


Also MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) has some interesting articles about families and MDMA.




I hope this information is helpful in opening a safe, sane, and truthful dialogue about psychedelics between you and your daughter.

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#37 Posted : 8/13/2010 7:14:45 AM

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Dear StatuesCryBleeding,

I can honestly say I have not done DMT or Aya yet, and honeslty after the research I have done, I dont think I will be ready for a while longer. I first realized the POWER of psychedelics with mushrooms..... my first experience was a 4.5 gram dose of Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms.... a friend had given me a gram more for free for good luck. Now you have to understand, even though im only partially saying it now, but I was beginning to become an alcoholic... and I wasn't proud of it but I knew no better. My friend drank, my parents drank, my girlfriend drank, and I was just following the heard of cows to realizing or caring where I was going. This experience though with mushrooms SHATTERED the very existance that I had come to known, TORE my ego from my body like a useless limb, and sent me to my own private hell.... im not going to lie... I was terrified... and tried to claw my way back to reality my listening to a song that changed my very attitude towards life and the whole "hustle and bussle" of "buy buy buy, money, get a job car, girlfriend, "live" and then die". That song was "Bob Marley - Dont worry Be Happy". Bob made me face my version of hell and guided me through my experience (unforuantly I did my first psychedelic experience without a sitter... it would be wise to have someone trust worthy and loving to help guide you). I faced facts for the first time in my life... I was a dead beat, so called "druggy", no job, and no real ambitions to be anything special with my life. After the experience ended, I was scared shitless of mushrooms for what they showed me... but the next day after the experience I woke up and felt different, I felt I needed to get stuff done, for the first time I wanted to get my life togher. I needed to live life and not just walk through life like I was doing before. Even months after the experience I was still drawing conclusions and realizations from it about myself. I was a year later that I decided to dwell back into the mushroom again.
This single experience woke me from my dead slumber and I am forever greatful for it. I am currently going to university and am doing quite successful.

I cannot comment on the elusive DMT or Aya medicines yet though, but I can say this "no amount of preperation can prepare you for whats locked away in your subconsious".
The Tea Party wrote:
We exist in a world where the fear of Illusion is real
And we cling to the past to deny and confuse the ideal

DMTripper wrote:
Bliss of ignorance -> pain of knowledge -> integrate -> bliss of knowledge.

SWIM and ElusiveMind are fictional characters and everything they say is fictional
#38 Posted : 8/13/2010 8:32:56 AM

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When I was around 20 years old, one morning I got home after a particularly straining LSD experience. I found my mom in the kitchen, waiting for me. That night I was again wrestling with God (just like Jacob did, I suppose), so I was quite drained when I got home. Still, I was also very open and sensitive so I could feel the confusion of my mom in a very direct, almost intimate way. She had this "oh my God what have you done to yourself again" look and I already felt that deep guilt creeping up on me that seems unavoidable in such a closely knit relationship of mother and child. But together with the guilt, I also felt a desperate need for closeness, to tear apart the veil that separates us, to get to her and tell her, show her why I am doing what I do. And then - I don't know how - I managed to connect. For an instant, my mother was there with me and she saw. But then she just shook her head and I understood that she has no choice but to turn away. This was too much for her, she could not have withstand it. So I remained as I am, lonely, forever.
#39 Posted : 8/13/2010 10:29:48 AM

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Almost 3 pages of typing now Troll

Even if, this question is propably a common one, so it deserves answers.

I think that teenagers are easy to fascinate with novelty as they still try to test their boundarys. I'm not sure if its a good thing to experience that boundarys do not exist at this age, because the typical everyday life is full of them. You can't deny culture even though you might want to get away from it. But you can only do that if you ACCEPT, that there ARE cultural boundaries if you understand what i mean.

I don't know your child but i would be very careful. Fractal Enchantment is right: You can't tell her not to do it...if she set her mind on it, she'll do it even if you sanction it. I don't believe that psychedelics are only for the "most healthiest" people...quite contrary, ayahuasca is used in healing ceremonies. Is she willing to drink ayahuasca and accept a night of heavy puking? If not i can't see why she would be mature enough to smoke freebase. You have to TOTALLY ACCEPT bad things, uncomfoertable things happen to you. If you can't do that, smoking dmt is a recipe for disaster.

My idea would be for her to try cannabis or mushrooms first the time she turns 18 or older. Then she can still decide if its a path she wants to persue. Another idea would be, to try dmt for yourself ...so you can judge it better. And as many said...a low dose seems to be very different than a full on breakthrough experience. I can speak from experience that a low dose can be very very loving/healing....but also terrible.

Is she ready to accept to experience intense pain? I know she is propably ready to experience extreme love and getting her eyes opened. But pain? If this intelligence you can communicate with does not want her to smoke it...it will make it very clear and if she does not want to listen....well, just let me say this: DMT got its way to make a point.

Why do people take psychedelics? Tons of reasons. Spiritual, Healing ...SPIRITUAL HEALING
thrill, to expand consciousness, to feel the love.

This forum is more on the spiritual/healing/consciousness expanding/scientific spectrum.
Therefore, using the term "druggie" is indeed very offensive. I can understand the wording as you come from a firm anti-drug standpoint, so its fine with me. Just keep it in mind for the future.

Good luck.
#40 Posted : 8/13/2010 12:59:16 PM

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Hermes wrote:
StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
My 17 year old daughter has been reading your site and wants to try dmt. I caught her ordering bark off the internet, and I don't know what to do or how to deal with it. She claims that she wants to try it because it is a unique experience and she want to explore and open her mind. She justifies the use of this drug by stating she does not drink alcohol, smoke pot, drink coffee or do anything else for that matter. I don't know much about this stuff. I've asked around on several answer sites but nobody seems to know anything. I know government sites are a flawed source of information. Obviously you druggies are going to point towards this stuff being safe, could you back that up with clinical studies or trials? I just want to know whats best for her and for her to be safe.

Firstly, seeing as you're asking for help you should at least be respectful. I don't think using a phrase like 'you druggies' is going to provoke many helpful responses.

Disclaimer: I'm in my early twenties and not very experienced at all with this substance but I'll tell you what I know about it. Many people here are very experienced with DMT and you might prefer to take their advice over mine. My position on this matter is fairly conservative.

DMT is by no means safe. It is physically safe, so far as I know and it is not addictive. However this substance can seriously impact on peoples' mental functioning. Occasionally, people will use DMT, or other psychedelics, and become deluded (there is evidence of this in these forums.) In my estimations, most people are not ready for DMT. I think DMT should only be used by intellectually sound, mentally stable, mature and fully developed people. It worries me that your daughter is only 17. In my opinion she should wait until she is at least 21. I can't imagine what this drug would have done to me if I started using it at age 17.

It is generally agreed that DMT is the single most powerful psychedelic drug known to man. It is not a recreational drug. The experience of DMT is so profound that it often influences the user heavily. Every belief is called into question, it can be extremely mentally disruptive. Only the strong minded should use this drug. I would never recommend it as a starting point for someone interested in exploring their mind through the use of drugs. Your daughter is far safer with cannabis. If I was in your position, I would express to her your concern for her mental health, and perhaps allow her to use cannabis if she is pleading for such a freedom.

I can't imagine giving this stuff to someone that isn't even experienced with cannabis. She is not ready and I think many other members of this forum will conclude the same.

I don't mean for this to sound like an attack on you, but there were some points on which I disagreed with you. You say some become deluded, but to me that sounds like people have some interesting beliefs that you don't agree with. I think it's unfair to label that as delusional. I agree that they should be mature and physically developed, but having said that, I'm pretty sure the reason why a lot of us do it is to grow and develop mentally and spiritually. I also agree for this reason that 21 is also a good age. Lastly, if every belief is called into question, I view that as a good thing. Yes, it may shake the foundation on which you stand, but what if you were standing on the wrong foundation all along? You should never get too complacent with any one view of the world. You should always be questioning yourself, and even without DMT or psychedelics, this should be taught from an early age.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
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