SWIM found that the best way to filter materials is using 2 funnels (ideally one quite large, the other any size), 2 cotton balls and a turkey baster and 2 narrow-mouth containers (for the funnels) other than the original brewing pot.
He's tried it with rue, cacti and coffee and it worked extremely well and quick.
It goes like this: first let the brew settle, this is key to prevent the bulk of the clogging sediments.
Put a cotton ball loosely into the narrow part of each funnel and place on top of bottles/containers that they can sit in by themselves
Then decant most of the liquid into the funnel avoiding the sediments at the bottom and let that settle.
It will likely clog after letting some of the liquid through, let it settle for a few minutes.
Take a turkey baster and from the top, baste from the clogged funnel to the un-clogged one.
If all the steps are done correctly the the nearly-clear brew above the clogged funnel will pass through the filter only requiring 1, maybe 2 cotton balls.
The key is patiently waiting for a clear separation between the bottom sediments and the top liquid in the pot and the first funnel.
Depending on how your brew goes, just waiting for that before straining could be enough for it to pass through a cloth.That being said, SWIM has read post saying that a simple settle+decant is all that is needed to produce and clean brew which produces no emulsions and eventually - clean crystals.
Good luck!
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs