Hello everyone. I need some help regarding Noman's Tek (MHRB Extraction) which seems to be a little misleading in some parts.
First off, here is the problem I have:
I'm on step 2 (http://www.erowid.org/plants/mimosa/mimosa_chemistry1.shtml) where you add the granulated lye crystals to the distilled water. I'm using Draino Kitchen Crystals (says contains sodium hydroxide and no phosphates) but I noticed there were little green granules mixed with some silver ribbon chunks in the can and this is different than the typical sodium hydroxide crystals I've seen in college chemistry labs. After the addition of 3000mL distilled water, the green granules appear to have fully dissolved in solution but the silver ribbons do not appear to have dissolved fully with the lye but have turned black and broken up somewhat. Does anyone know what they are, if they are safe to be, and what effect they have on the outcome of the final product as in, will they go awake when the final product is smoked or is this potentially toxic?
I do not want to proceed to step 3 (adding the mimosa hostillis root bark powder) before confirming what these objects are and if it is safe to use Draino Kitchen Crystals.
Here is what I am using:
100g mimosa hostillis root bark powder
3000mL distilled water
100g Draino Kitchen Crystals (sodium hydroxide)
200mL VM&P naphtha (updated Tek calls for double amount of water to be used so should I likewise change the amount of naphtha in the original which calls for 1mL naphtha per 15mL water to 2mL naphtha to 30mL of water? If my calculations are correct, this means 200mL naphtha for 3000mL water... right?
Also, in the addendum in the Tek found here:
http://www.erowid.org/pl.../mimosa_chemistry1.shtml for step 2, it calls for 1.5 to 2x water being used per gram of prepowdered bark meaning I prepared the bark powder from girding up the bark myself. Is this correct or am I diluting the mixture too much?
Also, should I drop this, use new water and buy the white sodium hydroxide crystals? Does anyone have a good place to get these that has worked for them in the past? I believe Red Devil Lye Crystals are no longer sold and I was told that I need to get "food grade" sodium hydroxide crystals. Please let me know guys!
Here are pictures of the solution and crystals in question: