swims cousin decided to experiment on various plant materiels with traditional kerosene extraction.
the bullfrog has a simple question to ask, as any simple bullfrog would.
when the bullfrog moistened the plant materiel with aqua soda carb.. the bullfrog used a little to much water by accident..
the resulting percolated kerosene had a black layer at the bottom.

all the bullfrog would like to know is what to do with the black layer?
bullfrog assumes it is water, plant oil & soda carb & quite caustic.
should it be shaken up with the kerosene, filtered and then removed from the kerosene?
is there a chance any goodies are in that layer?
Quote:Water can contaminate kerosene, You can remove water by pouring it through a chamois cloth, or with the use of a proper filter.
that is all.