So I decided a few months ago I would like to try an ibogaine treatment. The only drug im truly addicted to is tobacco but this wasnt the reason for wanting to do the ibogaine, I wanted one big trasnformative deep healing session as recently with aya I feel great for a few days then due to circumstance I dont drink for another week at least or usually a few weeks, so rather than lots of little, although greatly healing expereinces I was attracted to the deep long lasting healing reported from ibogaine use.
So I contacted bancopuma from here and started the ball rolling, he has been a great support and friend throughout the whole thing and im really grateful to him for helping me with this. He suggested a few people and I contacted the one I felt most comfortable with filled out all their patient forms and made an appointment with the Dr to get my blood tests done and get an electrocardiogram. Was pretty gutted as I had to pay £85 for my ecg, we get free healthcare in the Uk so was peed off but better safe than sorry, it is your life on the line!!
I got my results back and everything was fine so wanted to buy it off the guy that Id planned on doing it with, he wanted £380 which I thought was a bit excessive but I could have stretched and managed it but then he added that he would charge £1000 to talk me trhough the process which really annoyed me so I decided to look elsewhere, he did say he would put me in touch with someone and she would talk me through it but I got put off with his £1000 nonsense to talk me through it then I found a guy but he wanted a one off payment when I wanted to use my credit card, cash is tight if you didnt notice lol
Finally found someone that accepted credit cards and was a decent price (£290) and could continue with my plans after thinking it was never going to happen.
So with everything set the 7th of July was the date. I ate very lightly and drank 3 litres of water each day leading up to the 7th to hydrate myself. I was told to put 4 grams of iboga TA (total alkaloid extract) in orange juice and down the hatch it went, horrible tasting stuff, worse than mimosa, worst thing ive ever consumed I think. I made a mistake of trying to get it down too quickly because I was a little sick and worry that I lost some as I didnt get the visual expereience I expected and the visual side didnt last that long either, 3-4 hours tops.
An hour and a half after ingestion first effects are noticed, its like there are live electric wires loose in my ears and above theres this pressure and tension in my head and above me it seems, its almost like im strapped to the side of a rocket as these noises get louder and louder as time goes by and im pretty tense wondering what the hell is going to happen then its as if it stops and this four dimensional canvas unfolds with deep red orange green and yellow and I feel really calm and full of awe at the beauty of it. An orange rabbit appears and seems quite friendly, I feel quite at home. All these circular fifties type guys with bright green and red faces appear and just seem to be floating about, their like 50's detectives and just seem to be pictures. Theres a squashed white rabbit and other flat random pictures just floating about, this continues for a while then to the right of me I see this african woman that seems to be smiling at me, I smile back and go look closer at her, then to the left of her there seems to be more african people looking at me and that was it. These visions went on for a few hours and nothing much else happened, was really dissapointed and cursed myself for being sick, then again it could have been weak iboga but I do blame myself.
After the visual part I was left with this speedy psychedelic effect and if I moved my head I would get really dizzy and feel nauseus, my whole body felt really heavy I had a sore back and my legs were useless it seemed. Unfortunately, despite only having some fruit in the morning I needed to empty my bowels a few hours later, I tried to just ignore it but I realised it wouldnt go away. As soon as I managed to get on my knees I tried to stand, bad idea everything went haywire and the room was spinning, really strange expereince. I had to crawl to the toilet and heave myself up, I had watched a film a few weeks ago called the human centipede, I felt just like that lol
So I got back to the bed and felt all sore after having to drag myself to the toilet so I just lay on my back and roughed it out, I started to get uncomfortable so lay on my side a few times then 5 minutes later I threw up, quite a lot. I then lay on my other side and again threw up, done this three times then I remembered that your not supposed lie on your side as it makes you sick

So I had to stay in one position for around 12-14 hours, this was hard, its actually the hardest psychedelic expereince ive had and during the hard part I kept saying to myself this is hell I hate this and Ill never do it again, of course now I definately would do it again as the after glow is amazing plus I didnt get the visual aspect I expected.
The night after the expereince I think I got a few hours sleep though im not sure, I woke or thought I woke thinking did I get any sleep but im pretty sure I did although light. Felt groggy and unstable on my feet all the next day and keep getting flashes of light, especially if I leave a dark room into a light room, this went on for three days. I got an ok sleep the 2nd night after taking it. I felt quite blank the following two days, the second day I was very emotional towards my girlfriend and got quite depressed that we will die someday and nothing lasts forever, quite strange thoughts to be having. The plan was as soon as I got better my girlfriend and I would be going to the east coast of Scotland for a holiday at my mums wee flat up there. So were just back from the east coast and I feel great, I took on booster of 333mg of iboga TA on monday and have felt great the whole week, Ive stopped smoking which despite what some say it is hard for me but it hasnt been as hard if I hadnt had the iboga treatment im sure.
I definetely feel like a lot of healing has went on and I still feel it right now, just a great afterglow and ive still got a couple of boosters to take and will probably work with this plant in low doses until I get the oppurtunity to do a large one again, Im really excited to hear how people go with their low doses of cappi and iboga, they sound ideal for each other!! I feel a lot more considerate and patient with things and generally calmer. Im really happy with my introduction to this plant despite the difficulties and lack of visions, the healing for me has been more profound than my aya expereinces so far, and again thanks to Bancopuma who has been an invaluable support throughout!! Hope this helps someone and I cant reccomend Iboga enough. Cheers