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help with ecofriendly dmt fumarate tek Options
#1 Posted : 7/28/2010 4:10:35 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 7
Joined: 25-Jun-2010
Last visit: 05-Oct-2010
Hi, I just recently tried amor_fati's ecofriendly fumarate tek, with two different freebase conversion methods. I tried the dmt-fumarate saturated solution mixed with the sodium carbonate saturated solution, but I think I used too much water in the dmt-fumarate solution, and too much sodium carbonate in its respective solution. Some stuff precipitated out after the two day evaporation, but it wasn't anything like the well-formed crystals in the thread I first saw the method used in. It also didn't filter out very cleanly via a 20 micron filter...sort of seeped into the filter while drying. I also tried amor_fati's conversion method, but I think I either screwed that one up too, or I just didn't get anything off of my second pull from my bark. I've got a few questions that hopefully someone can answer...

1) Is there any stage at which I could freeze precip the dmt from limonene? I haven't tried a freeze precip immediately after the initial limonene extraction, because I figured the other range of alkaloids would precipitate out along with it. I did, however, try washing the remnants of my second freebase conversion in limonene, extractiong the limonene, then freeze precip on that...no results to speak of. That was off of my second pull though, which might have been a whiff at the initial extraction phase.

2) Does anyone have an approximation of dmt fumarate's solubility in water, so as not to waste anything in trying to saturate the solution? Is it about the same as fumaric acid?

3) Could the material left from the reaction of the dmt fumarate and the sodium carbonate in amor_fati's freebase conversion tek be separated by some means other than repeatedly washing it with water? Limonene or IPA? Would Everclear (95 percent grain alcohol, 5 percent water) work instead of IPA?

4) In the saturated solution + saturated solution freebase conversion (https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=12543), is there a certain temperature that it should be evaporated at? Fan or no fan? Heat mat or no heat mat? Should it be done in an ideal evaporation tray, i.e. lots of surface area, or in narrow containers like the glasses used in the comparison thread?

5) For the same tek, is there a certain size micron filter that is most practical? I'm guessing somewhere in the 75 micron range? The water didn't pass through the 20 micron filter very easily.

Thanks for any input Smile

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#2 Posted : 7/28/2010 5:48:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 84
Joined: 26-Mar-2010
Last visit: 19-Jan-2014
It seems to me this is your first attempt, so first i would have to say you should do a little more browsing around the nexus befor you continue. Second the first tek i used was http://www.anoniem.org/?...aspx?g=posts&t=12288 and i would have to say for all just starting out that this is IMO the easiest and safest tek to do for a first extraction. Not only that but i learned alot about the chemicle process that goes on in this tek and all other teks.

WestHighlandTerrier wrote:

1) Is there any stage at which I could freeze precip the dmt from limonene? I haven't tried a freeze precip immediately after the initial limonene extraction, because I figured the other range of alkaloids would precipitate out along with it. I did, however, try washing the remnants of my second freebase conversion in limonene, extractiong the limonene, then freeze precip on that...no results to speak of. That was off of my second pull though, which might have been a whiff at the initial extraction phase.

No, you cant freeze precip D-Limo. DMT freebase is soluble in COLD D-Limo. This dosent mean go heat your limo or try evaping the limo. Once you have pulled your limo you have to salt it out using vinegar. From there you can allow the vinegar to evap. All this and way more detail in the Q21Q21 tek. I suggest reading the WHOLE tek, both the "food safe" and the Naptha Teks that way you can fully grasp the process.

WestHighlandTerrier wrote:

5) For the same tek, is there a certain size micron filter that is most practical? I'm guessing somewhere in the 75 micron range? The water didn't pass through the 20 micron filter very easily.

Filters are really a waste of time, unless of course you used lye and werent careful enough in your seperation process. Then they are good because you have to wash your crystals. IMO it is better to leave some of the naptha behinde on your final pull, there really isnt enough product there to worry about calling it a loss because contamination is far worse.

#3 Posted : 7/28/2010 6:37:21 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 7
Joined: 25-Jun-2010
Last visit: 05-Oct-2010
Thanks for the response. No, this isn't my first attempt at extracting, just my first attempt using foodsafe ingredients. I definitely produced the right stuff, and quite easily, with an STB with naphtha, lye, water, and mhrb, but I was never really comfortable with naphtha to begin with. Once I found out (on this very site) that the extraction could be done without it, I immediately picked up all the necessary ingredients to try it that way and abandoned all my old materials. My questions probably come off as novice because I don't know much about chemistry, and I thusly won't know that some questions I ask or ideas I may have are impossibly stupid.

I had read both amor_fati's tek and the Q21Q21 tek before gathering materials and went with the former...I want to say there was a practical reason why at the time, but I can't quite recall. Would you say Q21Q21's tek is the superior of the two? If so, I'll give that one another hard look.

Interesting about the frebase solubility in cold d-limo. Is there an ideal temp for the d-limo for the initial extraction? From what I can tell, the teks I saw were room temp.
Psilocin Dreams
#4 Posted : 7/28/2010 6:52:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 26-Mar-2010
Last visit: 19-Jan-2014
Room temp with the D-Limo i would imagine is fine but ive only seen it put in the fridge.

I dont wana say one is better than the other but i prefer Q21Q21's tek. There is another tek that i prefer over Q21Q21 for ease and the small ammounts of material required to do the tek not to mention the FANTASTIC yield you get from it. But alas Q21Q21 is a fun tek to do because to have to put more energy into the process and the smell during the basification is intoxicating..... not in the drunk sence in the smells good sence. Here is a thread you should check out https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=11548 This tek is great also there is a nice debate about D-Limo and Naptha.

Im no chemist either per say i just read ALOT Twisted Evil

:edit: Oh also i have noticed the more patient you are the better the results. Dont rush let your mixes rest and aggitate them when ever you think about em. Also let your solvents do their thing for a few hours each pull depending on the method you choose of course. Patience is key.
#5 Posted : 7/28/2010 7:28:25 PM


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Whichever tek you use just make sure you're lime is pure lime. (unless you're using lye of course)

Going through all the step and getting no yield just cause your lime is not right can suck.

If you choose Q21Q21's tek (even if you do FASA instead of vinegar) you can PM me if you get into any trouble.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

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