Hi, I just recently tried amor_fati's ecofriendly fumarate tek, with two different freebase conversion methods. I tried the dmt-fumarate saturated solution mixed with the sodium carbonate saturated solution, but I think I used too much water in the dmt-fumarate solution, and too much sodium carbonate in its respective solution. Some stuff precipitated out after the two day evaporation, but it wasn't anything like the well-formed crystals in the thread I first saw the method used in. It also didn't filter out very cleanly via a 20 micron filter...sort of seeped into the filter while drying. I also tried amor_fati's conversion method, but I think I either screwed that one up too, or I just didn't get anything off of my second pull from my bark. I've got a few questions that hopefully someone can answer...
1) Is there any stage at which I could freeze precip the dmt from limonene? I haven't tried a freeze precip immediately after the initial limonene extraction, because I figured the other range of alkaloids would precipitate out along with it. I did, however, try washing the remnants of my second freebase conversion in limonene, extractiong the limonene, then freeze precip on that...no results to speak of. That was off of my second pull though, which might have been a whiff at the initial extraction phase.
2) Does anyone have an approximation of dmt fumarate's solubility in water, so as not to waste anything in trying to saturate the solution? Is it about the same as fumaric acid?
3) Could the material left from the reaction of the dmt fumarate and the sodium carbonate in amor_fati's freebase conversion tek be separated by some means other than repeatedly washing it with water? Limonene or IPA? Would Everclear (95 percent grain alcohol, 5 percent water) work instead of IPA?
4) In the saturated solution + saturated solution freebase conversion (https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=12543), is there a certain temperature that it should be evaporated at? Fan or no fan? Heat mat or no heat mat? Should it be done in an ideal evaporation tray, i.e. lots of surface area, or in narrow containers like the glasses used in the comparison thread?
5) For the same tek, is there a certain size micron filter that is most practical? I'm guessing somewhere in the 75 micron range? The water didn't pass through the 20 micron filter very easily.
Thanks for any input