Swim obtained his lye from a soap making shop. Soap and more is where it was found. They are C-town based, but they do ship. Otherwise, swim could not find any in hardware stores.
Swim thinks it needs to be pickling lime. He couldn't find that too easy so far, so he is sticking to lye for now.
If you still have some bark not mixed with lime, use that first with a traditional wet tek, and try to recover the lime/bark mixture over a longer time, fully letting everything settle.
For converting to lye, this is what swim did:
- Add water to the bark/lime mixture and mix thoroughly, it will need to be a fair bit.
- One can either let it settle and decant or add lye to the full mixture. Add lye to a separate glass of water first, and let it cool.
***(required warning of adding lye to water, not water to lye! )***
Having the exothermic reaction in the bark water will make it very thick, whereas adding cool lye water seems to thin the mixture.
Swim added lye first, because he wanted to ensure all alkaloids were in suspension in the water by ensuring freebasing, plus there is alot of water contained in the bark/lime slurry, and swim wanted to get as much as possible. I don't know if it will make a difference, maybe others have input.
The only issue is whether you want to try straining off the bark/lime mixture...Very time consuming, and clogs filters fast. Swim tried cheesecloth, but gave up and just left it in the vessel.
WARNING: straining a high ph fluid (this mixture after lye is added) is hazardous. That is why swim just chose to leave it in there.
The solids will settle over a day or two.
- Add solvent (swim tried toluene first, just to check against his xylene)
- Stir with stick, wood spoon etc. (avoid metal if possible) gently! Avoid rapid motions and making bubbles, as with all the solids emulsions can form easily!
- remove solvent once the layers have separated
- do your thing
Swim found this worked with the one pull of toluene. He salted it with vinegar and evaporated to find red goo!
An alternative to the ronsonal is heptane sold as Bestine, though it is even more selective (assuming you are looking for crystals)
It is a rubber cement thinner, swim found it at Micheals. It must be warm though and isn't as efficient as naptha. Good for recrystalizing though.
Swim is more interested in making jimjam tincture, so xylene or toluene is what is used.
Hope this helps. Also, being reasonably new too, Swim obviously invites more experienced members to add suggestions here. Maybe it will help swim too.