I am not quite understanding what has just happened. But here goes.
I have just recently smoked 150mg of Changa, which consisted of:
95mg Blend:12.5% 10x Salvia
50% Blue Lotus
37.5% Passionflower.55mg DMT extracted using STB with Naphtha as the NPS.The ratio of DMT to Changa is 1 : 1.7 (The ratio is so low due to poor calculations). However after this glowing experience I care not.
I have had experiences with Salvia before and have quite enjoyed them. I have also had experiences with DMT, however all my experiences had been sub-breakthrough and nothing that I haven't been in control of.
After smoking around 350mg Sceletium Tortuosum, I felt that I was in the correct state of mind to start my travels and filled the bowl with 150mg Changa. I held the lighter to the bowl, as the bong filled up to the top with the creamy smoke, I took a quick breath and then inhaled the whole bong full of smoke in one lungful. As I held the smoke in I could feel the rushing sensation of the DMT absorbing into my body. I immediately put the bong on the floor and went and lied on the bed. I could feel the body tingles and separation from reality that is normally associated with salvia.
However it was completely different to a normal salvia experience. As I lay there my vision was completely covered with neon green spirals. It was at this point that I began to examine my personality, I began to think at this point that I was not ready for DMT and began to question who I was. This put a negative spin on my trip and for a second I began to panic. However I thought to myself that I was completely safe and I should put a positive spin on the trip and enjoy myself. This helped a lot and I went back to admiring the beautiful artwork that I was drawing with my imagination.
After this, I came back to earth and began to be aware of the room I was in. I lay there in a foetal position, rubbing my hands together because it felt nice. However soon my hands began to stick together and I began to melt. I was lying on the bed and watching as droplets of my hands and legs began to drop onto the duvet. I found this extremely funny and laughed as I thought of Dahli's Clocks. This lasted for quite a while and was the most memorable part of the trip.
After this point I began to come back to reality and just closed my eyes and watched the CEVs it was at this point I began to question my life, my decisions and my personality. I was feeling quite negative about myself and the past, however I began to think about the future and how inspirational the trip had been. As I found my senses, I went and looked in the mirror and was amazed to see how blushed I was and how dilated my pupils were. As I looked into the mirror I couldn't stop laughing and smiling. I felt pure bliss. This feeling has died down, however it has put me in a really positive state of mind throughout the evening and I am feeling quite good right now writing this report.
This trip has been surprising for me though, I am not classing this as a sub-breakthrough dose or a breakthrough as it was neither. I believe that because of the large amount of Salvia in the Changa, the trip was highly influenced by the Salvia. Regardless I enjoyed it a lot and cannot wait to travel again.
People spend their lives searching for perfect moments and fail to see, that there are many unappreciated perfect moments everyday that are overlooked.