This was sort of a guide given to me by a member here of his extraction methods, although I revised it to keep it simple enough for me to understand, I still feel that it's incomplete. I'm also confused on a particular part of the extraction. I'll post it,....can any experienced extractors "fill in the blanks" where I'm missing something? And for all purposes, keep it simple. I'm not a science novice.
"Step 1: u are going to use- Mimosa holstilis root bark in ur extractions. Buy 400-500 gr mimosa bark first.
Step 2: Buy LYE.
Step 3: Buy Naphta
Step 4: Buy 4 Jars. Scientific, pickle or otherwise.
Step 5: Buy a PH-meter or PH paper.
Specified Formula for extraction:
100gr bark /
60-70gr naoh /
700-800ml total water /
120ml naphta for each pull(4x120)
To begin: Step 6: If you didn't buy the bark already powdered, grind in a blender 100gr of Mimosa Holstillis bark and place it within JAR A.
Step 7: Add 600ml water to JAR A. So you now have 100gr of grinded Mimosa Holstillis bark and 600ml of water within JAR A. (600ml water+Grinded Mimosa=JAR A)
Step 8:In JAR B put 100-200ml of WATER and add 60-70gr of NAOH. Note* The chemical reaction of the two will get very HOT, be careful! Stir JAR B so the Noah+water dissolves correctly.
Step 9: COMBINE JAR B to JAR A. Combine JAR B containing 100-200ml of water + 60-70gr of naoh into JAR A.
Step 10: Stir Jar A to make sure all remaining bark is dissolved and that there is no harden pieces.
Step 11: Measure 120ml Naphta(solvent) into a clean jar (jar C)
Step 12: Get a baking pan and add some warm to hot water to it. You will then place JAR C which contains your solvent into the baking pan in order to warm the solvent. Let JAR C warm for 2 minutes.
Step 13: After 2 minutes of warming your solvent in the pan, pour JAR C into now JAR A.
Step 14: STIR gently again and place a lid over JAR A.
Step 15: STIR JAR A, 3 times a day. DO NOT SHAKE JAR or else you will cause emulsions. And the layers will not separate.
Step 16: After 24 hours, get a turkey baster or big syringe. You will now have 2 layers. Suck the top layer (which is transparent looking) out and place it in another jar.
Step 17: Prepare 120ml of NAPHTA(solvent) into JAR C again and warn it for 2 minutes.
Step 18: ADD the warmed NAPHTA(solvent) to your remaining solvent from JAR A. Remember the top layer you removed? After removing the top layer you had a bottom layer left in JAR A; ADD the warmed NAPHTA in JAR C to the remaining solvent in JAR A. Then stir gently and put a lid on it.
Step 19: Stir JAR A 3 times a day ......again and let it settle for 24 hours. This will have been the second pull which equals 48 hours.
Step 20: Suck the second pull into the same container as the first pull??? What first pull? I removed a top layer from my first pull after 24 hours, I am now removing my second pull after 48 hours, what do I do with it now? Remove the top layer again?
Step 21: Put your final pull in the freezer on a temperature cold enough to harden ice-cream. Then pull after 24 hours.
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, that there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imaginations of ourselves."
-Bill Hicks