Had a chance to read
this interview with Manuel DeLanda, that touches on psychedelics quite a lot.
He takes a position I had never seen so eloquently elaborated before, that the higher states of consciousness accessed through entheogens do not have some essential existence, but instead emerge from destratifications of our normal models of reality.
The closest parallel I have seen appears in James L. Kent's
Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason.
I don't necessarily agree with any of his points, but find them very interesting. SWIM mentions that with DMT, and especially changa, she has found progressively journeying into the "gaseous" phase, as DeLanda calls it, actually over time brings out higher degrees of complexity that stabilize themselves.
In other words, exploring both ranges of psychedelic destratification provide the dreamer with great value.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms