I have always had a very base instinctive view on sex up until the last year and a half.
I mean to say that it began with a stimuli, then ran it's course through thoughts, arousal, sex or msaturbation, to orgasm.
I learnt that seeing, especially HEARING someone aroused and feeling pleasure REALLY gets me more turned on than "just having sex and getting my rocks off" as you put it, but it had always been pretty mechanical.
I guess this is because I have always had certain hang ups, and after having a intense LSA (HBWR) trip - admitting to myself I am bisexual - loosening up even more, to the point where now I am open with myself and other completely about anything sexual...whereas before I had my guilty pleasures, where I would feel shame.
I still have tinges of that, but I know it will pass as I go further down the road into embracing my inner nature.
Only when I knew real heartbreak for the first time, and had over a year of abstinence, did I begin to view sex as anything spiritual, and not just animalistic - so when I fell in love again, I learnt more about prolonging sex without the use of cannabis, with the woman I loved and we made sex both animalistic and also about truly learning and enjoying each others bodies - we opened up more doors, we shared our inner light and our inner demons.
After this relationship ended through other hangups of mine, I started reading more about buddhism, and then started doing yoga last year - and learnt more about sexual energies and "release" of these energies instead of cultivating them and recirculating this life force.
Right now, DMT has not affected my sex life or how I view sex(yet, not saying it won't), but psychedelics certainly have - LSA showed me graphic images of hermaphrodites kaleidoskoping through my CEVs; 2C-E showed me how just how ashamed I was about certain urges and views I have towards sex through conditioning - things that needed changing, through positive thinking; LSD showed me I am definitely more into women than I am into men; and 4-AcO-DMT has reminded me that sexual urges are sooo natural - like the air we breathe; the plants and trees that help us breathe who dance & sing in sunlight if they're not thirsty; and like the earth we dance or lay on - the pure animalistic sexual urges untainted by conditioned thoughts.
However DMT did remind me the other day that I like men AS WELL AS women - when I was in the presence of shiva, who transformed into someone who I believe is Ishtar(if I encounter again I'll ask
), then transforming into Aphrodite - so I'm thinking maybe I need to open those doors properly, and explore a bit further finally.
Great thread by the way!!
I look into the world, wherein there shines the sun...