Hi, I am in the middle of an extraction at the moment and I made a, hopefully, minor mistake. I accidentally sucked up some MgSO4 with my anhydrous acetone that I used for fasa on some jungle spice. Overnight I am letting the dmt-fumarate settle to the bottom.
My original plan was to
-decant fasa
-dry jar completely
-dissolve dmt-fumarate in minimal water and pipette from jar to test tube (this will pick up a bunch of MgSO4 though)
-add small amount NaOH to water and completely dissolve into water (a quick google search showed that NaOH reacts with MgSO4 to form sodium sulfate and magnesium hydroxide, I do not have any significant formal chemistry knowledge so I can not comment though)
-pull with heptane
-pull with xylene
I have no clue what I should do in this position, is there any way I can save this mess? A LOT of time and energy went into it.
Edit: Alright, after a little research and thinking I've come up with this:
Magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) is "practically" insoluble in ethanol.
Sodium sulfate is insoluble in ethanol.
DMT-freebase is very soluble in ethanol.
Sodium hydroxide is insoluble in xylene and heptane and very soluble in water.
Instead of continuing on with the tek in the above manner, could I stop before I pull with heptane and...
-wait for freebase to drop out of the water/NaOH solution and settle to bottom of test tube.
-decant water containing NaOH
-dry completely
-add ethanol
-decant off the ethanol
-evaporate ethanol
-continue to pull with xylene/heptane
If my understanding is correct, that should be able to clear everything except trace amounts of magnesium hydroxide. It should be noted that magnesium hydroxide doesn't decompose until 350*C and my DMT does not plan on getting that hot. Am I be safe basically?
Also, I do not have access to anhydrous ethanol at the moment. I do however have access to more MgSO4 and ever-clear (195 proof). Could I make the ever-clear anhydrous by letting it sit with some anhydrous MgSO4?
Everything I post is false.