Greetings! As my first post, i decided i might share SWIMs most recent experience with jungle, and perhaps ask for feedback. I suppose its worth mentioning that I have long lurked this forum, and thank ye nexians for much knowledge to digest and thought to chew on. I also want to mention that I have long admired the respect shown between members on this forum. I wanted to post this experience while it was still fresh in mind.
SWIM decided to once again smoke some jungle spice with his friends. SWIM was the third one up, the experiences of my fellow travelers had been pleasant, albeit strange. The jungle was loaded in a bong, on top of caapi leaf. After the third rip, I was fully immersed. I closed my eyes. Normally, like my last experience with jungle, I have lots of visuals of beings, mainly after the peak of the experience though. This time, I saw a strange clay face, it began stretching and turned into a mass of beings. As I watched them form, I fell deeper into the experience, I had a feeling they were taking me back to 'the beginning'. Not the beginning of time persay, but it was the best my mind was coming to conceptualizing it. They took me to a state of primal being if that makes sense. They took me to that womb state, or how I would imagine it would be in the womb. The vibes weren't really good though.
The beings kept telling me "This is it", "this is all there is and ever will be. We are the beginning and the end. You are only here because of me, we made you."
The idea of infinity and dust to dust is normally very comforting to me. But the beings just kept insisting that there was no meaning almost.
I didnt come out of the experience with negativity, only a little bit of confusion. I figured I just hopped into the wrong part of the realm, and met some arrogant beings. It was all very humbling, but I didnt feel like it was what I needed. Ive had more humbling, stronger experiences than that. I wanted to go farther. I even asked, 'show me more', but i was denied hahah.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Peace and love
Living to Give