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DXM Options
#41 Posted : 7/9/2010 3:09:29 AM

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Samadhi-Sukha-Upekkha wrote:
Define "addictive." I don't think lab animals self-administer DXM the way they do with cocaine, heroin, or caffeine.

Im skeptical as well. Some people do get addicted to both ketamine and DXM..and there are negtives(moreso with DXM) health wise with regular use..but I cant really find anything about them actaully being physically addictive they way heroin and alcohol etc is..It seems there is alot of psychological addiction with DXM..there is most likely some physical part as well, but ive never seen evidence that it is similar to opiates etc in that reguard.
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#42 Posted : 7/9/2010 4:22:09 AM


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fractal enchantment wrote:
Samadhi-Sukha-Upekkha wrote:
Define "addictive." I don't think lab animals self-administer DXM the way they do with cocaine, heroin, or caffeine.

Im skeptical as well. Some people do get addicted to both ketamine and DXM..and there are negtives(moreso with DXM) health wise with regular use..but I cant really find anything about them actaully being physically addictive they way heroin and alcohol etc is..It seems there is alot of psychological addiction with DXM..there is most likely some physical part as well, but ive never seen evidence that it is similar to opiates etc in that reguard.

Can't really say anything that isn't just conjecture. But apparently all dissociative can be addicting.


I've heard of non-scientific reports of pretty harsh additions for each of them.

Personally SWIM get's bored of dissociatives pretty quickly. With DXM, Nitrous and GHB he was super gung-ho and excited to have them but after 5 trips the euphoria was fading and at 10 it was completely gone.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#43 Posted : 7/9/2010 4:58:45 AM

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polytrip wrote:
I wouldn't use it as a narcotic. Getting lesions in my brain has little appeal to me.

I used it once for what it's supposed to work for: colds. I didn't take an amount that's supposed to have any narcotic effect and i got incredibly sleepy. So even in low amounts it's very sedating.

Is it not true that oleny's lesions have never been documented in humans or monkeys EVER?

DXM and ketamine are not physically addicting either, they are psychologically addictive unlike normal psychedelics. This is because its virtually impossible to have a bad or uncomfortable trip on the.

As far as DXM goes though, you can buy it pretty much pure at the store in the form of zicam cough spray. 400mg in the form of a tiny splash of cream soda flavored liquid. I did it a couple times years ago and it was interesting and enjoyable. Fractal, I think you should try it once. I quickly got over it and haven't used it since but its definitely demonized for no good reason.
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#44 Posted : 7/9/2010 6:02:29 AM

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I think its more than possible to have a bad experience with DXM-particularly if you hit plateaus 3 and above.

In terms of addiction, certainly some get a psychological affinity for it but it is not physically addicting at all.It has no effect on the mu opioid receptor which is what causes addiction to stuff like H,fentanyl etc.

Its just a chemical and hence doesnt merit demonization.Its a worthwhile experience-unless you have injectable ketamine in which case, forget DXM...
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#45 Posted : 7/9/2010 9:52:37 AM
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dxm makes me all itchy. if you go robo, don't think about that Pleased

low dose (half a tuss max bottle for me) sipped for an hour makes music sound lifey/glowy, there's some happiness. medium dose distorts the vision so that everything looks slightly cartoon-ish.

tried playing chess on a low-med dose against an similarly intoxicated person, pretty challenging. tunneled thoughts; strategies/possibilities forgotten once considering the next. scatterbrain effects too.

did a third plateau once, it was alright as a dream-state but nothing to get excited about. had further times meditating after a bowl of good bud. could just not be my bag, to each their own.

never went further than after reading the internet literature on it causing problems with memory/learning/empathy. the sigma is still enticing, but only as a once in a lifetime thing after my kids have finished college.

a low dose can be fun, especially if you've got some good speakers/headphones. it can be habit forming like most (all?) definitive intoxicants and has destroyed some lives (shown on documentaries/tv shows, internet reports).

imo mushrooms/spice/cacti/bufo/salvia/aya are safer and worth more for the time.
#46 Posted : 7/25/2010 1:01:57 AM

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SWIM has tried extracting DXM a few times but it always seemed to yield 50-60%

SWIM was reading the old DXM extraction tek on D-F by Phungushead which uses naphtha, household ammonia, and citric acid. Would limonene, lime, fumaric acid work in substitution, respectively? SWIM has never heard of the use of limonene in a DXM extraction. Is that because it doesn't work?

SWIM read the DXM fumarate thread and

lemon juice and pure citric acid are super easy to obtain and SWIM isn't sure why someone would waste semi-expensive fumaric acid on DXM.

if limonene would work, would fumaric acid be a better choice than citric? (SWIM hasn't heard of citric acid/limonene being used in extractions).
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#47 Posted : 7/25/2010 4:15:18 AM

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Cannot answer the questions regarding DXM extraction, but I believe citric acid gets used so infrequently because it forms an even gooier solid than DMT-acetate.
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#48 Posted : 8/2/2010 10:07:32 PM

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DXM is definitely different for everybody.

I liked DXM, It would give me sort of a nice drunk feeling with a mildly delusional dissociation. It was fun for me. I started with the 300mg gel caps, but then I moved on to Sucrets. I put them in a blender with some OJ. I have never had any nausea with DXM, I tried cough syrup once, no nausea, it gave me terrible diarrhea though.

The highest dose I took was 750mg. I was trying to see if DXM had any entheogenic potential. At the higher doses it DOES get pretty psychedelic, but it is VERY hard to remember anything. It wasn't BAD, but I dont think any "bad trips" are bad, because you always learn something. I wouldn't do 750mg again though. 10 hours of complete dissociation. It felt like all my body parts were drifting across the universe all in different directions. And believe me, it felt a LOT longer. Time can go very slow. I am sure anyone that has done high doses of pharmahuasca knows about that.
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#49 Posted : 8/2/2010 10:42:40 PM
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Well, maybe my experience was idiosyncratic, and/or I am just a slow metabolizer, but I felt like I had serotonin syndrome for 3/4 days after a 300mg dose. No other drug has affected me that badly.
#50 Posted : 8/3/2010 12:15:23 AM

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SWIM gets a headache from it sometimes. The overall effect is just too withdrawn. It's a foggy experience. It's nice if you're sick though. For that reason alone it’s great as a cough medicine. When you’re sick, the withdrawn feeling is sometimes just what you need to get your mind off of all your aches and pains.

As a psychedelic, SWIM doesn’t find any use for it. He’s got a big bottle of pure DXM tablets sitting around collecting dust. The only time he ever uses it now is if he’s got a very bad cough.
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