SWIY oughta be more catious about the amounts of Datura they ingest.
SWIM had been growing a large Datura Inoxia (AKA The Aztec "Toloache/Toloatzin"
2 summers ago from which he collected rediculous amounts of seeds.
He has a jar of perhaps many hundreds of D.Inoxia seeds and very rarely he would mash up 3 to 5 seeds, add this to his tea and go to sleep about 40 minutes later.
This would result in crystal clear, extremely vivid, hyper realistic and coherent dreams that are easily and completely remembered uppon awakening.
Needless to say it also increases the odds of becomming Lucid in a Dream.
This amount was remarkably noticable in terms of physical and perceptual and psychological effects, allthough it was clear it wouldn't go much deeper.
D.Inoxia seeds are strong appearantly. SWIM doesn't know if D.Stramonium seeds are significantly stronger or weaker than D.Inoxia seeds.
But as for D.Inoxia seeds SWIM might even say that 5 seeds is too much and is overkill when it's intended for dream awareness enhancement and 3 seeds is all you need. Off course it also depends on body volume and most of all on what one intends to achieve, utilising the, rather risky energy of Lady Datura.
May SWIM ask you, for what purpose does SWIY seek to explore the effects of Datura?