So DMT and tripping in general are not new things to me. I don't know how much dmt I smoked, but I put some in the pipe and hit it, and then the rest is a little hard to piece together.
I laid back on my bed and "blacked out" almost right away. I remember not knowing where I was until I believed that my current state was death. I didn't know how I had died, but I was in a new place and completely lost my identity. I was surrounded by infinity in every direction, churning into its infinite complexities and flowing and moving. I felt physically kind of dissolved, and was not aware of my body. I was kind of scared about dying (this was my first scary experience tripping) and stayed in the strange death state for several minutes until my journey through infinity brought me back to one realm of complex arrangement (my own) and I started making connections with my surroundings again. I recognized my clock even though it was moving and vibrating. I also recognized every object and surface in my room sort of communicating the feeling of a smile back at me in a way. This was because I was of the same infinity that was everything else around me (this goes with my thoughts that I am the universe conscious, and therefore everything else is me in a way). I saw my friend with whom I was tripping and grabbed his shirt. I was confused about seeing him if I was dead, and just kind of stared at him as his figure pulsed in intense rippling patterns. Then reality slowly returned. I dipped in and out of tripping hard for a bit but was pretty much fried until reality came back enough for me to process a little of what happened and where I was and what I was doing and who I was.
This is the first time I've found my upper limit, and was my perception of death. I just stopped being. I've felt the ego death of a mushroom trip before, but this was nothing like it. I was swirling through infinity where relative comparisons are impossible and thought I died.
Anyone else feel this before? And how strong was this trip, and how much do you think i may have taken?