Posts: 1239 Joined: 08-Aug-2009 Last visit: 04-Jun-2024 Location: Nowhere, I'm not real.
I had told my brother's fiancé about iboga and the powers it has for heroin addicts. We discussed how it works with several different drugs, I told her I had no idea whether it could do anything for smoking but I told her all I knew from the videos I watched. She is quite experienced with psychedelics, she's broke-through on DMT, done acid, shrooms, 2c-b, mescaline, holotropic breathwork, maybe some others. She is very new-age with crystals all over her house. She is very well read on meditation and psychedelics too. She sent me a message Quote: "I would like to talk to you about the agent that makes withdrawal from meds only take 3 days. I want to get off my back pain stuff....I think I just need it every now and then not all the time but I'm physically addicted to it. I would also like to quit smoking. I'll probably be ready for it in a month. I want to get my core really strong ahead of time to reduce the amount of residual pain.
I have 2 cell numbers for you; could you write back with your correct one please and thank you?
You should come visit sometime! I'm baking maple oatmeal bread as we speak...we haven't bought bread in a long time.
Also, J put up pictures from our PR trip you might want to check out. I made the arrangements, and the cabin I got was on the same beach as your old house! It was so relaxing and beautiful, I was really sad to come back. I had no idea it was on the Bay! (it didn't say where it was) We saw M's dad, they moved to a property on the beach.
Hope you are well and having a good pseudo-summer!"
Iboga is legal here in canada so that is not an issue. Does anyone think it would be wise to do iboga for the reasons she put forth, she is searching for healing and also a possible freedom from dependacy. Thanks, Q21Q21 Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 245 Joined: 02-Feb-2009 Last visit: 19-Jun-2013
Don't they have iboga clinics in Canada? You should point her towards one of those. I'm sure it would help work for cigarettes, though nicotine isn't whats truly addictive... its the act of smoking and having something to do with your hand that makes cigarettes truly addictive
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
Low dose iboga has helped me quit an 11 year stint with opiates. While I was waiting for my iboga to arrive I cut back on my useage tremendously and I imagine that was part of my success. A fully dose is not needed to help quit...5 days in and it feels like it has taken over every receptor site in my brain...nothing gives me any effect anymore, not coca tea, not cigs, ambien, valium, kratom... nothing seems to work anymore...and I'm 100% ok with that...  Besides the quitting benefits there is an amazing clairity that comes with iboga. The only negative I can say is there is insomnia and some jitters, though the NEED for sleep is also decreased. Sublingual melatonin seems to be the only thing that has been able to grant me some sleep this past week. THAT still works, better than usual I might add. The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
Ouch, kinda hard to say. I have two kinds right now, one is a whole root grind which is very weak, the other is whole root that I scrape the bark off of. I slowly titrate up my dose until I can feel it, then stop for the day. 2 full teaspoons of my whole root grind ~= 1/4 teaspoon of finely powdered root bark. Maybe a fully teaspoon of high quality root bark from 6am-2pm split into many doses. Once the full effects kick in....wow... I truly can't imagine what a full flood dose would be like, though I will be doing a very low breakthrough dose 5-8mg/kg...but will be consulting with a clinic about what dosage would be right for an ex-user. The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12340 Joined: 12-Nov-2008 Last visit: 02-Apr-2023 Location: pacific
1992 wrote:Don't they have iboga clinics in Canada? You should point her towards one of those. I'm sure it would help work for cigarettes, though nicotine isn't whats truly addictive... its the act of smoking and having something to do with your hand that makes cigarettes truly addictive Yep we have them here...at $5000 a treatment... Long live the unwoke.
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
fractal enchantment wrote:1992 wrote:Don't they have iboga clinics in Canada? You should point her towards one of those. I'm sure it would help work for cigarettes, though nicotine isn't whats truly addictive... its the act of smoking and having something to do with your hand that makes cigarettes truly addictive Yep we have them here...at $5000 a treatment... that's a LOT of money for just trying to quit cigs, thought the experience will most likely be life changing. I get heroin addicts doing it, but cigs??? I still say try low dose iboga first...or replacement detox, patch/gum. The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 326 Joined: 05-Apr-2010 Last visit: 29-May-2013 Location: Hyperspace
I had been a chain smoker for many years. The only thing that ever worked for me was a book by a guy named Alan Carr. The title is "Alan Carr's EASY WAY to Stop Smoking". It DOES work! I guarantee that anyone who reads this book start to finish WILL quit smoking.
After I read this book it was not only easy to stop, but enjoyable.
Anyone who is still smoking and is having trouble quitting NEEDS to read this book. It was the only thing that ever worked for me. Nicotine replacement therapy does not work. Ibogaine might work, but I can guarantee you that this book WILL work, for a cheaper price.
That's my 2 cents.
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
^ Agreed on the getting a copy. I own a copy. he's not the best writer and repeats himself quite a bit, but it is a GOOD book with GOOD info in it and it MAKES PERFECT SENSE. He really does explain just how to quit, and WHY. Unfortunately I was not able to quit with just words in a book, or idea's in my head. To claim that it WILL stop anyone from smoking is silly and that other methods don't work. I have a friend that used the patch and hasn't smoked in 5 years. One of my bosses read the book, but still used Chantix to help quit...she is still smoke free 3 years later. She recommended the book to me. So the book can help, and it CAN (not WILL) be enough for some to quit completely, but not all people will. The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
I took a low dose of iboga to acheive this exact thing. I didn't smoke for 2 weeks, but I also didn't partake in anything unecassary that I usually would for pleasure. I believe I was influenced by the longer term chemical aspect of the substance rather than dealing with any psychological reasons for smoking in the first place. You need to go far enough to eliminate the need for a crutch, which I didn't do with iboga, but 4 years later ayahuasca sorted that out in a one attempt fix  I still have a cigarette once every now and then, but the times of it being a habbit are long gone. Search out your insecurities.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12340 Joined: 12-Nov-2008 Last visit: 02-Apr-2023 Location: pacific
Any method can work..Ive seen people say "im going to quit smoking"..and they never smoked again. Not everyone will do that but some can. Long live the unwoke.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 326 Joined: 05-Apr-2010 Last visit: 29-May-2013 Location: Hyperspace
acolon_5 wrote:^ Agreed on the getting a copy.
I own a copy. he's not the best writer and repeats himself quite a bit, but it is a GOOD book with GOOD info in it and it MAKES PERFECT SENSE. He really does explain just how to quit, and WHY.
Unfortunately I was not able to quit with just words in a book, or idea's in my head.
To claim that it WILL stop anyone from smoking is silly and that other methods don't work. I have a friend that used the patch and hasn't smoked in 5 years. One of my bosses read the book, but still used Chantix to help quit...she is still smoke free 3 years later. She recommended the book to me.
So the book can help, and it CAN (not WILL) be enough for some to quit completely, but not all people will.
You may be right that not everyone will quit after reading the book.. but from my experience this book is by far the best bet at quitting smoking. Every single smoker that I know cannot finish reading this book start to finish because subconsciously they still want to continue smoking.. and honestly, after I read this book and took the words to heart, it was actually enjoyable to quit smoking. Really, it is about brainwashing yourself out of the brainwash that the cigarette companies put on us, telling us that smoking is enjoyable, even though 90% of smokers wish they would have never started at all. It is dirty advertising.. and every smoker is a part of it. Nicotine replacement therapy CAN help, but I don't recommend it.. It is kind of like giving a heroin addict a patch of heroin to try to "cope" without the heroin. Cold turkey is the only way to go in my opinion.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
fractal enchantment wrote:Any method can work..Ive seen people say "im going to quit smoking"..and they never smoked again. Not everyone will do that but some can. True. I've also said "I'm not going to call my Ex" and I didn't. But I still wanted to. A true solution lies in justifying the need. Restrained desire is not a healthy thing. Well psychologically. Obviously quitting smoking's always going to be pretty healthy 
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
Cloud, I can completely respect that, and am in agreement with you. Nicotine replacement is about dealing with the psycological need to smoke, but yes, it's exactly like giving an IV user oral opiates to try and break the habit of needing a needle in you ever 4 hrs, it can help...but is NOT an instant fix, and more people are hooked on the gum/patch each day. I do know some people that just switched..... The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 485 Joined: 20-Aug-2009 Last visit: 06-Dec-2014
Surely using Iboga for stopping smoking is, erm, a little over board, or just a really bad excuse to take Iboga. Just decide to stop smoking and then stop, I really don't think it's necessary to call for the universal etcha-sketch to be wiped clean. Seriously, if you want to stop smoking, grow some character and stop being so weak. Peace. Peace in mind, Love in heart
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
ghostman wrote: Seriously, if you want to stop smoking, grow some character and stop being so weak.
You should write a book 
Posts: 1183 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 12-May-2024 Location: Scotland
ghostman wrote:
Seriously, if you want to stop smoking, grow some character and stop being so weak.
Some people are just that. Im very weak when it comes to tobacco, im going to stop on wednesday and im taking iboga that day, im not taking iboga to stop smoking, just seems like the right thing to do and a good window for oppurtunity. Ive heard lots of people say on this site people who cant stop are just weak and need some backbone, I think people like you saying things like that should be more empathetic to people who have smoked from a very early age and realise its a part of social behaviour smoking tobacco and hash when socialising, were not all up there on that pedestal a lot of people seem to be on here, or have the strenghth of character lots seem to portray, maybe we dont have character or are just weak individuals, either way you shouldnt be so judgemental, thats weak in my eyes!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 326 Joined: 05-Apr-2010 Last visit: 29-May-2013 Location: Hyperspace
ghostman wrote:Seriously, if you want to stop smoking, grow some character and stop being so weak. It isn't that smokers are weak minded. You have to be strong willed to actually continue to smoke the filth. It simply isn't enjoyable. We need to make ourselves believe that there is some pleasure in order to continue the "habit". In reality, the only way to stop smoking, and be happy with the fact, is to FULLY realize that you never enjoyed it in the first place.. Any smoker only smokes because he/she believes that there is some pleasure to it, and this is where the brainwashing lies. Any smoker that has the occasional smoke still holds high regard to the cigarette.. otherwise they wouldn't EVER smoke. The book I recommended peels away the brainwashing that we are all lead into believing at some point in our lives. I HIGHLY recommend it.. And it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than ibogaine treatment.
Posts: 1239 Joined: 08-Aug-2009 Last visit: 04-Jun-2024 Location: Nowhere, I'm not real.
Thanks for all the information people! Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 485 Joined: 20-Aug-2009 Last visit: 06-Dec-2014
Fiashly wrote:ghostman wrote:
Seriously, if you want to stop smoking, grow some character and stop being so weak.
Complete BS. Addiction has nothing to do with will power. Why don't you stop being so arrogant and grow some understanding. Have some faith in your own decision making faculties. I reserve the right to be what you call arrogant. I beat a 10 year cocaine addiction and 20 year cigarette habit because I finally decided to. It's not that hard, you won't die if you stop smoking, but you probably will if you carry on. I know people who have been through the most intense healing journeys on Changa and Spice. They come back from these journeys, which could be regarded as the most awesome and sometimes stressful experiences of their lives. They change the complete direction of their lives, relationships, outlook, jobs etc. They deal with the most inexplicable things ever, they see things people just shouldn't see, they look upon the face of God and understand for fleeting moments the inner workings of the fabric of the universe... Yet they can't decided to stop smoking? Sorry, I don't buy into a cigarette habit being that powerful. Peace in mind, Love in heart
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 776 Joined: 27-Jan-2010 Last visit: 07-Aug-2019 Location: uk
I have been smoking for more years than I have not - and it has a grip on me; but I find it interesting that anyone pointing out the obvious and sheer stupidity of smoking gets attacked and accused of arrogance ... this is the classic addict's defence mechanism; shooting the messenger. And it isn't about willpower, it isn't about fighting it, it's about realising what it is, and the mechanism that makes you think you need it. It does not require great strength or expensive treatments; it requires a realisation and a simple decision to stop putting the fucking things in your mouth and setting fire to them ;-) much love "at journey's end, we must begin again"