One of the most profound experiences to date for me. I 've been doing the work steady no matter what. The disciplined approach pays off.
Today was off the charts for me, I've learned so much i don't even know where to begin..
The day started with some caapi tincture then a long hike through my favorite forest.
I finally got to my special spot on a high flat post glacial rock formation. Thats when the party really started.
First of all the purest spice was on the menu and working like a charm. I was in the zone repeatedly for about 2 hours with a couple of breaks
I couldn't make a wrong move today. Hyperspace was never so welcoming to me. It was like i was the winner of a fantastic game show.
no fear at all .
I met my " friends " again they are amazing beings of some kind that were right close to me deep in my mind. I started to engage with them.
they revealed more of themselves when they knew i could see them. They were right there in front of me deep in my head. I learned how to turn the tables in hyperspace and actively engage with it like a game. I think this is part of the secret. Once I set the goal of finding my " friends " each time that simple task kept me focussed and proactive . I began to navigate around in it. When the beings were close again I asked them things. like what are you ? what can you share with me? what can i share with you? the love was indescribable . They just kept filling me with feelings of elecric love energy in waves. At one point after coming out of a journey I was so overwhelmed I cried and wept like a baby unable to contain myself for about 30 minutes no exaggeration.
then the real deepness came. I went in again, now this time it felt like they were teaching me how to use hyperspace. I was learning how to will this expanded level of consciouness in to existence. I felt like a jedi knight in training. It was so unbelieveable and amazing beyond words.
I got into a state where i could move between hyperspace and this reality at will. MY whole upper field of vision was this hyperspacial realm like a globe over my brain. Below that was this reality I could breath and do something deep in my mind to ignite this expanded awareness.
I never felt so amazing. I realized that this has happened to me before. The other times that i felt this i was too shocked and frightened by it to understand what was happening. Today was different I think I'm starting to get it, I wasn't afraid, it felt like a game it felt like i was learning a completely new skill. I wasn't even sure what i was doing but i was doing something in my mind and literally willing my consciousness to expand outward and upward.
This ability to make this hyperspace awareness happen felt so natural.
it feels like something we are all going to be able to do at some point.
it feels like we all have this latent ability it just needs to be ignited.
maybe this is a gift, maybe we are ready for this next level of expanded awareness.
maybe they're trying out on some of us to see what happens.
all i can say is wow .!!
love to all, keep doing the work it pays off
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke