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Memorable quotes from DMT-Nexus (no chat quotes please) Options
#41 Posted : 6/2/2010 10:01:35 AM

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69ron wrote:
Most people know that one key to a healthy long term marriage is a good satisfying sex life, one that is satisfying for both partners. I’ve been married for more than 10 years, and we have better sex now than we ever had. My wife is Catholic and was not completely comfortable with sex at first. Over the years she’s learned to be completely comfortable with it, and now enjoys it far more than ever. She’s learned to be sexually creative, letting it flow from the very center of her soul.

Once you’re completely comfortable with sex, and you’re having it with someone you truly love, it becomes more than just sex, it becomes a spiritual experience, a blending of two souls. It’s an exchange of energies from one to another, with the main focus of that exchange being the pleasing of another soul. It’s a selfless act.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 6/8/2010 10:55:05 AM

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Feanor wrote:
It took quite a long time for me to get myself back. My Ego was reconstructing itself. Finally, after quite a long duration, I was feeling perfectly normal. Well, actually, not really! It felt as if my life had just done a three-sixty. Actually, it felt as if my life had done a seven-twenty.

Feanor wrote:
The traditional psychedelics are like little, tiny pebbles, while DMT is like a gargantuan and megalithic rock of impermeable and unsurpassable power.

#43 Posted : 6/10/2010 9:27:50 AM

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Danza wrote:
The freedom from looking for meaning is probably the most meaningful of all.

#44 Posted : 6/20/2010 10:06:30 PM

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vovin wrote:
Some use mind altering drugs as a religion in and of itself because it is an easy thing to undertake but very much intense so they feel like they are 'doing something'.

#45 Posted : 6/24/2010 3:01:07 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
Here’s how seriously I think users of DMT should be when contemplating it’s use: you should be ready to die. You should be ready to give up everything. This is not entertainment for your personal amusement.

#46 Posted : 6/25/2010 9:24:25 AM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
I think, quite honestly, that if you truly believe you understand this experience, you haven't seen ANYTHING. I think that if you still believe it can't possibly amaze you, you haven't gotten ANYWHERE close to the true face of DMT. And if your "brain knows what's going on enough not to be fooled", you haven't even gotten so much as a pinky toe through the door. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, guys, but that is truly the way it is.

#47 Posted : 6/25/2010 9:29:55 AM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Listen, I'm not trying to come off like the keeper of the true experience. I've been hanging around here a year and a half now, and I've still yet to write up a trip report. I would love to, really. I like to write, and this is a topic that for better or worse NEVER strays from my mind. I'm just not able to articulate it with any honest accuracy. Where I go doesn't translate at all, and I don't expect that to change. I can tell you what it means to me, I can break it down into pieces, but it's all just metaphor - and here's the thing - so is everything else.

What I can tell you is this (and please take it with a grain of salt; this is just a ridiculous attempt to articulate something I can't begin to understand):

For me, the experience goes MUCH deeper than anything I see or hear - and as mindblowingly, earth shatteringly, overwhelmingly visual as it certainly is at that level (and I'm not talking about sensing things you can only track peripherally; when you go deep, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING is RIGHT THE FUCK IN YOUR FACE), DMT (for me) is not a fireworks display; it's not a movie or iTunes visualizer. To go there is to BECOME the movie and look back through the screen from within. I myself become transformed and actually cease to be. I am de- and re-constructed perpetually, as part of a greater whole. It is revelatory beyond ALL human comprehension. I play a part in an infinite cycle of collective death and rebirth, and as much as I've been (which is more than some and not as much as some others), I can tell you that I HAVEN'T SEEN SHIT. THE RABBIT HOLE IS BOTTOMLESS.

If what I'm saying doesn't make sense, you'll just have to trust me when I say that you have only played around the edges. I don't care who you are, how many other drugs you've taken or how hardheaded you claim to be. DMT is just different. When you get it right, it will hit you like an atom bomb square in the face, and you'll come back shaken to the fucking core and humbled in ways you can't imagine.

#48 Posted : 6/30/2010 9:03:16 AM

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gibran2, in response to Felnik's question: "What questions should we ask from the DMT entities?"

gibran2 wrote:
Try this little experiment: The next time a fly flies into your room, and repeatedly bashes itself into your window in a vain effort to get outside, give the fly the answers it seeks. Explain to the fly the transparent nature of glass. Explain what glass is, what transparency is. Use whatever visual aids you need to get your ideas across. Maybe a Powerpoint presentation outlining the apparent paradoxical nature of glass – solid, yet transparent. Show the fly a diagram mapping the path to freedom.

Provide the fly with answers to every conceivable question it might have. (I imagine the fly’s questions would center on escape.) In spite of your best efforts, guess what --- the fly will keep on bashing itself into your window, oblivious to the help you’re trying to provide.

#49 Posted : 6/30/2010 9:04:53 AM

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Suggestions from Uncle Knucles:

Uncle Knucles wrote:
1. Why did the chicken cross the road?
2. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
3. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?
4. Who is buried in Grant's tomb?
5. What is black and white and black and white and black and white all over?
6. How many pecks of pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
7. Where can a one legged waitress find work?
8. What's that thing on Aaron Neville's face?
9. Where's the beef?
10. Who killed J.R.?

#50 Posted : 7/10/2010 8:22:56 AM

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live wrote:
Life is a mystery and should be enjoyed, not decrypted.

Poor cryptographers. They get into a dilemma here... Smile
#51 Posted : 7/19/2010 7:12:48 PM

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@ https://dmt-nexus.me/for...&m=158479#post158479

SnozzleBerry wrote:
Can you read this? If you can I'd like to award you the Ludicrously Incredible Necessarily Expansive Super Profoundly Amazingly Cool Imaginative Nexian Guy Award, otherwise known as the L.I.N.E. S.P.A.C.I.N.G. Award Razz

#52 Posted : 7/23/2010 4:26:46 AM

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@ https://dmt-nexus.me/for...&m=163071#post163071

Apoc wrote:
Brain chemistry has incredible potential. Imagine if people discovered a drug, and when people take this drug, they suddenly have the ability perform the world's most difficult math problems. People who take this drug make Einstein and William James Sidis look like morons. If we ever found a drug like that, everyone would have a super hardon for it. Scientists would take it very seriously because that drug would happen to affect the one area they care about, logical intelligence. That drug would have practical application, we could use to build stuff and solve logical problems. But we have already discovered drugs with an even greater impact than super intellitgence. We have discovered entheogens. Entheogens have a super power far greater than the ability to solve math problems. Entheos unlock a part of the brain that reveals ultra intense and meaninglful revelations to the person... reveal things about their own personal life, and give people the direct experience of being a part within a divine whole. Nothing in logical life compares to this experience. It is greater than logical thought. The psychedelic experience may or may not have practical potential, but the potential for the individual cannot be understated. Those who do take psychedelics do seem to become more humble, loving people.... and as such, the practical application of psychedelics is also profound, as they seem to make us more human.

#53 Posted : 7/29/2010 7:41:12 AM

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Felnik wrote:
Don't read too much on nexus if you can. Just begin to develop your own personal relationship with the spice.

Forget the pressure of trying to figure it out just flow with it and see what unfolds.

#54 Posted : 7/29/2010 8:57:29 AM

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cellux wrote:
fnog9 wrote:
The fact is, truth is staring everyone in the face at every moment. If they don't recognize it now, there's no guarantee they'd recognize it on dmt. Seems more likely they'll idolize the dmt state, as if the answer lies somewhere in there, in the mysterious ultra powerful God state, the deeper meaning of life has been revealed. Sure, dmt may reveal some deeper meaning, but who or what is the deeper meaning being revealed? People might see truth and have no idea what they're looking at. In fact, that's what many are doing all the time..... and rightfully so..... that's what they're meant to do.... if they are doing it.

I don't get the last few sentences, but the rest is great.

I think I was saying there is only what is, there is nothing else. Shoulds and shouldn'ts aren't really valid. If a person is asleep, they are meant to be. That's why so few people are awake, maybe why few will ever be awake. No point in trying too hard to wake people up. They'll wake up if they were meant to. This doesn't mean to just give up talking to anyone, just to realize that what is, is all there is, and YOU are not doing any of it, but it's ben placed there (by not-you, no-thing) for you to see. It becomes easy to accept what is once you realize there is nothing else. I've been noticing my rage over injustices of the world reducing to acceptance. Once the anger becomes acceptance and openness, there is not concern for fixing the entire thing, but focussing on what I ACTUALLY CAN DO as one person.... and then life begins to flow seamlessly. Right action becomes clear when should and shouldn't fade away. Opportunities come on their own without me having to do anything. I start following the signs. I'm still a baby at this though.
#55 Posted : 8/3/2010 8:08:03 AM

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JasperRain wrote:
I'm not sure if I had a breakthrough, but I've learned that it doesn't really matter. I've learned to stop putting labels on my experiences and instead just enjoy them for what they are...which is usually mind-blowing. I also learned that I need to stop having preconceived notions of what a trip is supposed to be like, because that limits the potential of my trips. I've decided that I'm going to take a break from reading people's experience reports and instead just concentrate on making my own experiences happen. I also had an epiphany on how I've been learning lessons through spice usage; it's not something I can really explain but I suppose it can be summed up as "I was looking for a man and instead found a system."

#56 Posted : 8/3/2010 8:17:29 AM

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jbark wrote:
being told not to panic and to accept it is like being told not to feel the pain when I smack you in the face with a bat
#57 Posted : 8/8/2010 7:58:13 PM

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joebono wrote:
I finally quit. For good. DMT is a seductive and cruel bitch. It gives you imagined clarity and you think you know it all, but that's the trick. I’m a fucking fool. Trying to look for meaning in all that scrambled shit is insane. There is no fucking meaning to any of it. None. You can string together all the metaphors in the stream of conscious that it provides, but don't dare fool yourself that there is something there besides scrambling. God. Yeah, it plays with the most powerful concept that our brain can imagine. We think its touching divinity. It turns your brain into a slot machine and when you take it, you spin the wheels and some random combination of mental debris pulls your number. The strange synchronicities are all a deceitful and clever ploy to emphasize and reinforce the apparent magic of DMT, it all delusion, a faithful imitation of schizophrenia. Fuck that.

joebono wrote:
I had extreme euphoria and interesting experiences, but I feel that DMT just takes the idea of "significance", injects it with steroids and forces it upon whatever situation that you find yourself in. It amplifies and expands upon feelings and emotions but there is nothing there but the exageration. My epiphanies never stand up to the light of day when the carnival ends.

fractal enchantment wrote:
Lets look at this a bit closer for a moment.

"Trying to look for meaning in all that scrambled shit is insane. There is no fucking meaning to any of it."

"I guess I started DMT looking for answers to my existential despair and for a good time. In the end, it caused more pain than it was worth and provided no answers, just oddball questions and strange conjectures."

So here it becomes a bit more clear as to what you were expecting of DMT..You wanted it to answer questions for you.. and to give you a good time (DMT is not a female escort BTW)..And you sound quite angry, almost rejected by the fact that there were no ultimate answers and you couldn't distill any meaning from the metaphors it provides..

Let me ask you this..do you feel the same way about poetry?? Do you approach poetry with questions you desperately want answers to?..Do you read it in search of some ultimate truth?..

fractal enchantment wrote:
DMT is a mirror. What one sees when they peer into that mirror is a personal reflection, a reflection only relative to the one peering in. And how they deal with that reflection is up to them.

joebono wrote:
You're right Fractal, it's a chemical and I am using metaphors to describe it. I think that many of us feel that psychedelics have the potential for enlightenment and I had hopes that it could deliver something meaningful to my life. Unfortunately, in my experience, it failed at that. I don't believe in ultimate truth and I have given up searching. I reject the idea that DMT is a mirror because that would give it structure and form, it's roll of the dice, a mixer and a blender, a chemical that confuses while giving a sense of unity to the pandemonium. I think the experience is meaningless and absurd.

And I am angry that I was sucked into this. I feel like a fool, an idiot that I was so blind to it and that I bullshitted myself for two years. It just seems clear to me now. I elevated DMT above all other drugs and gave psychedelics a special status. It's a powerful and habit-forming drug and I refused to realize that until a few weeks ago.

joebono wrote:
mogascreeta wrote:
Is it possible that DMT represents something different for everyone? Is it possible that to you DMT is just another drug to do--one that you just dont like? Maybe DMT is a bitch to you, but that doesnt mean DMT is a bitch.

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. DMT can certainly be meaningful to people. So can the Bible, your nightly dreams, and astrology. I just realized that for me, there is nothing there but intense euphoria followed by crashing mindfucks that magically disappear and leave me wanting to do it again and again and again like Sisyphus pushing that boulder back up the hill for eternity. That's a bitch.

fractal enchantment wrote:
like sex??

#58 Posted : 8/8/2010 8:11:19 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I stopped looking for answers long ago..because there is no meaning to life other than personal meaning. I go for elegance.


fractal enchantment wrote:
The ambiguity of something doesn't negate the elegance of something.

#59 Posted : 8/8/2010 8:15:22 PM

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joebono wrote:
The Bible analogy is perfect. Here is something that is held in high regard by the converted, has the potential to fundamentally alter your psyche, and is claimed to be divine. Sort of like entheogens, fuck that, exactly like entheogens. I reject both.

what a thread. omg, what a thread.
#60 Posted : 8/8/2010 8:18:51 PM

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joebono wrote:
There is no ambiguity for me. I got high, had breakthroughs for hours at a time and saw the "elegance" as a hook, luring me deeper and deeper into it. Ever notice that you just keep getting higher and higher with DMT? There is no limit to what it can do or where it can take you. It's a mind game, and you keep doing it because each time is so damn novel and fresh. The drug fits like a hand in glove to certain minds, it's the perfect drug and I suspended all logic, rational thought and judgment for two years.

My greatest epiphany in life was done sober after I connected the dots. It's a drug, it's addictive, and your mind is a sneaky fucker with its brilliant strategies to keep you on the drug.

Joebono, these are the paragraphs that should printed onto those D.A.R.E. brochures.

And then hung out in the philosophy departments of all universities. Smile
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