Well with any first extraction I recommend taking a exremely small amount and testing it out. Make sure there are no adverse effects such as lung problems or headaches. These are indications of "dirty product" now discoloration can be from a large amount of variables from plant oils, other alkaloids, and even from the chemicals or equipment used. Some people like a slightly yellow or offwhite product. Usually it is more harsh. Try a very small amount and see what happens. if afterwards you want to recrystallize heres swims method.
Heat up some water to near boiling and put it into a bowl.
Put your dmt in a shot glass and place it into the bowl. Be careful not to let it tip over. Water into your dmt is no good
Take some heptane (sold as bestine at art supply stores) and add a few drops and stir. Try to use as little as possible to melt the dmt.
I then poor off the heptane into another shot glass. Its normal to leave a dark slugde behind. Cover with plastic and put a rubberband around it to seal. Place in fridge for a few hours then freezer for a day or 2.
After time has passed pour the excess solvent into another glass and evap both containers.
Repeat this until desired purity is reached. -goodluck
-Close your eyes, See the light, and feel the sunshine in the shade
~All views, ideas and opinions of this user are strictly fictional and in no way represent an act done in reality.