Hey guys! I haven't been around lately, on any of my "mind-expanding" forums. Had a bit too much expansion this past year, and just looking to sit back and let it simmer down. However, I still check in from time to time, and noticed this linked to from another forum:
http://www.newcastlesuns...d-meo-herbal-incense.phpKinda freaky, in my opinion. Like tryptamines for the Spice-consuming (not your *spice*, mind you, the commercial one) masses. I feel like this is bad for a number of reasons - it allows people to ingest tryptamines without putting any real effort or thought into it, meaning it'd be very easy for someone to try it on a whim and later regret it. No knowledge of how potent the blend is makes a good situation for frightening overdoses. There's passion flower in there, so smoking the blend will be extra potent, and potentially dangerous for someone who doesn't know there's an MAOI in it (it's not listed on the site, only on the vendor's post on a forum). And of course, bringing a relatively low-key compound to the attention of authorities.
What do you all think of this? Honestly, whenever I see these kinds of things, I'm torn between "OMG this is a chance to try something new really cheap and without any effort! Who knows how long it'll still be available before something bad happens? I should buy it now!" and "Damn...this looks like a horrible, potentially dangerous idea. There's a reason I haven't really tried many psychedelics - I just don't think I'm in the right place in my life right now." I expect there will be some people who don't think that second thought all the way through :-/
I do hope to someday try some of the wonderful substances I've read so much about...but this just doesn't seem right to me.