hello dear nexians, so SWIM is wondering about how limonene is supposed to be cleaned for re-use. He has read in the previously posted threads that people just distill/rotovap it. SWIM however does not own any distillation equipment or any similar devices. He hasn't been able to find any appropriate answers though that suit his need. it has only been mentioned once that it can be washed using vinegar/acid, however he wanted to confirm this. SWIM is doing a BLAB tek, and after precipitating dmt-fumarate, his limo now contains FASI. So SWIM's questions are:
1. Can he just mix the used limo and vinegar together, let separate layers form, and separate the limo? Is this enough to clean it? would this separate the FASI from the limo
2. Is there another better alternative that others use for cleaning their limo?
Your replies are very appreciated and thank you for taking the time to read this