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Trippin at the Zoo Options
#1 Posted : 5/29/2010 6:32:39 AM


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I usually hate zoos anyway. i take my young cousins there, and my friends kids when i babysit.

My friend had been curious about going to the zoo. I told him tim eand time again, I think thats a bad Idea.

So my GF and I went anyway. We took 8gs each.

We ate them on the way, we usually do. and i felt them when we got to the parking lot. I had her pay for the tickets cause i didnt wanna talk to people.

it was overwhelming from the start. i was enjoying the fake environment laid out by the grounds keeper. I was enjoying the little animals in their apartments (though sad it seemed). I was enjoying my GF's company.

But... it was a saturday and there was a lot of families with there kids there. and as we walked passed the crowds I heard every word said by every person, then i started to notice there facial expressions.

I could see the emotions and intent of everyone we passed. Some were happy, some were sad, i could tell some people were on dates and trying to force some kind of connection.

At one point there was a long stretch of this and i couldnt handle it. I grab my GF and we broke away and found a nice bench. i held her in my arms and tried to calm myself down. I was crying but wearing sunglasses, so i thought i was ok.

eventually we got to a point where we were just trying to find the exit. I had a map but... well it was colorful and confusing, so that was out the window.

Funny part. so as we tried to find our escape route, we saw much more of the zoo, and at all the cages there is a sign saying stuff about the creatures. at one point of the zoo there was a fence and a parking lot behind it and there were signs. i swear it looked like a little people exhibit.

I commented " And if you look to your right you will see some homosapiens going about there business in their natural habitat."

eventually we got to the end and left, by then i felt better and wanted to stay but realised that it was better to go somewhere else.

Once again i dont like tripping in public places, and will never do it again. if you trip at a zoo go when its not busy.

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#2 Posted : 5/29/2010 6:36:27 AM

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is that 8 grams dry? of cubes?...if so thats a huge dose that would put me on my ass..that's a close the door and unplug the phone style dose, and then some..I coudnt imagine even going anywhere on a dose like that.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 5/29/2010 3:54:04 PM

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8 grams of any mushroom dry is insane! unless it is some very very weak strain.

I don't think i've ever heard of anyone doing that much. i think 7 grams is the most i've ever heard(of dry cubes) and you both did 8!

No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. ~P.J. O'Rourke
#4 Posted : 5/29/2010 4:05:01 PM

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The other week I was walking back through town from this nature reserve where I had 3g's cubes. Even though I was only feeling the tail end of the trip when I arrived back in "civilisation", every miserable face I saw was completely terrorfying.

I need lots of happy faces or no faces at all when tripping. I couldn't imagine having to deal with a load of crying kids at the zoo... even with 1g... actually even if I was sober, I don't think I'd enjoy loads of crying kids at the zoo!

It really does take all kinds Smile
#5 Posted : 5/31/2010 12:58:49 AM
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Interesting report... Like everyone else: 8g of serious cubes should be quite paralytic, it's hard to imagine you'd be able to walk let alone function around people haha. Always nice to read about the crazy shit people get up to... I know what you mean by faces, gets me every time.
#6 Posted : 5/31/2010 1:08:25 AM

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Alasdair never says they were dry...
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#7 Posted : 5/31/2010 2:49:16 AM

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Alasdair wrote:
I could see the emotions and intent of everyone we passed. Some were happy, some were sad, i could tell some people were on dates and trying to force some kind of connection.

Sublingual 5-MeO-DMT can also do that. It's fascinating, but sometimes a little unpleasant, depending on where you are.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#8 Posted : 6/14/2010 5:02:32 PM
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mushrooms are often taken at doses around 3 grams but at this dose visuals are only possible, not a sure thing. 5 grams is usually what i take but i do not condone the use in a public place such as a zoo. if you just want a trip go smoke some meth, dont waste the pure mind power and spirituality that these shrooms contain
Disclaimer: I am merely a figment of your imagination. I lurk between the deepest crevices of your mind, seeking distortions. I am consciousness, all that it true and pure. For I am no human being, I am a observatory tourist of all that is life. Everything I say is nothing but a just rationalization of what I say, although none are true events. Everything is changing, a constant loop, as am I
#9 Posted : 6/14/2010 5:07:07 PM

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nabster98 wrote:
if you just want a trip go smoke some meth, dont waste the pure mind power and spirituality that these shrooms contain

Is this wise to say this ?
Is it what you do ?
Is it what you wish he would do ?
If you're just being sarcastic, then, I don't think this is funny.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
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