Hello everybody!
I stumbled across this forum some time ago and learnt a lot of things. Thanks to all.
I like the vibes I get from here so here I am.
I'm very fond of psychedelics, and have had many experiences usually with LSD, and shrooms.
I've had some Peruvian torch chips at my place for some time and decided to taste a bit the other day.
I tried something I haven't heard of yet : taking a chip, cuting a small piece and swallowing ut with water. Over and over (and over...)
I got up to maybe 15/20 gms, and got bored.
Anyway, I didn't experience a real trip, but I loved the body high I got from this, and the peace it brought to the evening. I listened to
binaural beats and it totally put me to sleep for a few minutes!
The next day i felt really relaxed and unstressed.
So now I want to go for a full blown trip.
And I want to try an extraction, for the fun of it.
ron's d-limonene extraction is the extraction that interests me the most.
Now one problem : getting d-limonene in France.
I did find cheap orange peel oil, but it's technical grade (around 95% in d-limo) as the supplier told me
is it okay to not use food-grade oil? any risks for the extraction to fail? any risk for health with such a low dosage per trip?
Thanks in advance