Wow I'm disappointed not to have any wild stories about wild things that happen whilst journeying. There are many stories on here I've come across, I was just hoping to pull some out of people.
I've noticed that during a well timed and appropriate journey - ie: one that occurs during good circumstances in both my inner and outer worlds - events in the outer world tend to go much more smoothly. For example, during the Peruvian Torch journey I reported on June 1, I left the computer to catch a bus to go see the movie "Babies". Unfortunately, there was unannounced construction at the bus stop, so I missed the stop. I then began to run towards the movie theatre, three miles away. No way I could've made it on time. Fortunately, about half way there, I stopped to talk with a gentleman waiting for another bus. Almost at the same moment, friends of his were unexpectedly riding by, and they stopped to offer him a ride. I asked for a ride as well, and it turns out that they were headed to a liquor store next door to the movie theatre, and were glad to get me on my way. Something like this is unheard of for me in a sober state - my social skills are less than optimal, and I don't think there is any way I could have hitched a ride like this if I wasn't fully propelled by the Caapi+Torch combo.
Also, I found it very difficult to enjoy the "Babies" movie, since watching it reactivated some traumatic body memories. As Stan Grof showed, most of the human population is unconsciously controlled by early birth or other traumatic experiences, and watching this movie while full blast on the Caapi/Torch combo nearly trigged a panic attack, so I had to leave the theatre. Fortunately I got a ride back to the computer with a friendly lady from my church.
For the sake of putting this information down, I find the mescaline-containing cacti (Pedro/Torch) and harmala alkaloids (Syrian Rue/Caapi) to be a decent, though mildly uncomfortable combination. If you're thinking of trying it *GO LIGHT* on the Syrian Rue/Caapi side. If you ignore this advice you're in for a very uncomfortable and perhaps dangerous 15+ hours. I drank a tea of approximately 2 grams of Caapi vine and that was enough to significantly lengthen the experience (after 15+ hours I was still going full throttle) and strengthen the experience - the second and third pulls, in combination with the Caapi, were FAR STRONGER than the first pull.
I also had the fortunate experience of running into a Healing Touch practitioner I know in town, on the way back from the Babies movie. I told her I was having an anxiety attack after the movie, and she agreed to perform a quick "healing" session in town. We rented a room in the local library, scooted to the corner, and prepared for a "healing" session. I've had many visions during Spice journeys of alien medicine rooms, or even human healers performing work on the spine and "energy concentration points" I've been shown during these journeys. I've even had strange serpent ladies or DMT detectives in black suits and sunglasses swimming through my body and clearing out spots where "bad energy" (whatever this means) has concentrated or become blocked.
Anyways, the "healing session" I had with the lady was the most powerful session I've ever been through. I felt multiple layers of past traumas being lifted off my body, and I feel this was a permanently beneficial session. She used a crystal pendulum to "detect" parts of my body where the "energy" was blocked, and the crystal was vibrating like mad, directly in response to what I was feeling in my body. It was a straight-up shamanic healing session, very powerful indeed. As Terence McKenna said, these sorts of phenomena signify that all is not well for the materialist/rationalist paradigm.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland