I've done this san pedro extraction with limonene.
I added 500 g'd of NaOH with 5 Liters of water. Than I added 450 g's of san pedro. I've mixed it all well and than I've added (and pulled) 1 litre of D-Limonene and pulled this. I've done this a second time. Than I added water with HCL and when I pulled the water from the D-Limonene it had a ph of 3. This tells me all of the HCL is used to create MescalineHCL. And I added slightly too much. Than I vaporized the water (I wasn't there when It happened) and all what was left was like 2,5 g of black powder (my firstn suggestion was burned carbon offcourse). Now I added a little water to the dark stuff and than I filtrated it. De filtrate is just dark liquid, only a little bit doesn't rea;;y solute into water. Maybe it isn't burned carbon? What can it be? Someone that has the same problem?