Burnt – let me just say for the record that i see where you are coming from. If there is a fence, I have one foot firmly planted on your side, but my other foot is dangling over the other and my toes are dipped and wet by the murky pond water there.
However, your question fundamentally makes no sense.
So i will evoke « satan’s lawyer » :
Burnt wrote :
« Has a DMT experience provided you with information that would have been impossible for you to known otherwise? » (sic)
the wikiwizard expounds :
« Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is an ordered sequence of symbols. As a concept, however, information has many meanings. The concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, and representation. »
By the first definition, all information is a set of codified symbols, meaning that even in a controlled laboratory setting, there is no
information until you write down your results, which are naturally a filtered interpretation (by your CNS) of an observed phenomena. (But repeatable and, generally, consensual in a successful experiment)
By the second definition any experience that affects you and brings you knowledge, instruction, mental stimulus and meaning (other products of the CNS), among other criteria, is worthy of the title
So by either definition, if we engage in communication through an ordered sequence of symbols, or ascribe
meaning to an experience, we have found and are trafficking in information. And I believe that is what transpires second to second on the nexus regarding theses unique experiences.
Nowhere does it state that information is subject to proof or infallibility to be considered information.
Burnt wrote :
« For me no psychedelic experience has ever provided me with factual information I could not have known otherwise. Perhaps I wouldn't have noticed it without the drug but I could have. »
the wikiwizard expands :
« The word fact can refer to verified information about past or present circumstances or events which are presented as objective reality. In science, it means a provable concept. »
Burnt wrote :
« For example an alcoholic may not realize they have a problem until they took LSD but when
in fact (my emphasis) it was obvious they had a problem they just didn't realize it. That's not impossible knowledge you don't need LSD to recognize a self problem it can happen other ways. »
On one hand you state a question citing « factual knowledge », then give an example that contains no « facts ». By strict definition, the knowledge of one’s state of having a « problem » with alcohol is subjective, and not factual, and hence, any realization and actions resulting in a cure (be it LSD or a 12 step program or a loved one opening your eyes) can not be « factual ».
So ultimately your question makes no logical sense.
Having said that, even if I interpret the spirit of the question, I can come to no other conclusion than that elaborated by Gibran2. To paraphrase :
The state of DMT inebriation is « information » we could not have arrived at without the inebriation.
As are the states of love, hate and wonderment.
At the most fundamental level, ANY experience is an experience of a phenomenon (even measurable through changes in brain activity to satisfy the pure material realist), and can thus be transposed into information. Not necessarily provable or infallible, but we’ve covered that.
I also subscribe to fractal enchantment’s hindsight is 20/20 argument. How can you possibly know after the fact that information, or a perspective shift, could have (and would have for that matter) been arrived at by another means ? Would you be the same person had you not had that accident at 6 years of age ? or if it had happened when you were 8 instead ? or tomorrow ? Imponderable questions with no logical or proveable answers.
For someone so fond of proof, i am surprised you failed to recognize the unproveability (and hence logical fallacy) of your proposed premise.
So I am voting yes. Even though the question is misleading and logically unsound.
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.