Greetings all,
This weekend I headed off to the magical mountains for a good ol' 24 hour shindig at a farm owned by friends. A few hundred of us were out there, and the site proved to be a well-chosen magical little spot for a magical little gathering, with ponds and springs and mountains and mist and a refreshing river to boot. I brought along a jar of Peruvian Torch tea, 150 dried grams cooked overnight in a crockpot with spring water and a squeeze of lemon juice. Around 4 PM Saturday I drank the tea while sitting with a friend by the river, and within about twenty minutes I met another friend who offered a sugar cube of acid, freshly made from drops off a vial of liquid acid. As the Peruvian Torch kicked in, a thunderstorm rolled in and all the festival attendees prepared for the heavens to open up - "there's a storm a-foot". I headed to the car to eat the sugar cube before it could get wet. It dissolved into my mouth, very sweet and very promising.
Within about 20 minutes, the sugar kicked in, WoW. I'd previously taken LSD 5 times (not counting contact trips), and each of these times it took about an hour to kick in; on these occasions it was like a light switching on very quickly yet quite subtly. With the Peruvian Torch already in effect, this LSD kick felt almost as powerful as a DMT shoot-off, and very quickly everything I identify as "me" and "my world" dissolved into a beautiful, bright light, the "shining void". At the same time, I felt tremendous pain, including pain in the back (my usual pain due to poor posture and years heavy backpacks), and tremendous emotional pain from early traumatic experiences; I tried to float downstream but resistance was somewhat inevitable. The rush from the come-up was so intense that I began to ask some of the older folks around for an antidote. I was quite shocked at how powerful the molecule proved to be. I found a few elders, and asked them for antidotes, but they reassured me that the source was top-quality and that I was surrounded by family; there was no antidote for this one but time. Two of the elders were a couple, at the shindig with their son, and the wife offered me a light massage and walked around with me, holding me and supporting my head. I talked with her about some of the issues that were arising for me, and she offered some psychotherapeutic support; in retrospect I wonder if I was putting too much of a burden on these people, taking out my issues on them, but they said they’d offered similar support many times before.
Upon returning to the family’s tent, I realized that I’d come upon them at the wrong time; there were evidently jealousy issues brought up by the supportive walk, and the couple lashed into an argument along the lines of, “after 20 years, this isn’t working out, we’re done”, and began to split up their possessions while engaging in harsh conversation. I felt the entire universe tearing apart with their apparent divorce that was seemingly caused by my intrusion, but at this point I was incoherent; the “I” that I normally refer back to was dissolved, but there was still an “I” to refer to – the mystic-philosopher Franklin Merrell-Wolff described this “I” as Pure Subject.
I continued to walk around, through the fields, enjoying the music and good vibes. The grasses in the field took on an extraterrestrial character, like a network of 3-foot tall light-filled tubes crisscrossing the pathways traversed. Apparently some local-yokels also heard about the festival; I met some of them, and their response to me was basically, "What planet are YOU from?", and "calm's some beer, there's some vagina in the next's a microscopic amount, don't worry". It reminded me of some of Bill Hicks' acts, like being beamed into a redneck gathering from some far-off galaxy.
I was absolutely shocked at how powerful this combination proved to be; it’d been a little over two years since my last dissolving LSD interface, and I seem to have matured psychologically and "spiritually" in that time period; in addition, recent interfacing with DMT and the Harmalas has given me experience with exploring strange realms with a fully intact ego. The Peruvian Torch also gave a slightly distinct and enhanced perception of the LSD+serotonin receptor contact. All these factors combined lead to a very profound and beneficial interface with the molecule; my body felt absolutely wonderful on the cellular level the following day.
Hats off to the alchemists who evidently are still producing top-notch and clean LSD to work its way through the cultural veins.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland