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So I spoke in TONGUES for the first time... Options
#21 Posted : 1/2/2010 11:45:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I would be interested to know if glossolalia have been studied in linguistic terms. There are certain principles and constants that are applicable to languages, such as Zipf's Law.

"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipf%27s_law" wrote:
Zipf's law states that given some corpus of natural language utterances, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. Thus the most frequent word will occur approximately twice as often as the second most frequent word, which occurs twice as often as the fourth most frequent word, etc...

One would have to study any one instance of tongues in order to decipher the single utterances or words. This is difficult of course, because nobody understands it.
Peace in mind, Love in heart

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 1/3/2010 12:37:04 AM

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Kannamate wrote:
MagikVenom wrote:

I almost posted earlier in this thread about me and my Pentecostal friend who I attended church with for nearly a year! She invited me and being the student of religion that I am I could not refuse.

Pentecostals do not listen to music in church! Music is the Devils tool so they read from the bible clap there hands and stomp there feet.

I've been to quite a few services they do play music more than most actually organ,drums,piano,guitar,bass and wind instruments sometimes. Almost all of them pray in tongues at will it seems like. Maybe it was a different sect different pentecostals have different beliefs one group believe they can handle snakes and not be poisoned so they bring snakes into the service, most other pentecostals would think that's crazy foolish behavior.

then strictly, I shouldn't listen to music when imbibing my sacrament.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#23 Posted : 3/17/2010 1:42:13 AM

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late to the thread, but perhaps relevant is this video from 1972. The Italian musician wanted to produce a song that sounded like American, but wasn't, as so many Europeans listen to it without understanding what it means. This is a pretty danceable and different version of uberspraachen.

#24 Posted : 3/17/2010 5:05:11 AM
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That is so cool Opticus Wrangler, and an interesting insight into what english might sound like to foreign ears.
#25 Posted : 5/20/2010 7:25:48 AM

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I spoke in tongues for the first time today since my dmt trip. That was one of the strangest parts of the dmt trip. At the most confusing moments of all where I forgot who I was, I have a vague memory of just making sounds, primal sounds with no meaning to the mind, yet they were more familiar than anything I could ever say. It was like communicating with the soul or something.

So today I started doing it again, in a forest, and it was great. It's really really easy. I just let the nonsense flow and soon I was dancing with spirit like never before. It is a very powerful form of prayer, meditation, rejuvination, expression of love, letting down the guard, letting go of mind.

Also, I don't think what I'm doing is the same thing as what Christians do... at least I don't interpret it in the same way. They seem to add extra meaning to the whole thing, as if tongues is actually a language. To me it's more like just giving thanks to whatever animates your body, or a natural expression of something without words. It's more like crying.
#26 Posted : 5/20/2010 7:42:02 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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I'm told that I speak in tongues at night, in a voice not my own, but it's probably just some good, old-fashioned daemonic possession.

I'm here to second the Mckennaian glossolalia theory. Conscious tongues, in my limited experience, has been a lot like the glossolalia. I haven't done it personally, but a friend has done it on an ayahuasca journey. She spoke in this excellent non-language, in something sounded like sentences, before dropping back into the journey. Afterwards I mentioned it, and she just said she was talking to me in a crazy, new language she had been taught by the things on the other side.


#27 Posted : 5/20/2010 11:39:23 AM


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opticuswrangler wrote:

late to the thread, but perhaps relevant is this video from 1972. The Italian musician wanted to produce a song that sounded like American, but wasn't, as so many Europeans listen to it without understanding what it means. This is a pretty danceable and different version of uberspraachen.


I love this! my friend was starting to tell me a story after taking two hits of spice and his speech pattern changed

to this. i started laughing and so did he, then he said "never mind man, ill tell you when i get back"

I think of it as the brain is going to fast for your mouth, and the reason you can probably understand each other

sometimes is your brain is keeping up. i dont really see it as spiritual as much as funny.
#28 Posted : 5/20/2010 12:00:59 PM
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That video is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: www.survival-international.org Quick petitions for meaningful change: www.avaaz.org/en/
End prohibition: www.leap.cc www.tdpf.org.uk And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#29 Posted : 5/20/2010 3:02:21 PM


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I use to speak in tongues at a 'Church' like fellowship. Research of christ and all that.

It felt very pure and very much not me. But I am unsure how its possible. Something deep in your mind just allowing you to break your own vocabulary barrier, and read into the much defined languages of Hyperspace that we know so so so Little about.
Lets go extract something together Smile

house wrote:
19:10:05 ‹house› mama aya gave me lego man eye healers

Smoke Spice, NOW

Gir likes to tell lies, and the truth, but gir cant even tell the difference between them...

http://www.thevenusproject.com/index.phpTHIS IS THE VENUS PROJECT.
#30 Posted : 5/20/2010 5:39:51 PM

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actually 2 trips ago was my first time speaking in tongues as well. It was more of a song that just flowed out through me. If i had to relate it to something... perhaps it might be close to native throat singing. Strangest thing about it was that it was not even on a breakthrough dose, the chrysanthemum was there and changing to my voice, i had no idea what i was, and these 'words' just came out of me. Then i was sitting up in my bed going... why was i just singing? I didnt mean to. Actually if you have seen that video of terence mckenna where he tries to reenact it is very close.

Language and symbols have not only A LOT to do with our reality but must have as significant importance to hyperspace. I think behind language and symbols there is a bit more of a mystery than seen at face value.
#31 Posted : 5/20/2010 6:31:58 PM

Sun Dragon

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Look into Channeling. You will probably find a lot of similarities.

Toning (creating harmonic sounds)
Consciousness flowing though you.

It is as if you are a hose connected to a faucet, when the faucet is turned on, the energy/information flows though the hose. You are a conduit.

This series is an excellent introduction to the art if you are unfamiliar with it.

Tuning In
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#32 Posted : 5/20/2010 8:18:10 PM

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SWIM tends to speak in tongues when he is very drunk.. I am still trying to figure out last night... Confused
#33 Posted : 9/29/2011 6:07:21 PM


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During my very first journey with rue and mimosa, i found myself creating strange hand signs.

I had no idea what this meant but it felt "right". Briefly prior, during and after making the hand-signs i could hear an inexplicably soft, strange, sequential language in my head.

On my second journey I began mumbling this language whilst lying down, I was under the impression that an abundance of people where listening to me utter this.

#34 Posted : 9/29/2011 8:17:14 PM


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I've spoke in "tongues" while on a heavy dose of salvia a few times.
I don't consider it a heavenly experience by any means if anything more of a language created out of pure shock to the brain.
I also have no recollection of it but I was told by friends and have also witnessed others babble this way.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#35 Posted : 10/1/2011 10:33:57 PM

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so there are two types of speaking in tongues
one is indecipherable
the other is the ability to speak languages one does not know
like being temporarily fluent in mandarin when you can't speak it normally
#36 Posted : 10/6/2011 12:55:35 AM

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shoe wrote:
Kannamate wrote:
MagikVenom wrote:

I almost posted earlier in this thread about me and my Pentecostal friend who I attended church with for nearly a year! She invited me and being the student of religion that I am I could not refuse.

Pentecostals do not listen to music in church! Music is the Devils tool so they read from the bible clap there hands and stomp there feet.

I've been to quite a few services they do play music more than most actually organ,drums,piano,guitar,bass and wind instruments sometimes. Almost all of them pray in tongues at will it seems like. Maybe it was a different sect different pentecostals have different beliefs one group believe they can handle snakes and not be poisoned so they bring snakes into the service, most other pentecostals would think that's crazy foolish behavior.

then strictly, I shouldn't listen to music when imbibing my sacrament.

And just a note for completion: music becomes a distraction when going deep, DEEEEEEEEEP. so, ditch it and take up your bhodisatvic calling.
About tongues: chanting, fast, hard, with iron-willpower, clearer, with less thoughts in your head, with mental images of the words appearing all over, with only thoughts of bliss and focusing on what you DO have RIGHT NOW: hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare, hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare, also leads you to speak in somekind of tongues. and you can have spiritual revelations and reach nirvana that way, or the srimad bhagavatam calls it 'union with the godhead'. I think it works on the principle that krishna IS the name; his name is synonymous with the lord himself, and we all know 'there is nothing which is not god.' but to get results you must be ABSOLOUTELY dedicated, accepting no substitute, and using a base of meditation, pranayama & prayer.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#37 Posted : 5/29/2012 1:11:31 AM

Winnie the Pooh

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Gr8fulDreamer2012 wrote:
SWIM has had a number of journeys during which he spoke in tongues unknown. For some reason, SWIM has rarely had strong visuals on his journeys in the past. In fact, speaking in tongues has actually been a more common experience for SWIM than journeying through visual landscapes. SWIM has no idea why this is. SWIM has had very few experiences where he remembers the visual aspects of the trip.

Once, SWIM took a large hit on NN-spice whilst peaking on a strong dose of mushie tea. He remembers seeing his room dissolve into itself...it looked as if every object in the room was in every possible location within the room simultaneously. After this happened, SWIM remembers laying down on a blanket on the floor. As SWIM was laying there with his eyes closed, he suddenly took a LARGE breath and upon exhalation, he began to speak this strange (yet familiar) tongue. This particular language sounded very powerful...like some sort of Intergalactic-Serpentine-Egyptian hybrid. It was very chant-like and reminded SWIM of the droning of a didgeridoo. SWIM believes he was channeling an actual language from the beyond, not just spouting off some random sounds.

SWIM wonders if this language is the standard language of hyperspace or if there are various dialects. For anyone who has spoken tongues on their journeys, could you remember what it sounded like? If so, could you report back and give some sort of description the characteristics of that language. That way, we can compare and see if it is indeed the same language. Perhaps we can have a special thread dedicated to the study of hyperspace linguistics. What do you guys think?


firstly, manic, that's so awesome that you experienced such a divine moment..don't let deceitful whispers tell you that it was only jibberish Pleased

honestly i have spoken in tongues quite a bit...whether it be in meditation or tripping on any psychadelic or in a stressful situation.. it all started when i was 16, now 25... the closer i get to oneness of universe the more it seems to flow out... sometimes when i get overwhelmed with energy and i don't have the words to speak my emotions another language flows out and speaks what my english could not.. it's like taking emotions, thoughts, and feelings and putting them into a sacred tongue.. it comes from the mechanics of the soul

over the years i've analyzed speaking in tongues a lot, because i want to understand it.. i still don't understand it, lol.. but the best ive gotten is that it's the soul's way of speaking into the matrix... i've found myself speaking in many different dialects, and it seems that each dialect is for a given "situation" or energy that you are feeling or trying to attain..

more than once i've been in a trance like state, basically drunk on energy without consuming any type of substance, and couldn't stop speaking another language, i would try to speak english and english wouldn't come out..

i think sometimes i also tap into dna of my ancestors and speak their language.. at times i've spoken to entities and givin directions in tongues...

the first time it happened, i was sober mind you, i was barely able to stand and it felt like fire flowing throughout my being, and the words felt of power rolling off of my tongue and as if the language was already apart of my being and somehow inherent to be fluent in it... it's like it comes from the inside your essance or soul..

there are so many different dialects of language throughout the universe... i'll tell you this though, the most beautiful dialects i've spoken have been the most intense times of my life, energetically...
everything posted by godling is false information.. just imagination at work

I am learning not to search for eve anymore but to just 'be' with her for she is already the other half of my soul and one day we'll organically meet as we reach across the cosmos to one another..now comes the light of love

shine as bright as the flame in the pupil of my eye
#38 Posted : 6/9/2012 3:50:31 PM

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On mimosahuasca before I spoke tongue for an hour then regained my english , it was during one of the most intense psychedelic experiences of my life
#39 Posted : 6/12/2012 7:23:19 PM

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I wonder if speaking in tongues can be induced. Statistically speaking one could piece together all the facets that lead to one speaking in tongues and try over and over changing only one variable until the desired result is produced.

For instance there is a higher probability of someone speaking in tongues in certain christian sects. What is it that they are doing or what thoughts are they having that are opening up the pathways for this to happen?

I know it sounds like a contraindication but using this line of thought one could use the scientific method to increase the probability of this particular spiritual experience.

This is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were missing
#40 Posted : 6/13/2012 3:50:33 PM
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Back in my church going days, I had two distinct experiences of speaking in tongues. Both times were accompanied by an intense pulsing from my chest that brought me to my knees. A sense of humility overwhelmed me, and I bowed down as far as I could. In my mind I bowed before an altar circled by candlelight, and was surrounding with an unexplainable feeling of love. I could also feel the bass of the drum while all the other music faded. A friend of mine was near when I fell to the ground and came over to pray with me. I could feel his presence but couldn't hear the words he was saying over the bass of the drum. I suddenly had the urge to thank what I called God at that point. I began repeating, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." The pulsing I mentioned earlier became chills running the length of my body and back with an increasing rhythm. Soon my whole body was just buzzing. At some point the "thank you" became incomprehensible gibberish. There was something so primal about the syllables rushing from my mouth. It was the language which other languages sprung from. It was a language void of the constructs of preconceived notions. A language meaningless to anything physical but had such spiritual significance. The trance just continued and I basked in the glory of God until it faded away leaving me drained of all energy.

I have no explanations for them. The music, the mantra, the overwhelming emotions just took me over.

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