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my friend wont take it anymore Options
#1 Posted : 5/18/2010 7:34:44 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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He used to love the stuff said it was the most beautiful and profound thing hes ever experienced. Hes had many a gram over the past few months experienced aliens, entities even orgasms!!

now he wont touch the stuff, i asked him why nd he wouldnt talk about it.

Anyway , hes opened up.......

He said he had a toke then came around ( in hyperspace ) at 2am in the morning naked (for real ) in the aztec jungle possessed by a shaman praying to the gods. he was taking hits and ingesting powers from spirits. He was more powerful than these spirits thats why they were coming to him, he had to take the next day off work cos he was exhausted.

He said hes never been the same since this experience.... and not ina good way either.

what could this mean?? is this a bad thing?


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#2 Posted : 5/18/2010 8:29:11 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I embarked on a journey with spice that was both healing and beyond intriguing. I introduced a couple of friends to it, who thankfully could integrate the experiences. My interest tapered off as the gravity of seriousness of the spice became apparent to me.

We have no idea what we are playing with and I believe that we need a lot longer to integrate our experiences than we like to think. I think daily use is dangerous.

Hyperspace is such a profound place where literally anything can happen. It is a place of infinite possibility and the intelligence of it cannot be fathomed. It shows us impossibly difficult things that we rarely are able to bring back, and sometimes we are left with remnants of the impossible which can be torturing, like a memory of something impossible.

It does also teach us lessons, but I think the lessons are learned when we are ever so happy to be back in the monkey cage in one piece. Love, gratitude, patience, humility and consideration are all consequences of the stressful journey we take into hyperspace.

As beautiful and loving as hyperspace can be, it has an equal opposite. We have no idea of the extent of it.

I believe that your mate went far and what happened to him happened to him, because that's how he experienced it. Since using the spice I have come to believe that we have a soul, a spirit or consciousness that lives on, forever, without our body. Our understanding of this is confined by our physical realm. We generally underestimate the importance of our physical, silly little 3d realm, but spice makes us appreciate it.

I think we are fucking with our souls, not bending our minds. It's like stealing a space ship and cruising the galaxy without a proper understanding of how the craft is powered or how to maintain it. We are not qualified soul engineers.

Be careful I say, be very careful.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#3 Posted : 5/18/2010 8:57:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Only your friend can know what that means. Maybe he's not ready to play that role..maybe hes just no wizard..who knows.
Long live the unwoke.
#4 Posted : 5/18/2010 9:03:15 PM

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ghostman wrote:
I My interest tapered off as the gravity of seriousness of the spice became apparent to me.

We have no idea what we are playing with and I believe that we need a lot longer to integrate our experiences than we like to think. I think daily use is dangerous.

I think we are fucking with our souls, not bending our minds. It's like stealing a space ship and cruising the galaxy without a proper understanding of how the craft is powered or how to maintain it. We are not qualified soul engineers.

Be careful I say, be very careful.

Yeah man i hear you I'm starting to reach the same point myself, this stuff is so serious. I'm starting to taper off I felt like i was starting to lose it there for a while. The more time that passes from my last jpourney the more i feal the positive effects resonate. Less is more

I will double what you said

be careful very careful
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#5 Posted : 5/18/2010 10:09:08 PM

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um, wow!
#6 Posted : 5/18/2010 10:21:02 PM

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Respect and integration are an absolute must! But I think one has to be prudent also in philosophical/existential speculation. Be careful not falling into a too paranoid world-view. If you go into the experience thinking you are 'messing with your soul' or any similar fear, its bound to backfire. Do your part in daily life, be healthy, and decide for yourself if and when to use. And if you do use, go in with a pure heart and light conscience.

We have to respect if people feel like its not for them anymore, just as those that feel they should not use or should use less should respect those that use or use more. Each one has his contextual measure. Smile
#7 Posted : 5/18/2010 10:37:48 PM

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ghostman wrote:
... It's like stealing a space ship and cruising the galaxy without a proper understanding of how the craft is powered or how to maintain it...

Infinite Improbability Drive (Douglas Adams - HHG) comes to mind Laughing
Do not seek the truth, just drop your opinions.
#8 Posted : 5/19/2010 12:32:24 AM

Sun Dragon

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Trickster wrote:
Infinite Improbability Drive (Douglas Adams - HHG) comes to mind Laughing

Nice, I like it! Excellent analogy Smile

But yeah, there comes a time for everyone to know when to stop and integrate, or to stop altogether.

As someone once said, "You can keep calling, but when you get an answer, it is time to hang up the phone."
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#9 Posted : 5/19/2010 1:04:11 AM

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I have found high doses of smoked DMT to be challenging and earth shattering. For that reason I have not broken through in months, but instead enjoyed a few sub-breakthrough changa hits. The breakthroughs seem to be like an infinite sided dice and each time it lands it blows all previous preconceived notions out of the water. It seems to outdo itself every time. If I thought my last trip was the most intense, most amazing thing that ever happened to me, then the next trip will be even crazier, even wilder, even more unbelievable. I don't know if it will ever reach a limit, but I wonder what limits there are on my ability to keep my shit together after witnessing its effects.

For now, I like moderate doses of oral DMT with caapi and an occassional changa smoke to enjoy myself and explore this side of hyperspace. The other side, where the OP's friend was naked in a jungle, is too much for me to handle right now.
#10 Posted : 5/19/2010 5:31:22 AM

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endlessness wrote:
Respect and integration are an absolute must! But I think one has to be prudent also in philosophical/existential speculation. Be careful not falling into a too paranoid world-view. If you go into the experience thinking you are 'messing with your soul' or any similar fear, its bound to backfire. Do your part in daily life, be healthy, and decide for yourself if and when to use. And if you do use, go in with a pure heart and light conscience.

We have to respect if people feel like its not for them anymore, just as those that feel they should not use or should use less should respect those that use or use more. Each one has his contextual measure. Smile

I agree with you, however I disagree that to think it's touching the soul should be regarded as a paranoid world view. This body is not me, it's mine. This mind is not me, it's mine. Therefore there is something that is me. I can't help but feel that when I journey on DMT, the 'I' go back from whence I came.

This body I have, this mind I have, I have for a reason and I need to work with those reasons, they need to take priority because this is where it is.

I am not a qualified spiritual engineer and therefore need to be cautious.

I could not agree more that when you do travel, make sure your daily life is in order, make sure your intent is pure, love in your heart and peace in your mind, be healthy, stealthy wise and grounded and you'll be OK. Listen to your inner voice and know that truth is implicit. All these truths lie within and we intrinsically know them.

Peace in mind, Love in heart
#11 Posted : 5/19/2010 5:49:56 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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"nature loves courage"
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 5/19/2010 2:48:05 PM

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joebono wrote:
...I don't know if it will ever reach a limit, but I wonder what limits there are on my ability to keep my shit together after witnessing its effects.

It’s clear to me that we will reach our limits long before DMT reaches it’s limits (if it even has any). This is very serious stuff we’re dealing with.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#13 Posted : 5/19/2010 4:16:18 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
joebono wrote:
...I don't know if it will ever reach a limit, but I wonder what limits there are on my ability to keep my shit together after witnessing its effects.

It’s clear to me that we will reach our limits long before DMT reaches it’s limits (if it even has any). This is very serious stuff we’re dealing with.

I triple these sentiments, after a pretty steady once a week run with this stuff I really started to question my sanity.
The implications of what i was witnessing were so real that I really felt like I was approaching a mental breakdown.

The realm we go into is as real as anything else it just seems to be out of our reach of understanding. The more i try and understand it the harder its seems to get. The deeper you go the weirder it gets that a definite.

Occasionally it will give you a truth that seems to well up from deep within your self. It rings as clear as a bell and seems to be distinguishable as a genuine piece of information. As if it throws you a bone after suffering with it for a while.

My latest thoughts are that its a form of consciouness that our minds link with. It is a massive force that spreads out like a star. The various levels of experience are relative to how deep into this thing we go. weaker on the outside stronger toward the center.

My questions are endless but begin with : is it an earth gaian consciouness as in the collective mind of the earth or is it a force that permeates the entire universe.?
Is it changing? is it different than it was lets say one thousand years ago?

Someone needs to do it in space to see if its stronger the same or weaker. This would be very telling.

One piece of mind I have for myself is that whatever force it is it is REAL we are not imagining it.
Regardless of what it turns out to be the implications are staggering and the big question remains can we really all handle it?

we need to stick togethor

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#14 Posted : 5/19/2010 4:57:46 PM

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Felnik wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
joebono wrote:
...I don't know if it will ever reach a limit, but I wonder what limits there are on my ability to keep my shit together after witnessing its effects.

It’s clear to me that we will reach our limits long before DMT reaches it’s limits (if it even has any). This is very serious stuff we’re dealing with.

Someone needs to do it in space to see if its stronger the same or weaker. This would be very telling.

Not sure if that would give us conclusive answers, since you'd still be smoking a molecule that is derived from plants on this earth.

#15 Posted : 5/19/2010 5:08:00 PM


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The taking hits in hyperspace bit rings a bell with me. After a dose of smoked spice i faded into a sleep and my consciousness re-awakened in hyperspace lucid dream type place. I was with loads of human type entities who were offering me a greeny blue liquid of some kind which i drank Smile my next expeience i can only describe as dmt multiplied by a million. This was the highest and best feeling i have ever had, i could fly, had a perfectly clear mind and felt almost god like. I wasn't aware i was dreaming until i woke up and thought WOW! I sat in bed and thought about the experience for a while before drifting back to sleep with no further episodes.

Maybe your friend just needs a break or maybe he's had his lessons and doesn't need dmt anymore, whatever it is, all the best to him.
#16 Posted : 5/20/2010 1:55:11 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Has he ever talked about that he wanted to be a shaman. Or how cool it would be to be one or something like that. Maybe without fully understanding what that meant. Maybe that was DMT/life's way of showing him he was not ready. Or kind of asking if this is really what he wants. To dive into scary places and such. That's a part of shamans work. Sometimes to go to scary places. Maybe to help a lost soul find it's way back to light.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

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