im about to extract from a 4.4pounds (roughly 2000 gram) san pedro i just bought. I understand the whole procedure. BTW this is the instructions that im using
Acid-Base Mescaline extractionQuestion i have is on step 5.
At this point we have the final xylene solution which has all the alkoloids. The part that i dont get is how much acidic water i have to add. I will probably be using either citric acid or HCL to mix in with the xylene.
Also if someone could describe, if i should be turning over the solution or trying to mix better for better results. I take it i do this multiple times to try to get the maximum yield.
In any case, any advice will be of good use, comrades. Thank you
Quote:I asked God for a bike, but i know he does not work that way. So i stole a bike, and asked for his forgiveness