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Brewing smaller batches faster? Options
#1 Posted : 5/14/2010 4:36:10 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 25
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Last visit: 19-Feb-2012
Wondering about the possibility of brewing smaller amounts of huasca over a shorter amount of time. Know about the traditional means of brewing 3 washes over 8-12 hours, and that it's storeable in the fridge.

However the potential legality of maintaining most base reagents in raw form as to avoid illegality and having a lot of processed brew sitting around is appealing. Generally keeping Charuna and the Vine around in plant form isn't a legality issue from what's commonly perceived.

Anyone done any work with trying out smaller, more conventional brews that one might be able to make a night's worth in a shorter amount of time and avoid all the leftover after-storage?

Not seen this discussed much, thanks for any thoughts.
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#2 Posted : 5/16/2010 9:57:00 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hrm, no one's done any work with this? Know the traditional route of just brewing a big batch and storing it in the fridge or freezer, but curious if anyone's done anything more conventional with trying to brew a single dose session at a time without being more work than it's worth, thus keeping the leftover original plant material intact until next use?
All submitted posts are by Someone Who Isn't Me (SWIM) - and in any event are works of pure fiction or outright lies. Any information, statement, or assertion contained therein should be considered pure unadulterated bullshit.
#3 Posted : 5/16/2010 10:54:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I just brewed up 100 grams of caapi in the crockpot for three hours, three times (9 hours). I then evaporated it down to about a shot glass and and poured that into a glass tray. This glass tray with caapi brew was then placed upon a pot of boiling water and I am trying to dry it out completely so that I can powder the remains and gelcap them for future use. While this doesn't answer your question about shorter brews, it may help because you can make one large brew of several doses, dry it, powder it, and gelcap it for your future convenience.
#4 Posted : 5/16/2010 11:04:48 PM

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My only advice for a short brew would be to use a very high water:vine ratio, so you get lots of goodies in the water, then the only main effort is reducing the brew.

If you ask me though, some things are worth taking sweet time over. Or just buy some multi strength extract from a reliable vendor to just add to water.
#5 Posted : 5/18/2010 10:02:41 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I'd suggest to do three boils, but cut the time of each one. The commonly practiced 3 hours for each boil is overkill IMO. On that note, if time is a factor, two boils would likely get most of the goodies. This could reduce the boiling time to a couple hours, then reduction for another hour or two. Still a bit of a process to go through, but not that bad as most of the time you don't have to be actively watching or manipulating the brew.
#6 Posted : 6/26/2010 4:50:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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From personal experience you don't need to boil it too long for powdered Caapi,

Harmalines, THH etc are really soluble in water, [which is perhaps why the herbal percolator works so well].

I've many times just put it thru the herbal percolator [e.g. 100g caapi], to 6-7 litres, and boiled it down to 2 doses.

Worked fine and definitely strong

Same as for Mimosa

Currently I've been trying a different method to compare

Boil e.g. 100g Caapi in 5 litres water (+ some phosphoric acid) 3 hrs.
Filter the brew [fine mesh from e.g. bubble bags] and then reduce

seems to work fine as well.

I'd guess that if your plant material is powdered then everything should go into solution very quickly (my guess 20 mins as most of the cell walls are already broken)

this also from burnt
According to the merck index. Harmine chloride dihydrate (the form you would get if you made it a salt with chlorine) is soluble in 40 parts water. That means 1 part harmine to 40 units of water. Freely soluble in hot water. The freebase is slightly soluble in water.

Harmaline freebase is slightly soluble in water. The chloride salt is also moderately soluble in water. No more details given.

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