Cyspcile51, This text you just wrote need a bit of air in between.
So people read it more easy ! Just my sight, however,
Spiceworm said quite a few manner to absorb pharmahuasca or vapo-huasca.
As for your virolas resin, there is a thread about it in other psychoactive here : can be a bit tricky to achieve psychedelia for some poeple so I'll wish you good luck with that.
The yopo seeds can comport a bit of a body load but you probably want to toast them before freebasing. A thing to remove completely the body loads is to extract the bufotenin, you will find teks in the bufotenin section such as no smell tek from original face, as well as phlux- bufopictorial.
So if you can get a few acid and base as well you could try an extraction on mimosa and yopo.
Otherwise do it traditional but you will have the typical body load.
Happy trails !!
Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !