garulfo means to say that his change couldnt have occurred that quickly unless the spice were taken. but wonders that this changed can occur w/o spice.
i have gained courage. (that stuff isnt like eating candy)
i also felt that my mind was rewired, definitely. i felt much clearer thinking the days after smoking.
i also now believe in another dimension, or frequency that humans can't sense.
although only being 3 weeks since my first(and multiple times since), i would say nothing in life has changed, yet.
courage will change me with time.
with knowledge comes responsibility.
if knowledge is not used to change this world then the holder of knowledge is at fault.
in this way i feel stressed/angry because only if everyone were this knowledgeable, we could have peace, and love.
why dont they understand, the same as i do. <<<that was a self righteous view, i know... but that's how i feel.
This post is fictional.