Rue tea - easy and available
Sure, but that's the bottom of the barrel, expect nausea, but as long as you don't overdo it can be a good experience.
Rue extract - doable but worth the trouble?
Well worth the effort. I found it to be quite fun actually
This is great because you know just what you're taking in mg's and nice experiences can be had, although it's a little foggy at times which can make it difficult to navigate the headspace... this goes for rue tea also.
Caapi bark - obtainable with money and effort
White caapi to me is the ultimate in DMT transmission. Clear, non-toxic feeling, amazing afterglow. The clarity compared to rue is amazing and so much more euphoric. Though it takes 4-9 hours to prepare I enjoy it as part of the ritual and it's well worth it.
Rue's fine though really. THH isn't really needed, but well recommended that you try it eventually