17:00:02 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› gir, about that post: you've got to remember that jungle appears to contain very substantial amounts of DMT... even if you exhaust the bark with naphtha before pulling the jungle, and wash the jungle a couple times with naphtha to try to remove residual spice, it still has a lot of DMT
17:00:03 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› along with some beta-carboline compound(s) (according to Benzyme's analysis
17:00:26 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› So whether you can obtain it in crystalline form may depend on there being enough DMT in there
17:00:52 ‹g1risMethyl› This jungle spice. I know it has quite a few different alks in it.
17:01:05 ‹g1risMethyl› the tan waxy stuff, how is it able to solidfy?
17:01:46 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› well, it may or may not be completely possible.... when compoudns are mixed together, they mutually depress one anothers' melting points
17:01:58 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› so it's comcievable that in certain proportions, jungle own't ever be fully solid
17:02:20 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› but what i'd do to try to get it solidified is dissolve in acetone, evap, repeat a few times
17:02:42 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› the acetone should help to pull out any solvent traces
17:02:59 ‹g1risMethyl› hmm, do you think solvent is keeping the "redness" gooey?
17:03:14 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› it could be
17:03:19 ‹g1risMethyl› because the more it evaps, it seems, the less gooey it becomes..
17:03:25 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› whatever the goo is, apparently it likes to hold onto solvent
17:03:34 ‹g1risMethyl› but it looks like whatever is keeping it goo, is trapped hardcore init.
17:03:42 ‹Ƹזאᵲɵ› to get the acetone to evap, you'll probably have to scrape the stuff around periodically