I have been reading about the tanins in mhrb and how they cause nausea and other unplesantness, and I read about using eggvites and gelantin. I understand the prinsip but wonder if it will work on a cold infusion of mhrb (vino de jurema), as that one can not be heated and still be oraly aktive. In vine brewing both eggvites and gelantin is used and they do not cook the wine to to make it fall out. but in vine making it takes two weeks to clarify, but in making jurema it will be strained so I think the hole brew may be made in a few days. I have read some traditional recepies and they often add vine to the cold infused root bark brew, this made me think that the vine is aktualy helping to remove some of the tanins. I have made diferent vines before and some times if a brew is hard to clearify one can ad a vine that is clarified or in the prosess of clarifying to help the prosess. For the moment the jurema brew interests me as it do not need maoi to be aktive, and where I live it is hard to get both capi and harmalla. smoking spice have litle apeal to me at the moment, as chemestry is not my strong side.
Any one that have any thougths on the matter?
also I vondered about if spice is souliable in alkohol, so one could make an mouth wash/spray of it.