Last night i loaded approx 70mg DMT + 160mg THH.
Upcoming was as usual, drifting further and further into the other side.
I was in a machine room, where i tought/i was being tought words of wisdom about myself.
Then I experienced various brainscans.
Imagine it like that: I see my brain like a hologram, made of light (white colour). And it is being examined by "some other species".
I never saw an entity the whole trip, yet i was sure, that someone is observing.
Another brain "image".
I think "it" tries to synchronize my brain. Unfortunately my mind gone wild and my ego just kept on talking the whole time. So "it" lost the "frequency" and synchronization became impossible.
While this was happening, I thought "damned" i'm missing an opportunity here, while my brain "folded" in various directions until the "signal" was totally lost and the "image" of my brain disappeared.
Something new came up.
During the trip I had to pee 2x. The second time I got up, I had an interesting mirror-experience. I like watching myself in the mirror while I trip.
I suddenly realized that my self-love was dependend on the love/approval of my mum. Of course, once I recognized that fact, I think I was able to cure myself about that issue.
I recommend anybody watching yourself in the mirror. It's always interesting, not only the visual part. You start thinking about yourself in a "expanded" way.
Returning to bed, I started thinking about "being a human", about "humankind", about the "system" where greed and vampirism play a huge role.
I started thinking from a perspective, like if some biologist thinks about the ants!
About assignment of activities among humans (i mean work). The top leeches (banks, rich people, owners of huge companies) and how they exploit this system.
They gamble at the stock markets with sums which exceed whole state incomes, only because of their greedy nature.
I realize that there has to be a change.
That i couldn't be proud of my race, and how it is organizing their individuals. About greed and fear as the ultimate problem.
I realized that the so called news are threatening all the humans on purpose with DEATH, so they won't question the authorities and won't go on the streets.
Of course this brings stability, but it leaves everything like it is.
Also I'm aware, that all this problems and crisis is just a reflection of every individual's "problems" (greed, fear, etc.)
Of course all this thoughts have their origins elsewhere, but to think about this issues under the influence of DMT spererates the bullshit from the truth. At least that's what i tought about this last part of the trip.
I hope you all enjoyed my nice little report, and I will be back soon.
elusive illusion