I posted as a response to another post, but Im a little freaked about this, so I'm putting it here, too.
I've only done DMT a few times, but i talked the whole time. Not conscious words of my own, but singing the chant they were singing, and then trying to say a word they were trying to get me to say. a word that's unspeakable, at least with the hardware humans possess. I taped the session, and it freaks me out to see it. In fact, I'm a little disturbed at what it is they want me to say. I KNOW the word, but I can't say it. It freaks out everyone else in the room, too.
My wife broke through after me, and came back pointing at me, saying "You're the editor! You're the editor!"
Now, as my mind grapples with what they are trying to tell me, she insists that I need to do more of it, that there is soemthing I'm supposed to understand, because I'm the editor.
Indeed, I AM an editor. Film - print - a real editor.
In fact, I feel them every day, every time there isn't noise going on around me. I get goosebumps several times a day. I have more new thoughts per day than I used to. I feel they are trying to tell me something, but I'm a little freaked out over whether I can "say" it, or what it's about. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm a little freaked about it. They are in NO way threatening or even less than delighted, but it freaks me out a little. I never feel alone anymore.
I can SEE the word, but I can't say it. I KNOW it - it's REALLY familiar, but am not sure of it's meaning or why it's significant. There's some urgency around it, as with the DMT experience in general.
I know I can't "make sense" of it, while at the same time, I feel I need to. That's just part of the paradox DMT has opened up in my consciousness.
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all."
—Helen Keller